Bill Clinton Has No Class.
He's a former president, for goodness sake. Trash talk reflects badly on the country, as well as the party. I'm done with the Clintons. They make me sick. The thought of them in the White House for another eight years is depressing. But I don't have to worry about it. Enough people, who don't pull the dem lever every two years like I do, hate her too. She'll never win. We'll get McCain and war without end.
STFU, Pres. and Sen. Clinton. You're making fools of yourselves and will be the laughing stock of the neocons. Hillary cried, Hillary lied, Hillary lost her cool, Hillary looked at top secret documents, Hillary doesn't have one major accomplishment to her name, Hillary was against the war before she was for the war. Hillary supported Bush even during the campaign...should I go on? I haven't even started with the first man. He was impeached for pity's sake. I ain't seen nothing like it.