Friday, January 18, 2008
  Taylor Marsh Is A Liar. Does anyone really believe Taylor Marsh, of all people? If you want to waste your time, follow the latest Taylor tale. I don't even know what Marsh looks like. Does she think she's pretty too (like Ann Coulter?) I mean, you can just tell that Coulter is "feeling real purty" every time she brushes back the hair back from her face. Anywho, it turns out that the Clinton supporter was just confused. I wonder if the voter will change her mind after this incident.

Oh, you are probably wondering what the story is about. Like I said, go waste your time and read it for yourself. The Las Vegas Sun sure is "following up." Am I the only one who is enjoying getting to know a major newpaper from a city different than Washington and New York? Hmmmm, none of the NH papers resonated with me. An omen perhaps?
1) Marsh did not identify the eyewitness to the Paris incident as a Clinton supporter. Why not?

2) Marsh did not include any interview with the actual alleged victim, Sylvia Antuna. Why not? In an interview with the Sun, Antuna said the incident may have been more misunderstanding than intimidation.

3) Did Marsh attempt to reach the Culinary Union to get its response to the allegation? If not, why not?

4) Last year, Marsh accepted money from the Association of Federal, State, City and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), to blog at a Democratic event. AFSCME has endorsed Clinton and is a longtime ally of the Clinton family. Has Marsh taken payment from AFSCME recently? If so, how much?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
  Hillary, Then, (December 15, 2003.)
I was one who supported giving President Bush the authority, if necessary, to use force against Saddam Hussein. I believe that that was the right vote. I have had many disputes and disagreements with the administration over how that authority has been used, but I stand by the vote to provide the authority because I think it was a necessary step in order to maximize the outcome that did occur in the Security Council with the unanimous vote to send in inspectors. And I also knew that our military forces would be successful. But what we did not appreciate fully and what the administration was unprepared for was what would happen the day after.

It has been a continuing theme of my criticism and others that we would be further along, we would have more legitimacy, we would diminish the opposition and resentment that is fueling whatever remains of the insurgency if we had been willing to move to internationalize our presence and further action in Iraq. I believe that today. And in fact, I think that we now have a new opportunity for the administration to do just that.
I have a whole slew of Hillary quotes. There is more to follow, as I put the evolution of her thinking into context. 
  Clinton Scores Lonely Victory. Clinton battles uncommitted. Clinton v uncommitted. Clinton Fends Off Uncommitted.Clinton manages to beat uncommitted.

She couldn't be stupid enough to campaign in Florida. I hOpe she never fires her advisers. 
Monday, January 14, 2008
  New Hampshire Results Are Suspicious.
Clinton Optical scan 91,717 52.95%
Obama Optical scan 81,495 47.05%

Clinton Hand-counted 20,889 47.05%
Obama Hand-counted 23,509 52.95%  
  Dick Durbin Calling It Like It Is. The Clintons are just throwing a lot of mud to confuse the voters. It worked in NH, but how many times can they play this hand? One resorts to these tactics when one is behind.

As for Obama's "inconsistency," what would Democrats say if Obama had fallen into the reporter's trap ... if he had spoken out against the war? 
  Bill Clinton Has No Class. He's a former president, for goodness sake. Trash talk reflects badly on the country, as well as the party. I'm done with the Clintons. They make me sick. The thought of them in the White House for another eight years is depressing. But I don't have to worry about it. Enough people, who don't pull the dem lever every two years like I do, hate her too. She'll never win. We'll get McCain and war without end.

