Sunday, December 09, 2007
  Live Blogging Obama, Again. Click the title and watch it for yourself. I hear the line is wrapped around the stadium twice to get inside.


Arrested Development is putting on a great show. Positive and upbeat. I love it. Go Bama. I believe in miracles. How far is heaven? Won't you help to sing songs of freedom? Everyday people. Next up, the text messaging system. Impressive. The largest phone bank ever going on right now for the Guinness Book of World Records. The everyday people are calling other everyday people. Two phone bankers just won a contest (seats up front) by calling a prearranged phone number of a person on the stage. Brian from the Guinness Book of World Records is presenting the award. There are more than thirty thousand people there. Now Brooks and Dunn is singing Only in America ... One just might be president .... over the loudspeaker. A huge event like this and it's only eight minutes late. Super impressive organization. Michelle is on right now. There's a little tear in my eye. Now Oprah ... and the song is Aretha's Freedom. Oprah has loosened up and is wearing brightly colored peach blazer rather than the frosted purple of yesterday. She threw her notes away and is speaking from her heart. She refers to the notes and then goes into pure Oprah. She is simply amazing. This is an amazing speech. She has the audience eating out of her hand. Now she's ending her speech. She's saying if she had waited her turn, she'd never have made it to where she is today. Now she's telling the Pittman story. Barack's the one. It's Obama time and the stream is failing a little. What is this song ... U2? Look at the day that the lord hath made. His laugh is fine today. I'll have to think about that one later. Michele's people are from SC. It's over for Clinton in SC. Brilliant that he's equating Oprah's funny sounding name to his. and their "improbable stories" he stops to make sure the sound system gets turned off. He's talking about the closet Republicans and gives another laugh. Gee he's good. Then he says GWB won't be on the ballot and the crowd goes beserk. They're screaming Obama Obama Obama....damn that's some sweet sounding laughter today. Now the stump speech. He's defining what it means to be a Democrat. He's telling how he shadowed an union worker in California. I really like the way he says that there should be no such thing as the "working poor." He's winding down. He doesn't want to find out four years from now that race determines fate. Good one. He's going to tell the fired up ready to go story. Beautiful. I never get tired of hearing the story of that little, old lady. Obama delivered. Obama delivered the goods, signed, sealed, and delivered. 
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