Monday, December 31, 2007
  OMG! Hillary Did Not Have Security Clearance And She Viewed Classified Documents.
A day earlier, Clinton's claim to foreign policy experience took a hit from a front-page New York Times article that showed that as first lady she didn't have national security clearance, attend national security meetings or have access to the president's daily intelligence briefing. There is no record of her weighing in on any military decisions.
  Hillary Clinton Received Classified Information When She Was First Lady. Bumped:
I had direct access to all of the decision-makers. I was briefed on a range of issues, often provided classified information.
The whole interview is creepy. The Republicans are going to have a field day with this one, should she win the nomination. 
Sunday, December 30, 2007
  Clinton, Obama Cross Paths on Pretty dramatic. Have you ever seen anything like it in such a short period of time? Negative ads and an assassination will do it. Actually, I don't believe these polls, without knowing where Hillary's numbers came from. 
  Newlyweds Attend Church With Barack. Now comes the interesting part. ABC's report:
The two are not sure yet if they'll support Obama or not for the presidency.
The NYT's report:
The happy couple said they are leaning toward Mr. Obama but haven’t made up their minds yet. Mrs. Piper, wearing a heavily beaded, satin caramel gown, said they wanted to hear what Mr. Obama had to say first. She had heard him on Oprah and went and bought his book, at Oprah Winfrey’s recommendation.
  Chelsea Clinton Does Not Talk To The Press, Period.
Her 9-year-old daughter, Sydney Rieckhoff, a kid reporter for Scholastic News, tried to get an interview with Chelsea Clinton, 27, but ended up with only a photo.

“I’m sorry, I don’t talk to the press and that applies to you even you, unfortunately,” Chelsea Clinton told the girl, who held a notebook and pen. “Even though you’re cute.”
I particularly enjoyed the Hillary statement, "Look what I did before the cameras showed up." If you didn't catch the irony, you are as plastic as she is. Kind of defeats the purpose of doing something behind the camera's eye and then talk about what you did. Not only that, but does she really expect us to believe that what she did as a Senator and as First Lady was out of the camera's eye? And then she doesn't take questions and Chelsea doesn't talk to the press. I suppose it was just an awkward choice of words.

Did I post the Media Matters quote? I'm sick as a dog and I don't remember. 
  Obama, The Butter Boy.

Will his chances melt in Iowa, or will he spread across the country like a hot knife through butter? None of the other candidates have a butter statue. That should count for a couple of votes. 

My 1984 Mercedes 300D Turbo Diesel.

I just bought the diesel car that I've been wanting. It looks and sounds almost as good as the one in this video. The car runs like shit in the city, but once you hit 70mph it's pure magic ... the complete opposite of the ride I get in my 86 camaro.

I found a video of my baby on youtube (turn down the sound if you click on it.) Nice wheels. My rear wheels are larger than the front wheels and it is a more orange red with black racing stripes. My car also has a dual exhaust system. It always sounds good...real ghetto. The car was "restored" by a couple of kids and the stripes were colored in with sharpies. I haven't decided whether or not to get it fixed or not. I can get my ex to put a new roof on my house in a heartbeat, if I offer him the car. I just won't tell him that there is a dead hamster in the dashboard.
Friday, December 28, 2007
  Racist Obama Haters Trash Christmas. No comment, except to say that racists don't understand much about genetics and human anatomy. 
  Selling Democracy To The People.
Nearly 28,000 South Carolina residents have registered to vote in recent weeks, a sign that many people are preparing to cast a ballot in one of the nation's key presidential primaries here next month.
  Baracking Strategic Vision. I've hear that the Strategic Vision group is a Republican organization. That's just a galactically sheepish thing to say, in my opinion. Republican pollsters are not any more or less reliable than Democratic pollsters in predicting an Iowa caucus.

In any event, the negative independent groups, much like those neocon swiftboaters, got to a small percentage of Obama's supporters. Not surprisingly, Edwards and Clinton benefitted equally. Their timing was good, but Barack is hanging in the race in a statistical three way dead heat. Slime works, but using it is like saying "hit me" in Vegas. How much will Iowans swallow? Maybe a better question is, do they swallow?

It could be that Obama's numbers didn't move, the other top tier candidates picked up some votes from Richardson and undecided voters. Whether Obama's numbers dropped or not, this is not good.