STFU, Pres. and Sen. Clinton. You're making fools of yourselves and will be the laughing stock of the neocons. Hillary cried, Hillary lied, Hillary lost her cool, Hillary looked at top secret documents, Hillary doesn't have one major accomplishment to her name, Hillary was against the war before she was for the war. Hillary supported Bush even during the campaign...should I go on? I haven't even started with the first man. He was impeached for pity's sake. I ain't seen nothing like it. 
Sunday, January 13, 2008
  Hillary lied. I watched the ABC national news today. The number two story was about Hill and Bill's recent comments. The two were stressing the BET founder who denounced Obama for statements that Obama, personally, didn't make. In all fairness, Obama didn't denounce them either, unless I missed something. The Clintons have been a staunch ally of minority groups, as the Clinton ally stated on the news. However, Hillary lied. 
  The Darwin Awards Have Just Been Released. The winner was a killer, but the rest of them were kind of boring.< 
  Michigan Will Seat A Few Uncommitted Delegates. Obama plays to win.He is trending uoward in Florida and New York. Obama is ahead in Nevada and South Carolina. Uncommitted trending up in Michigan. He's holding his own in California and New Jersey. I'm trying to make up a list of the approximate number delegates for each state. 
  Rasmussen Last Poll Shows Obama Would Win An Obama/McCain Matchup.  
  Hillary, The Hypocrite. Does she think the voters are stupid? 
  Hillary! Keep Hitting Obama On Iraq. Please.
"The Clintons were against the war before they were for the war." That's the latest talking point. The Clintons sure did hand a talking point to the Republicans on a bronze star platter. I changed my mind. Hillary, stfu. You might win the nomination. Sigh. Here we go again.  
  Obama Is Electable.
Pictures can say a thousand words ... from Bloomberg
Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton lead all the top Republican candidates in separate head-to-head match-ups for the 2008 election, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll.

Illinois Senator Obama received 49 percent support over Republican Arizona Senator John McCain's 48 percent; 56 percent support compared with 40 percent for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani; 59 percent against former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's 37 percent; and 58 percent compared with 39 percent for former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

New York Senator Clinton received 50 percent over McCain's 48 percent in a head-to-head match-up; 58 percent support against Romney's 40 percent; 55 percent compared with Giuliani's 42 percent; and 56 percent compared with 42 percent for Huckabee.
Obama is still ahead of Clinton in Google Trends. It looks like a big spike. 
  Clinton Supporters Are Suing A Nevada Union. Unions suing unions. Shame on the teachers. No wonder Hillary considers a teacher to be so important that a couple of them made it to her master list of supporters in Georgia, as important as a state legislator.

Teachers work on Saturday? I don't think that the teachers will win this one. 
  Choose Your Candidate Wisely.
Bumped Until Obama Wins The Nomination.

Dress Blues. Jason Isbell is no longer with the Drive-By Truckers. I read that Neil Young has this song up on his website. 
  I Do Not Like The Idea Of An Emotional President. We've had one for the past eight years.

I heard on MTP that the person who asked the question that Hillary answered in the video below voted for Obama. She said that Hillary stiffened right back up after answering her question. Now that's truly scary. Is she taking acting lessons?
  Obama vs Clinton. I've Got Georgia On My Mind. Clinton has a handful of state representatives and mayors. I guess teachers are VIPs, although I got a chuckle out of the couple of teachers on the list. Do you think that black voters won't turn out after looking at the list below? Obama will win Georgia, with no problem. South Carolina too. It's going to be a strategic battle. If Hillary would calm down, it would be a great race.

Now for Obama.

Members of Congress
Congressman Sanford Bishop, Georgia State Co-Chair
Congressman Hank Johnson, Georgia State Co-Chair

Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin
Albany Mayor Willie Adams
Camilla Mayor Mary Jo Haywood
East Point Mayor Joe Macon
Riverdale Mayor Evelyn Wynn Dixon
Washington Mayor Willie Burns
Waycross Mayor John Fluker (Ret.)

State Legislators
State Senator David Adelman
State Senator Gloria Butler, Georgia Women for Obama Co-Chair
State Senator Gail Davenport
State Senator Emanuel Jones
State Senator Ron Ramsey
State Senator Kasim Reed
State Senator Doug Stoner
State Senator Ed Tarver
State Senator Horacena Tate
State Senator Curt Thompson
State Representative Stacey Abrams
State Representative Roger Bruce
State Representative Bob Bryant
State Representative Hardie Davis
State Representative Karla Drenner
State Representative Virgil Fludd
State Representative Gloria Frazier
State Representative Craig Gordon
State Representative Keith Heard
State Representative Lester Jackson
State Representative Celeste Johnson
State Representative Sheila Jones
State Representative Darryl Jordan
State Representative Margaret Kaiser
State Representative Randall Mangham
Former State Representative JoAnn McClinton
State Representative Alisha Thomas Morgan
State Representative Howard Mosby
Former State Representative Dorothy Pelote
State Representative Robin Shipp
State Representative Georganna Sinkfield
State Representative Pam Stephenson
State Representative Roberta Abdul Salaam
State Representative Able Mable Thomas
State Representative Brian Thomas
State Representative Stan Watson

