Monday, March 26, 2007
  They Broke The Law. They broke the law. It bears repeating. The mood in Congress is not the partisan rancor that the media says it is. It is the righteous indignation of a man who is going to clean house, just like Jesus did to the moneychangers in the temple. Patrick Leahy has been very busy. Don't say I didn't told you about his super powers before.

In any event, I can't believe the members of the Bushie Club are so stupid. Is it worth it to work for the most unpopular president in history? This time Patrick Fitzgeral will not head the investigation. He is too busy trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the wimpiest prosecutor in history.

Poor poor Alberto Gonzales. What will they charge him with? Maybe ....

1. Misrepresentations to Congress.
The relevant provision, 18 U.S.C. § 1505, is very broad. It is illegal to lie to Congress, and also to “impede” it in getting information. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty indicated to Congress that the White House’s involvement in firing the United States attorneys was minimal, something that Justice Department e-mail messages suggest to be untrue.

2. Calling the prosecutors.
David Iglesias, the New Mexico United States attorney, says Senator Pete Domenici, Republican of New Mexico, called him and asked whether he intended to bring indictments in a corruption case against Democrats before last November’s election. Mr. Iglesias said he “felt pressured” by the call. If members of Congress try to get a United States attorney to indict people he wasn’t certain he wanted to indict, or try to affect the timing of an indictment, they may be violating the law.

3. Witness tampering.
18 U.S.C. § 1512 (b) makes it illegal to intimidate Congressional witnesses. Michael Elston, Mr. McNulty’s chief of staff, contacted one of the fired attorneys, H. E. Cummins, and suggested, according to Mr. Cummins, that if he kept speaking out, there would be retaliation. Mr. Cummins took the call as a threat, and sent an e-mail message to other fired prosecutors warning them of it. Several of them told Congress that if Mr. Elston had placed a similar call to one of their witnesses in a criminal case, they would have opened an investigation of it.
Presidents can not just fire any prosecutor, even if they are hired and fired by him. They can only fire an attorney if the firing will not corruptly obstruct, influence, or impede an official proceeding. 
Saturday, March 24, 2007
  I Don't Agree With Edwards. deciding to follow the campaign trail wherever it goes. I just don't get it. 
  Did Gonzalez Target More Than 8? What we know so far. Update. Yes, Alberto Gonzalez was lying. I wonder what he feels today, knowing that he is the sacrificial lamb.

3/18/07.Why is the WH stonewalling in the same manner as a former disgraced president? Is Gonzalez lying when he says he didn't know about the plan to oust US attorneys?

I wrote about the latest piece of the puzzle yesterday. When Warner resigned (suddenly?) on Jan.27, 2005, Sampson had lined up support so he could take over Warner's post. Someone (or more than one person) bypassed the Attorney General to choose another appointee, Brett Tolman. Obviously, someone else was in charge. Who in the Senate and White House knew besides the assistants of two Senators (Hatch and Specter and Specter says that he doesn't know anything about it) and the Attorney General's assistant? Not one rational person could possibly believe that these lackeys did this all on their own. And the result was that Orrin Hatch was able to appoint his guy to replace Warren. Was Hatch unhappy with Warner's performance? Did Hatch deny knowing about either of the plans?

These people do not respect our laws...neither do their families, the rest of the administration and Republican politicians. Where was the media except for a few of the smaller media outlets reporting the Arkansas story? Are the major news outlets reporting anything besides WH news briefs. We already know how much money is being spent on "informing" the public of WH policy. Are reporters living the good life while their publishers attend WH functions? Don't their editors want them to actually report something? Have reporters and editors been told or to lay off certain stories. Were they told to be loyal too? Were they told to publish WH briefs without question? Not to report anything controversial? Or is the press just unconscious? Perhaps, they are just as partisan as Fox is, just more disingenuous.

Those Bushies and Cheneys and the former president Bush are all sworn to uphold the law. It takes a lot of taxpayer to pay their salary and expenses. Aren't they outraged if their aides acted on their own, aides that took tax payer money to amend laws and policy based solely on partisan politics? Then these same people appointed more public officials paid by more taxpayer money. Some officials, such as the US Attorneys were hired because they were "Bushies." US Attorneys were fired because they were not "Bushies."

Someone in one of these families should have quietly stopped this dangerous president. Are we going to get a statement from Laura this time around? Worse than Hillary. Much worse. Makes you wonder about who is in charge. How much did former president Bush know about the current Republican administration, considering his son is in charge? Furthermore, wasn't Libby convicted in both administrations? Shame on them all. It makes you wonder about Patrick Fitzgerald. Even the jurors wondered why Fitzgerald only prosecuted Libby and not the other aides who made the decision to out Plame. It makes you wonder about every Bush appointment.