Barack Obama 30%.........33(12/12)........32(12/5)
Hillary Clinton 29%........25(12/12)........25(12/5)
John Edwards 28%.........24(12/12)........25(12/5)
Joseph Biden 5%...........4(12/12).........5(12/5)
Bill Richardson 2%.........4(12/12).........4(12/5)
Chris Dodd 1%..............1(12/12).........1(12/5)
Dennis Kucinich 1%........1(12/12).........1(12/5)
Undecided 4%.............. 8(12/12).........8(12/5) 
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
  Hillary Clinton Helped To Invent Media Matters. I make no excuse for reading NewsBusters. 
  Obama And Independent Groups.
Ummm. Not one independent group has been linked to his name yet. 
Sunday, December 16, 2007
  Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Second Amendment Case. Bumping.This is an interesting read from the right side. Voting reform is not a partisan issue.
In what may be the most important voting case since Bush v. Gore, the U.S. Supreme Court in January will hear a challenge to Indiana’s 2006 law requiring a voter ID to vote. If the court rules against the law, 22 state voter ID laws that were designed to prevent voter fraud could be eliminated.
For the first and only time, I am relieved that the court is conservative. I sure as hell don't want to live in a country where only outlaws and government agents have firearms, period. Like I said, the first and only time ... Who would have guessed that there is a ScotusWiki? On January 9, 2008, SCOTUS will hear Crawford v. Marion County Election Board. Isn't it ironic, Chief Justice Roberts? I think I'm going bulimic. 
Saturday, December 15, 2007
  Clinton/Obama. Steel Cage Death Match. Not, although that's the impression that I get.
"Politics now is a 24/7 cycle. You go up, you go down," Clinton told reporters in Iowa on Friday. "I think that's all part of a vigorous, dynamic election cycle."
It's a war, not a rumble. Hillary's team is curiously short sighted. The Mom campaign should have been in full swing against Oprah, not an afterthought.

Too little too late? It's way past time to set up a situation room, but the war isn't over yet. Hillary, ditch the huddle and organize a command center. Enlist an army. It takes a village, remember?  
  Obama Talking Points. Thanks, Hillary.

1. Obama is a liar. He not only used drugs, he sold drugs too.

2. Obama is a Muslim. He's also intent on destroying the United States.

3. Obama is unethical. He also operates a secret slush fund that greases the palms of party leaders.

4. Obama is a hypocrite. If he tried to find some new dirt on Bill Clinton and if Michelle Obama mentioned Monica, then he's a fraud.

The facts are clear that the Democratic party wants to destroy the United States of America. Team Hillary, am I missing anything? I really don't know what else to say. 
Monday, December 10, 2007
  Listening To Wilco. I'm a sucker for a good banjo player. I've been thinking about "Wilco" today. I had been ruminating about how I hadn't seen him. Well, he came by last night. I swear, I can sense when he swings by my place. If I sense correctly, he doesn't stay long, just long enough to make sure I'm o.k. (and not with anyone else.) The walls, that separate what is inside from what's outside, won't budge. We just stay in our separate little spaces. 
  Naderites And Pinos. One cannot use those terms if Obama is winning. So lately, I've been hearing about how I am an amateur, obamaniac, or part of a cult of personality. Who would've thunk it. What I want to know is who penned the poetic term, cult of personality? Poetic, but it stinks, like a dirty tennis shoe from Camp Clinton. 
  Crisis, Now Krugman. I haven't an earthly clue what the big deal is all about. Let's talk about kindergarten papers too, or else stfu. Isn't it sad when a group of bloggers don't realize that they are irrelevant? (Sadly, it's not rocket science to calculate how irrelevant my blog is.) 
Sunday, December 09, 2007
  Live Blogging Obama, Again. Click the title and watch it for yourself. I hear the line is wrapped around the stadium twice to get inside.