Local Elected Officials
Atlanta City Council President Lisa Borders
Former Atlanta City Councilmember Michael Julian Bond
Former East Point City Councilmember Eddie Lee Brewster
Dekalb County Superior Court Clerk Linda Carter
Dekalb County Board of Education Member Jesse Jay Cunningham
Dekalb County District Attorney Gwen Keyes Fleming
Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill
Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard
Dekalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson
Dekalb County Tax Commissioner Claudia Lawson
Atlanta City Councilmember C.T. Martin
Dekalb County Commissioner Lee May
Macon City Councilmember Lonnie Miley
Atlanta City Councilmember Caesar Mitchell
Atlanta City Councilmember Felecia Moore
Savannah Alderman Mary Osborne
Albany Mayor Pro-Tem Tommie Postell
Clayton County Commissioner Wole Ralph
Atlanta City Councilmember Joyce Sheperd
Athens-Clarke County Board of Education Member Ovita Thornton
Atlanta City Councilmember Ivory Young
Macon City Councilmember Virgil Watkins Jr.
Dekalb County Board of Education Member Sarah Copelin Wood

Faith Leaders
Rev. Cameron Alexander
Rev. Rudolph Allen
Rev. Jonathan Alvarado
Rev. Dr. Michael Battle
Rev. Dr. Lawrence Carter
Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley
Rev. Jonathan Flakes III
Rev. William Flippin
Rev. Dr. Robert Franklin
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale
Rev. Tony Hunter
Rev. W. Rod Johnson
Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, Obama for America National Voting Rights Chair
Bishop Earl McCloud
Rev. Dr. Lester McCorn
Rev. Timothy McDonald
Rev. James Millner
Rev. Bennie Mitchell
Rev. Hannah Morrison
Rev. Dr. Marvin Moss
Rev. Dr. Anthony Motley
Rev. Dr. Monte Norwood
Rev. Craig Oliver
Rev. James Orange
Rev. Dr. Aaron L. Parker Sr.
Rev. Ezekiel Powers
Rev. Dexter Rowland
Rev. Raleigh Rucker
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Samuels
Rev. Dr. E. Dewey Smith
Rev. Dr. T. Dewitt Smith
Rev. Dan Stevenson
Rev. Scottie Swinney
Rev. Dr. Byron Thomas
Rev. Eric Thomas
Rev. Dr. Thurmond Tillman
Rev. Dr. Matthew Vaughn Johnson
Rev. Dr. C.T. Vivian
Rev. Dr. Rafael Warnock

Community, Civic and Business Leaders
Henrietta Antonin
Joe Beasley
Walt Bellamy
Leona Barr-Davenport
Edward Dubose
Helen Butler
Lisa Cunningham-Johnson
Evelyn Gibson Lowery, Georgia Women for Obama Co-Chair
Christopher Goss
Cathy Hampton
Michael Hill
Sheila Maddox
Karol Mason
Vivian Moore
Mary Shy Scott
Sybil Scott
David Schutten
Patricia Wilson-Smith
Hank Stewart
Theresa Walker 
  More Recount News Voting officials fixed the "human error" in Sutton County, New Hampshire. Did they look to see if their fix caused an overvote? Inquiring minds want to know. A search of their website shows a hit for this article. Google does too. However, I didn't find a mention of Sutton County anywhere on the page. Oh well. After remembering Nader's attempt at a recount, I'm rethinking my Hillary prediction. However, there was a real problem in Sutton County. I wonder if they bothered to check the other candidates. Sickening.  
  Clinton Aide, Sidney Blumenthal, Arrested.
She sure can pick 'em. 
  The Brad Blog Has All The Recount News. Send him some love.

