Saturday, December 08, 2007
  Obama Oprah. Live Blogging. Michelle begins the introduction with a good joke, "Barack and Obama can't make it and I'm going to sing for you." Oprah comes on stage with Aretha singing I think it was Think what You Are Trying To Do To Me. She's making jokes about the pundits. She realizes the difference between book clubs and the change that is needed in this country. It's 12 degrees there. OMG. She's adopting a serious tone, asking her audience to think about the candidates. She admits to voting for Republicans. Well that settles that. She tells the truth. She started to get boring and then turned it around to this being something new for her. We must get out of our comfort zone because insanity is doing the same thing over and over.An awful speech with a strong ending.

Barack needs to be fresh. Is that a country song I hear in the background? Michelle is too smart to be president. She just wants to tell the president what to do. An awkward laugh with a lead in to the woman with the weird name, Oprah. Who would have thunk it. Another awkward laugh. There's a chip in the armor ... a lot of pressure. He acknowledges that there are people who came to see Oprah. He testifies to the risk she took to stick her neck out for him. Give it up for Oprah and the crowd goes wild. It looks like they are in a gymnasium and there's not much space to fit all those people. They look like they are packed in there like sardines. Then he says it's all about Iowa and almost says "oh Jesus" He sounds nervous, but then maybe this casualness is calculated.

Now he's getting into the theme of his speech "A seriousness of purpose." Iowans are paying attention to the issues. He is good at connecting with the crowd. I don't know what the spectator said, that he "wouldn't have put it that way." The good news is that his cousin, Dick Cheney won't be on the ballot and he's not going to the family hunting party. Another annoying laugh. What's up with that? He's reminding me about how much more difficult it is to retire. Goodness maybe I can retire after next year with universal health coverage. Now he's into his stump speech, stumbling here and there. The calm before the storm. He's bellowing about how we've been talking about health care, poverty, etc. for decades. That's why politics as usual just won't do. There's a fresh fire. I like it. He's speaking to the Republicans in the audience. They're clapping. Strong. Stronger than dirt. Another laugh. then if that isn't bad enough, he laughs again. I'm cringing inside. Oh lord-y mama another laugh. Now that's weird. Someone's passing out. He says that what happens when people get excited about Oprah. He stops his speech to make sure the person gets help. Now he's addressing the lobbyists. Good. He's getting woo hoo's for that. Outsourcing, raising the minimum raise every year. Next health care and the story of his mother. He says it'll take four years for universal health care. I want to retire now. He's hitting education now and saying the only reason why he is standing there because of a good education. Sense of urgency. Strong themes and media bits. Promising higher pay for teachers. No can do, when the salaries are paid by state governments. Now for foreign policy. I didn't notice my battery ran down. C-span lost the feed. Oh bother.

He's back. He's disclosing his kindergarden papers tomorrow. He knows he is improbable. The fierce urgency of now. He doesn't want to be too late. Then he qualifies the statement so no one thinks he's catering to irrational fears. He's talking about tangible issues like global warming. Someone stood up when it was risky. More and more stood up. He needs Iowans to stand up. Those that thirst for justice. He needs Iowans to stand up for him. "Thank you Iowa. I love 'ya" Good stuff.

The first two callers two Republican, both think he is a fresh change. I guess the laugh helped. An anti war caller a nut. Anyone but Hillary. They can't hear tv shows? Oh she's talking about the feeds. Yes, I'm frustrated too, but the speech itself wasn't affected too badly. heh a Republican teacher for Barack. That's it. I give up. Oh wait. An anti Barack who is from Arizona and is running for Prez. This is fun. A real victim of poverty. Michael P. Shaw, with McCain for VP. All the crazies are out. A disabled Iowan. Good point that not much is being said about the disabled. Last caller said Oprah didn't make a difference for her, but would make a difference for others. Nice unbiased call. The announcer doesn't press the caller to make a stand one way or another. She talks about the feed. It seems to be fixed and C-Span leaves Obama to join Mitt. Gotta love C-Span.

It's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody. 
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