Arrested Development is putting on a great show. Positive and upbeat. I love it. Go Bama. I believe in miracles. How far is heaven? Won't you help to sing songs of freedom? Everyday people. Next up, the text messaging system. Impressive. The largest phone bank ever going on right now for the Guinness Book of World Records. The everyday people are calling other everyday people. Two phone bankers just won a contest (seats up front) by calling a prearranged phone number of a person on the stage. Brian from the Guinness Book of World Records is presenting the award. There are more than thirty thousand people there. Now Brooks and Dunn is singing Only in America ... One just might be president .... over the loudspeaker. A huge event like this and it's only eight minutes late. Super impressive organization. Michelle is on right now. There's a little tear in my eye. Now Oprah ... and the song is Aretha's Freedom. Oprah has loosened up and is wearing brightly colored peach blazer rather than the frosted purple of yesterday. She threw her notes away and is speaking from her heart. She refers to the notes and then goes into pure Oprah. She is simply amazing. This is an amazing speech. She has the audience eating out of her hand. Now she's ending her speech. She's saying if she had waited her turn, she'd never have made it to where she is today. Now she's telling the Pittman story. Barack's the one. It's Obama time and the stream is failing a little. What is this song ... U2? Look at the day that the lord hath made. His laugh is fine today. I'll have to think about that one later. Michele's people are from SC. It's over for Clinton in SC. Brilliant that he's equating Oprah's funny sounding name to his. and their "improbable stories" he stops to make sure the sound system gets turned off. He's talking about the closet Republicans and gives another laugh. Gee he's good. Then he says GWB won't be on the ballot and the crowd goes beserk. They're screaming Obama Obama Obama....damn that's some sweet sounding laughter today. Now the stump speech. He's defining what it means to be a Democrat. He's telling how he shadowed an union worker in California. I really like the way he says that there should be no such thing as the "working poor." He's winding down. He doesn't want to find out four years from now that race determines fate. Good one. He's going to tell the fired up ready to go story. Beautiful. I never get tired of hearing the story of that little, old lady. Obama delivered. Obama delivered the goods, signed, sealed, and delivered. 
  Compare Hillary's and Obama's Health Plans. All the other candidate health care plans are outlined at the web site. It's very useful tool to compare candidates. 
  CBS Tells Me Why I Hate Hillary. The fact that:

I have job security,
no man made me who I am,
anything a man can do I can do better,
I hold everyone to impossible standards,

has nothing to do with my choice for president.

The answer is #3. It's about the war, stupid. Doesn't the LA Times and CBS have anything better to do? 
  Hillary's Crowd Numbers Are Dwindling In Iowa.

Update: O&O attracted 18,500 people to go out to see them when it was 12 degrees outside. I've never even been in 12 degree weather. I can only imagine. Hillary and family attracted a couple hundred. Now that's cold.

I wonder who her adviser is. It's probably Bill and he is blowing it. This "conversational style" is a strength of Hillary's and she should have been doing this from the beginning .. instead of being caught with her plants down. Feeble minds. They should have planted a tough question for the media to jump all over. 
  Obama. Wilco. Baracking The Vote. I just made a Wilco channel on Pandora. 
Saturday, December 08, 2007
  Oprah's Message.
"I am not here to tell you what to think," Winfrey said. "I am here to ask you to think, seriously."
Although some of the inner workings of caucus politics are weird, Iowans take their civic duty seriously. Oprah's message is bound to resonate. 
  Obama Oprah. Live Blogging. Michelle begins the introduction with a good joke, "Barack and Obama can't make it and I'm going to sing for you." Oprah comes on stage with Aretha singing I think it was Think what You Are Trying To Do To Me. She's making jokes about the pundits. She realizes the difference between book clubs and the change that is needed in this country. It's 12 degrees there. OMG. She's adopting a serious tone, asking her audience to think about the candidates. She admits to voting for Republicans. Well that settles that. She tells the truth. She started to get boring and then turned it around to this being something new for her. We must get out of our comfort zone because insanity is doing the same thing over and over.An awful speech with a strong ending.

Barack needs to be fresh. Is that a country song I hear in the background? Michelle is too smart to be president. She just wants to tell the president what to do. An awkward laugh with a lead in to the woman with the weird name, Oprah. Who would have thunk it. Another awkward laugh. There's a chip in the armor ... a lot of pressure. He acknowledges that there are people who came to see Oprah. He testifies to the risk she took to stick her neck out for him. Give it up for Oprah and the crowd goes wild. It looks like they are in a gymnasium and there's not much space to fit all those people. They look like they are packed in there like sardines. Then he says it's all about Iowa and almost says "oh Jesus" He sounds nervous, but then maybe this casualness is calculated.