I read the reports about precincts where Kucinich supposedly didn't get one vote. Voters stepped forward, saying that they had cast theirs votes for him. This is how it started in Florida. Voters said that the machines were changing their votes. Well, now the NH skeptics are being called paranoid. I was told that I walked around with a tinfoil hat. What is so paranoid about saying you cast a vote and there's proof positive that it wasn't counted? Count the paper ballots and verify the results. It's not paranoia. It's American.

This primary underscores the need for paper ballots. This primary proves that election reform is not a partisan issue. The results of the manual recount won't make a whit of difference in the results. What it will do is to either restore our faith in the electoral process. Or else it will open a can of worms. I am looking forward to finally finding out just how flawed our voting system really is. I predict an Obama win, only because I know from first hand exprerience that the machines are pieces of crap. They are like banks left unlocked for any crook to discover. Sadly. we will soon witness that election results are simply cooked up. Like Hillary's goose. You can bank on it. 
  Recount! Oh my. I haven't been reading the news. I'm in love. I can't believe that someone feels exactly the same way about his Mercedes W123 as I do about my 1984 turbo diesel. My car can do what the car in the video does. You can manipulate the automatic transmission, down shift. You look cool because the car performs with class. It higs the roads over severe bumps and sharp turns. The speedometer in my car only goes up to 120 mpg. But it's the same engine. no? I can't wait to drive upstate. There are miles of straight highway with no troopers.  
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
  Take the fork out of the old girl. Her goose ain't cooked yet.

Hillary's win is a good thing. I want my future president to be able to withstand much tougher circumstances than a loss in the primary. The Hillary Machine is awesome. Obviously, it will make a good president. but I'd feel a lot safer with Obama. The ball is in his court now ... and everybody knows that Bo's got game.

From my armchair, Obama needs to ditch the rhetoric and get back to basics. Who the hell cares about movements, when you are worrying about basic survival ... and the Obama campaign certainly doesn't want to suggest revolution. Obama needs votes not converts. 
Sunday, January 06, 2008
  Where's The Bounce? Never ask a question that you don't know the answer to.

"Where's the bounce" is going to rank right up there with "read my lips." Is the fat lady singing yet? Someone needs to put this campaign out of its misery. 
  You gotta love Hillary's advisers. I kept thinking, during the debate last night, that Hillary was saying all the right things. But, when you put her words in context of the debate, she was ineffective. It was obvious that she was spouting sound bites.

The outburst about how she's been working for change was planned. Do you really think that she lost control? It just came across rather badly for her, because it was the wrong strategy. She simply needed to reconnect with the voters. She didn't need to attack the other candidates.

Stick a fork in Hillary. She's done. 
Saturday, January 05, 2008
  Obama's Historic Primary Victory! The grand state of Iowa will go down in the history books. It's glorious. There is a great read about the history of moments like these. I'm happy for Iowa. I'm happy for Obama. I'm happy for the turnout, especially for the black voters who turned out in historic numbers. 
Thursday, January 03, 2008
  Iowa. I'm freezing here waiting for the caucus to begin. The temperature here in South Florida was the same last night as it is today in Iowa. In any event, I think that there will be a huge turnout, just like the predictions say, and I predict a landslide for Obama. People want to be part of something bigger than themselves, and Obama's message is tailored to that belief. People want to be a part of history and be able to say, "I was there." 
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
  The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Is Rolling On The Floor Laughing Their Asses Off. Taylor Marsh says that people who are going to sign up as Democrats to caucus for Obama are not really Democrats at all. One can only surmise who she thinks they really are.

First timers, please don't show up to caucus for Obama. Taylor Marsh doesn't want you. She's too busy shooting herself in the foot. 
  GOTV Click and vote until Jan. 4. Hillary is leading the Dems. Remain calm. All is well. 
  Hey Hillary, "Are You Experienced?"
But in two confident television appearances, on CNN and ABC, Clinton made an elementary error about Pakistani politics: She described President Pervez Musharraf as a "candidate" who would be "on the ballot."

In fact, Musharraf was reelected to the presidency in October. The upcoming elections are for parliament, and while Musharraf's party will be facing off against opposition parties, the president himself is not a candidate.
Sunday was not a good day for Hill. Fortunately, no one has caught on, yet. 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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