Replace the disgraced officials, and force them to provide a full disclosure of their actions. They can't use national security this time. As a matter of fact, it is an outrage that they used the excuse of national security to insert the illegal clause into the Senate bill in the first place. It is disgraceful that they fired attorneys for not prosecuting the opposite party. It is even more worrisome that the administration fired their own appointments for investigating and prosecuting members of their own party.

Not policing their own has led to one disaster after another. Congress is no place fit for children. Katrina. Now we know why. "Bushies" were appointed to be aides, directors ... how many "Bushies" are out there?

Bush and his administration have lost the public confidence. Anyone, sworn to uphold the law who is not denouncing these deeds, has a sworn duty to get off the sidelines and step up to the plate. Investigate Bush/Cheney. If they are guilty, impeach them. My third commenter was correct (thanks). Fire Gonzales. 
Saturday, March 17, 2007
  Come On Over And Sit A Spell. This is going to take awhile.
An e-mail suggests that former top Justice Department official Kyle Sampson tried to push Paul Warner out of office before 2005, but was stopped by Orin Hatch.
Warner had been re-confirmed to another four-year term as U.S. attorney in August 2003. He announced he was leaving the office in January 2006 and was nominated as a federal magistrate.

When Warner stepped aside, Sampson had lined up support so he could take the job, including the backing of the attorney general.

Hatch, however, chose to back Brett Tolman, an assistant U.S. attorney in Utah who had been working for the Senate Judiciary Committee, first for Hatch, then for new Chairman Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa.
Imagine that. 
  All just power is derived from the consent of the governed (John Locke). I've got the family tree to be a DAR, and a couple of my great aunts are actually members. Therefore it is significant to me that Al Gore spoke on MLK day at DAR Hall.
A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government. Our Founding Fathers were adamant that they had established a government of laws and not men. Indeed, they recognized that the structure of government they had enshrined in our Constitution – our system of checks and balances – was designed with a central purpose of ensuring that it would govern through the rule of law. As John Adams said: “The executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them, to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men.” An executive who arrogates to himself the power to ignore the legitimate legislative directives of the Congress or to act free of the check of the judiciary becomes the central threat that the Founders sought to nullify in the Constitution – an all-powerful executive too reminiscent of the King from whom they had broken free. In the words of James Madison, “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
It's a compelling speech. It's even more compelling because a presidential candidate who forfeited his race to the presidency is delivering it. Despite winning the popular vote, Al Gore lost the election as the result of a legal decision. Perhaps the most important point in the tragic 2000 election is that Gore abided by the Supreme Court's decision without hesitation.

Almost eight years later, will Bush finally get his commupin's? 
  An Insult To Pugs Everywhere.
President Bush is in "his usual posture: pugnacious, that no one is going to tell him who to fire."
  The WH Has Something To Hide. They won't comply with the investigation and their story keeps shifting
Friday, March 16, 2007
  SAVE INTERNET RADIO. Please. I'm sorry I shouted. 
Thursday, March 15, 2007
  Save Panama's Rain Forest.

What can you expect from a country that slashed and burned its land. 
  Another One Bites The Dust.
U.S. Attorney Paul Perez resigns. Did he blow it? Well, every dog has a few fleas. FYI, the person in the mug shot is Steve Cole a spokesman for the former prosecuter. He needs some fries to go with that shake ... I mean brewsky. 
  I've Got A Secret. Meanwhile the young hot shot bloggers are complaining that they can't make conference calls anymore.

AT&T doesn't kiss and tell.
AT&T told an appeals court in a written brief Monday that the case against it for allegedly helping the government spy on its customers should be thrown out, because it cannot defend itself -- even by showing a signed order from the government -- without endangering national security.
National security secrets or freedom? I don't understand why it is an either or issue. 
  Tyrannicide. Beware The Ides Of March. Some say that tyrannicide is terrorism. Some say: "There can be no such thing as fellowship with tyrants, nothing but bitter feud is possible: and it is not repugnant to nature to despoil, if you can, those whom it is a virtue to kill; nay, this pestilent and godless brood should be utterly banished from human society. For, as we amputate a limb in which the blood and the vital spirit have ceased to circulate, because it injures the rest of the body, so monsters, who under human guise, conceal the cruelty and ferocity of a wild beast, should be severed from the common body of humanity."~~~Cicero
In any event....
It's a little known fact that Julius Caesar did not die from stab wounds by Brutus, but, rather, was poisoned. During a sumptuous banquet which they both attended on that fateful Ides of March, Brutus slipped some poisonous hemlock leaves onto Julius' salad. (Thus making the world's Caesar's salad - no, that's not the joke, wait for it....)