Now he's getting into the theme of his speech "A seriousness of purpose." Iowans are paying attention to the issues. He is good at connecting with the crowd. I don't know what the spectator said, that he "wouldn't have put it that way." The good news is that his cousin, Dick Cheney won't be on the ballot and he's not going to the family hunting party. Another annoying laugh. What's up with that? He's reminding me about how much more difficult it is to retire. Goodness maybe I can retire after next year with universal health coverage. Now he's into his stump speech, stumbling here and there. The calm before the storm. He's bellowing about how we've been talking about health care, poverty, etc. for decades. That's why politics as usual just won't do. There's a fresh fire. I like it. He's speaking to the Republicans in the audience. They're clapping. Strong. Stronger than dirt. Another laugh. then if that isn't bad enough, he laughs again. I'm cringing inside. Oh lord-y mama another laugh. Now that's weird. Someone's passing out. He says that what happens when people get excited about Oprah. He stops his speech to make sure the person gets help. Now he's addressing the lobbyists. Good. He's getting woo hoo's for that. Outsourcing, raising the minimum raise every year. Next health care and the story of his mother. He says it'll take four years for universal health care. I want to retire now. He's hitting education now and saying the only reason why he is standing there because of a good education. Sense of urgency. Strong themes and media bits. Promising higher pay for teachers. No can do, when the salaries are paid by state governments. Now for foreign policy. I didn't notice my battery ran down. C-span lost the feed. Oh bother.

He's back. He's disclosing his kindergarden papers tomorrow. He knows he is improbable. The fierce urgency of now. He doesn't want to be too late. Then he qualifies the statement so no one thinks he's catering to irrational fears. He's talking about tangible issues like global warming. Someone stood up when it was risky. More and more stood up. He needs Iowans to stand up. Those that thirst for justice. He needs Iowans to stand up for him. "Thank you Iowa. I love 'ya" Good stuff.

The first two callers two Republican, both think he is a fresh change. I guess the laugh helped. An anti war caller a nut. Anyone but Hillary. They can't hear tv shows? Oh she's talking about the feeds. Yes, I'm frustrated too, but the speech itself wasn't affected too badly. heh a Republican teacher for Barack. That's it. I give up. Oh wait. An anti Barack who is from Arizona and is running for Prez. This is fun. A real victim of poverty. Michael P. Shaw, with McCain for VP. All the crazies are out. A disabled Iowan. Good point that not much is being said about the disabled. Last caller said Oprah didn't make a difference for her, but would make a difference for others. Nice unbiased call. The announcer doesn't press the caller to make a stand one way or another. She talks about the feed. It seems to be fixed and C-Span leaves Obama to join Mitt. Gotta love C-Span.

It's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody. 
  Live Streaming Obama and Oprah. When the show starts. You can go catch it on Sunday on I am food deprived and so is my cat, appropriately named Mewmew. I can have food delivered, however, Mewmew only likes a particular brand of dry food, with human quality ingredients, of course. It's raining a cold hard rain, I'm having an allergy attack.

The two O's will be on C-Span and CNN today. It looks like Mewmew is getting a roast beef sandwich. I hope she'll eat it, but I know I'll have to throw it away. I'm eating tuna. I hate to eat so high on the food chain, but I'm famished. Here we goooooooo 
  Yeppers. Hillary Is Not A Candidate Of Change And Never Will Be.
She can’t seem to please her base and her big contributors at the same time.
Today, HRC is campaigning with her daughter and her mother. It's such a classy act but not today. She took a beautiful idea and turned it into a shrewd political move. Who advised her (once again) to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory? Hillary should have started that leg of her Iowa tour (and the other scheduled Oprah stops) last weekend and touted it with a catchy meme theme. She'd be on a roll by now, cementing the bond she enjoys with female voters. On the other hand, the timing of the Wes Clark ads was perfect. 
  Obama Wins Kansas Straw Poll. It's close. 
Friday, December 07, 2007
  Obama, Stop Being So Weird. Weird is a catchy kind of word, isn't it? But, I don't think it will catch on. Meanwhile, I can show you weird in the other camp.

That great big sucking noise that you hear coming out of the blogosphere is Team Clinton. They're choking big time. 
Thursday, December 06, 2007
  Slashdot Has An Interesting Read On Ron Paul. Earth to Jacqui Cheng. Ron Paul would not want his name attached to spam, just like Hillary wouldn't want her name attached to some disgusting emails. Quite frankly, I tend to believe Hillary Clinton more than I believe Ron Paul.

Two sides of the same coin. You can't control a spammer. Obviously, Hillary's organization is not as strong as one might think. Professionalism is not a high priority in her campaign office. Also, her campaign workers do not represent her well. Huge mistakes ... just too much negativity.

  What Is My Terrorist Risk Profile Rating Score? Only ATT knows for sure. 
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
  Oprah And Obama. It was rather comical to read that headline when right above it was this headline.

