Sunday, January 13, 2008
  The Brad Blog Has All The Recount News. Send him some love.

I read the reports about precincts where Kucinich supposedly didn't get one vote. Voters stepped forward, saying that they had cast theirs votes for him. This is how it started in Florida. Voters said that the machines were changing their votes. Well, now the NH skeptics are being called paranoid. I was told that I walked around with a tinfoil hat. What is so paranoid about saying you cast a vote and there's proof positive that it wasn't counted? Count the paper ballots and verify the results. It's not paranoia. It's American.

This primary underscores the need for paper ballots. This primary proves that election reform is not a partisan issue. The results of the manual recount won't make a whit of difference in the results. What it will do is to either restore our faith in the electoral process. Or else it will open a can of worms. I am looking forward to finally finding out just how flawed our voting system really is. I predict an Obama win, only because I know from first hand exprerience that the machines are pieces of crap. They are like banks left unlocked for any crook to discover. Sadly. we will soon witness that election results are simply cooked up. Like Hillary's goose. You can bank on it. 
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