When Julius slumped over into his salad, Brutus feigned concern and asked, "My dear friend Julius, how many hemlock leaves have you eaten?" To which Julius gasped in reply: "Ate two, Brute."
  More About Alberto Gonzalez. Oh What A Tangled Web. The first time I saw this story was 1/26. I assume now that there weren't 11 attorneys and that the reporters counted political appointments that were approved by the Senate. I've collected all the news on this subject that I thought was interesting at the end of this post. An interesting tidbit just came in on the wire (I can't sleep.)
In testimony on Jan. 18, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales assured the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Justice Department had no intention of avoiding Senate input on the hiring of U.S. attorneys.

Just a month earlier, D. Kyle Sampson, who was then Gonzales's chief of staff, laid out a plan to do just that. In an e-mail, he detailed a strategy for evading Arkansas Democrats in installing Tim Griffin, a former GOP operative and protege of presidential adviser Karl Rove, as the U.S. attorney in Little Rock.

• More politics news
"We should gum this to death," Sampson wrote to a White House aide on Dec. 19. "[A]sk the senators to give Tim a chance . . . then we can tell them we'll look for other candidates, ask them for recommendations, evaluate the recommendations, interview their candidates, and otherwise run out the clock. All of this should be done in 'good faith,' of course."

I found another link.
Update: Tim Griffin is withdrawing his name from consideration for the US attorney position.
2.15.07- Renamed "Politics As Usual." Harriet Miers?

Original post (1.26.07).
There's a big turnover rate among district attorneys. Gonzalez denies a Justice Department purge. I don't know. 11 attorneys? Let's see if the administration submits approval of attorney general appointments to the Senate, even though the Patriot Act allows the administration the freedom to select anyone they choose without congressional approval. From the The Houston Chronicle (outdated link).
Democratic senators are concerned that the high turnover is linked to an obscure, recently passed provision of the Patriot Act. The provision allows the Bush administration to fill vacancies with interim prosecutors for the remainder of the president's term without submitting them to the Senate for confirmation. Previously, interim appointments were made by a vote of federal judges in the districts served by the outgoing U.S. attorneys.

U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., contends that in his state U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins was improperly ousted in favor of a protege of Bush political adviser Karl Rove. Likewise in California, U.S. Attorneys Carol Lam of San Diego and Kevin Ryan of San Francisco were forced from their positions. Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., alleged that Lam fell out of favor with her Washington bosses for spearheading the bribery prosecution and conviction of Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham last year. Lam reportedly had other politicians in her sights.
Alberto Gonzales has already appointed a US attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas without Senate approval. His name is Tim Griffin and he used to work for Karl Rove.(2.18.07) 
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
  Happy Pi Day. This following poem is composed entirely of actual quotes from George W. Bush. Source: Richard Thompson

Make The Pie Higher

I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen
And uncertainty
And potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the internet
Become more few?
How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
I know that the human being and the fish
Can coexist.

Families is where our nation finds hope
Where our wings take dream.
Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher!
Make the pie higher!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
  They're Still Looking The Other Way. Alberto Gonzalez and everyone involved with Operation Falcon would do a better job if they didn't turn a blind eye to boys being abused in detention centers and in the back rooms of Republican congressmen.
I promised each one of those victims that I would do everything in my power to ensure that justice would not fail them, the Rangers would not fail them," Burzynski said, his voice quivering. "I can only imagine what the students think about the Ranger who was unable to bring them justice.
Alberto Gonzalez says he rounds up predators and gets them off the streets. Indeed. It sounds more like a dress rehearsal for rounding up terror suspects. Even if that is just paranoia on my part, it is scary to think that there are tens of thousands of predators roaming the streets until the next round up. Giddy up! 
  National Advisory Mathematics Panel. This is really about creating a national advisory science panel. 
  I Really Gotta Go Now. But I'll leave you with a song that's gooder than grits. Who Is This America Dem Speak Of Today? Sorry, it isn't free, but you'll love it. 
  Don't I Have Anything Better To Do? Update:The SS (Secret service) Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Can anyone tell me whether or not the SS can tell the FBI what to do, although I suspect they can now. And can anyone tell me why we need the SS to do what they FBI is already doing. Oh I get it, the SS is protecting me from terrorists. Right.
A new provision tucked into the Patriot Act bill now before Congress would allow authorities to haul demonstrators at any "special event of national significance" away to jail on felony charges if they are caught breaching a security perimeter.
Guess who the sponsor was? None other than our friend, helping us update the press and helping us amend the Patriot Act, The Honorable Arlen Specter. And I do have something better to do which I should be doing. And so I won't fix all these sentences that begin with and. And I haven't even covered "sneak and peak" and the "lone wolf provision".