Update: The Dallas News had an interesting article about the Oprah effect. The build up to this event is taking epic stadium proportions. It's a unprecedented campaign stop. Obama is always up to the challenge and he will deliver another mmemorable speech. The Oprah effect will kick in and then it will all be over for Clinton and Edwards, lord willing and the creek don't rise. 
  Obama's Essay. Did you hear what Chris Reed had to say? Bless his soul. I think he should never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence (Napoleon.) 
  Rove And Obama Won't Stick. How soon we forget. George and Hillary didn't stick. After singing the praises of Hillary's experience, this is what Bush had to say about Obama.
Asked about Obama's statement that he would meet with the leaders of rogue nations without preconditions, the president called it an "odd foreign policy" and suggested that the statement stemmed from his lack of experience.
Personally, I don't think the "simple folks" give a rat's ass about the mud throwing, yet. Just yesterday we were treated to a message on the tv about Iran from the hated leader. Nobody believed him, yet everyone in the lunch room was listening intently. I remembered to thank the lone Republican in the bunch ... just like I will thank the Hillary voters when she prolongs the war. Not really. I have hOpe. 
Sunday, December 02, 2007
  Someone Is Going Postal? I am too. They are saying it could be as much as a thirty percent hike? ....I love my Florida Gardening mag. The msm, who is behind this, must die and I will dance on its grave. 
  Hillary Says, "Now the fun starts." At the end of the article the text reads "(end optional trim.)" End optional trim indeed. This is what is getting trimmed.
"Now the fun part starts," she declared. "We're into the last month, and we're going to start drawing a contrast, because I want every Iowan to have accurate information when they make their decisions."

Later, Obama issued a statement decrying Clinton for saying the coming weeks would be "fun."

"Washington insiders might think throwing mud is fun, but the American people are looking for leadership that can unite this country around a common purpose, and that's what I'll continue to offer in this campaign," Obama said.
I found a way to get free meditation music. I created an Enya station on Pandora.  
  The Wheels Of Justice Go Round And Round.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has won another significant legal battle, as a federal judge in California yesterday ordered the Bush administration (.pdf) to comply with EFF's FOIA demand and disclose documents revealing its "communications with telecommunications carriers and members of Congress" regarding efforts to amend FISA and provide amnesty to telecoms. Better still, the court imposed an extremely quick deadline for release of these documents -- December 10 -- so that "the public may participate in the debate over the pending legislation on an informed basis."

Needless to say, the Bush administration raised every argument it could to avoid having to disclose this information. These disclosures will reveal -- among other things -- which telecom lobbyists and other representatives were meeting with DNI Michael McConnell in order to secure telecom amnesty, as well as which members of Congress McConnell and other Bush officials privately lobbied. As an argument of last resort, the administration even proposed disclosing these documents on December 31 so that -- as EFF pointed out -- the information would be available only after Congress passed the new FISA bill. The court rejected every administration claim as to why it should not have to disclose these records.

It is vital that this information be publicly available. The administration is eager to have Congress bestow onto this industry an extraordinary gift, whereby the entire industry becomes retroactively immunized from the consequences of its past lawbreaking. The administration's primary spokesman on this issue is DNI McConnell, who continously invokes shrill national security warnings to justify this amnesty, though it is rarely mentioned that McConnell has more extensive ties to this industry than almost any other government official.
  A Seven Level Swipe. The cyberdogs are barking at the front door. Wait until they get around to sniffing at the back door. A certain geek on call is not going to be a very happy geek in a jail cell.
Scott Bloch runs the Office of Special Counsel, an agency charged with protecting government whistleblowers and enforcing a ban on federal employees engaging in partisan political activity. Mr. Bloch's agency is looking into whether Mr. Rove and other White House officials used government agencies to help re-elect Republicans in 2006.

At the same time, Mr. Bloch has himself been under investigation since 2005. At the direction of the White House, the federal Office of Personnel Management's inspector general is looking into claims that Mr. Bloch improperly retaliated against employees and dismissed whistleblower cases without adequate examination.
Is anyone as confused as I am? 
  Dirt. However, the link is worth more than a bookmark, if it shows a pattern, hOpefully an out-dated pattern. And yes, I know Obama's pattern too, but there's a difference. Check out the pie charts if you don't believe me. I have a link to them somewhere around here.  
  A MUST READ!!! No blockquotes. Just read it.

I trained Ali to come out behind the backboard of my bed. She spent the night running up and down my arm, messing with my hair when I was on the laptop last night looking for free meditation music (I couldn't find any.) I fed her some pizza. She's mbf now and allows me to put her back in her hamster hideout. It isn't a cage anymore. That makes me happy. 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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