Doesn't the Secret Service have anything better to do?
10.3.06. A close encounter with Cheney.
10.14.06. Secret Service question 14 year old girl.
1.20.07. Secret Service question 81 year old man.
1.21.07. Secret Service question 77 year old woman.

1.26.07.The Secret Service along with other agencies are investigating online theft. They are coordinating security at the Super Bowl. What's up with that? Maybe they're hunting down more anti-Bush teenagers and anti-Bush old timers. 
  They're Blasting Fema In Arkansas. Well, duh. Don't they know that the elections are over a year away? I heard that the Bush team is looking over the photo opportunities and will get back to them before November, 2008.

Now about those 800 signing statements.... Bush's continuing war against the Constitution

There are a few issues here. One issue is that if Arlen Specter is telling the truth, a non elected official with WH ties is making law. If Arlen Specter is lying, one elected official with WH ties is making law. O'Neill said the DoJ inserted the language because they were having a problem replacing someone. Well, gee, do they change the law every time they don't get what they want?

I don't know much about Arlen Specter, but he has an iron pair to hide his duplicity. It's pretty obvious that he knew what was going when it came to the Patriot Act and our national security. Glenn Greenwald acknowledges Specter's role in keeping the actions of this administration in the news. However, in my opinion, Specter is simply a bitch, doing his job.

This administration puts out a lot of noise and the press eats all of it up. Then, while all this drama is taking place, they quietly get what they really want: Roberts, Alito, other judges, district attorneys, "Pax America,""The Avalon Project," PNAC ... the Holy Grail to complete the The Skull And Bones Scavenger Hunt.

Arlen Specter is trying to pass a bill putting the president about the law. You can't argue with fence posts. These guys are serious and will not go down easily. 
  Bush Finally Found The WMDs. Jeb hid them in a pawnshop. Thanks Blah. 
Saturday, March 10, 2007
George W. Bush
Michael E. O'Neill
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Samuel Alito
John Negroponte
Stephen Hadley
L. Paul Bremer
Clark T. Randt, Jr.
Linda Jewell
Paul Wolfowitz
John Ashcroft
John R. Bolton
William H. Donaldson
Rick Levin
Paul McNulty
Robert D. McCallum Jr.
Peter Keisler
John P. Hannah
Courtney Simmons Elwood
Rachel Paulose
Karl Zinsmeister
R. James Woolsey, Jr.
John Robson
Porter Goss
Lloyd Cutler
Patricia Wald
Robert P. De Vecchi
Clarence Thomas
Edwin Meese

Damn. I swear the link worked before. Spooky stuff.

In any event, I retrieved the cached list:

Abbe Frederick Randolph 1848
Abbott John S.C.
Aberg, Jr. Donlan Vincent 1952
Abrams Peter Mark 1983
Acheson David Campion 1943
Ackerman Stephen H. 1957
Acosta John Sidney 1921
Adams Charles Edward 1904
Adams Charles Hemmenway 1866
Adams Frederick Baldwin 1862
Adams Frederick Baldwin 1900
Adams George Webster 1904
Adams Lewis G. 1920
Adams Mason Tyler 1899
Adams Stephen 1959
Adams, Jr. Frederick Baldwin 1932
Afeiju Bernard I. 1967
Ahlbrandt, Jr. Roger S. 1963
Aiken Edwin Edgerton 1881
Aitchison William 1848
Albritton Paul Berem 1978
Aldis Owen Franklin 1874
Aldrich Malcolm Pratt 1922
Alexander Eben 1873
Alexander William DeWitt 1855
Alexander William Felix 1851
Ali Mehdi Raza 1965
Allen Arthur Dwight 1901
Allen Arthur Huntington 1873
Allen Calvin Durand 1913
Allen Charles E. 1958
Allen Daniel 1926
Allen Frederick Winthrop 1900
Allen Henry Elisha 1924
Allen John DeWitt Hamilton 1876
Allen Parker Breese 1919
Allen Walter 1863
Allen William Palmer 1880
Allen, Jr. Archibald J. 1945
Allen, Jr. Clarence Emir 1913
Alling, Jr. Charles Booth 1947
Allison Samuel Perkins 1847
Allison, Jr. Robert Seaman 1930
Ames Allan Wallace 1918
Ames Sullivan Dobb 1899
Amundson John Arnold 1880
Anderson Edwin Alexander 1835
Anderson Thomas Hill 1951
Andrews John Wolcott 1876
Andrews, Jr. Edward W. 1945W
Andrews, Jr. John Wallingford 1870
Andrie Paul James 1984
Anthony Benjamin Harris 1886
Appel George Frederick Baer 1924
Ardrey Rushton L. 1925
Arms Charles Jesup 1863
Arnot John Hulett 1885
Arnot Matthias Hollenback 1856
Arras, Jr. Robert E. 1969
Asburn Frank Davis 1925
Ashe Victor Henderson 1967
Ashenfelter Alan Thompson 1975
Ashforth Albert Blackhurst 1929
Ashley Thomas William Ludlow 1948
Austen David E. 1931
Austin Roy Leslie 1968
Austin Samuel Monroe 1980
Avery Benjamin F. 1914
Avery Charles Hammond 1875
Aycrigg II William Anderson 1942
Ayeroff Frederick Charles 1974
Babcock Henry Harper 1853
Babst James Anthony 1971
Back Samuel H. 1962
Backus Joseph Willes 1846
Bacon Leonard
Badger Paul Bradford 1911
Badger Walter Irving 1882
Bailey Philip Horton 1897
Baker Richard Wheeler 1913
Baldridge Howard Malcolm 1918
Baldwin George William 1853
Baldwin Henry DeForest 1885
Baldwin Roger Sherman 1847
Baldwin Sherman 1919
Baldwin Simeon Eren 1861
Ball David George 1960
Banks Howard D. 1956
Bannard Henry Clay 1869
Bannard Otto Tremont 1876
Baran Mark R. 1978
Barasch Alan Sidney 1973
Baratte Julius Adolphus 1843
Barge Richard Mason 1974
Baribault Richard P. 1949
Barker George Payson 1856
Barlett John Knowlton 1838
Barlett Philip Golden 1881
Barnes Pearce 1874
Barnes William Deluce 1907
Barnes William Henry Lienow 1855
Barney Danford Newton 1881
Barnum William Milo 1877
Barr, Jr. Richard J. 1936
Barres Herster B.D. 1932
Barry William Taylor Sullivan 1841
Bartholemy Alan Edmund 1942
Bartholomew Dana Treat 1928
Bass James Edward 1982
Basset II Barton Bradley 1949
Bassi Keith Alan 1978
Bates Emmert Warren 1932
Bates Samuel Henshaw 1833
Bayard Thomas Francis 1890
Bayne Hugh Aiken 1892
Bayne Thomas Levingston 1847
Bayne-Jones Stanhope 1910
Beach John Campell 1833
Beach John Sheldon 1839
Beane, Jr. Frank Eastman 1960
Beard Anson McCook 1895
Beard William Mossgrove 1896
Beaumont George Anson Oliver 1834
Becket G. Campbell 1923
Becket Peter Logan 1963
Beckley John Werle 1860
Beebe William 1873
Beers Henry Augustin 1869
Begg William Reynolds 1893
Beirne Christopher James 1840
Belin Gaspard d'Andelot 1939
Bell Richard Dobbs Spaight 1844
Bell William Tompkins 1942
Bellinger Alfred Rammond 1917
Bellis Jon Michael 1974
Bellis Tedric Lawrence 1973
Beman Henry DeWitt 1851
Bench Edward C. 1925
Bender Kenneth Arthur 1975
Benedict Theodore Hudson 1840
Bennetto John 1887
Benninghoff Harry Bryner 1954
Benoit, Jr. Charles Edward 1965
Bent Joseph Appleton 1865
Bentley Edward Manross 1880
Bentley Edward Warren 1850
Benton Joseph Augustine 1842
Berger, Jr. George Bart 1928
Berry Coburn Dewees 1868
Bertron Samuel Reading 1885
Best Geoffry D.C. 1964
Biddle Thomas Bradish 1839
Bigelow Albert 1852
Bigelow Walter Irving 1877
Biglow Lucius Horatio 1908
Biglow, Jr. Lucius Horatio 1948
Bingham Charles Tiffany 1928
Bingham Egert Byron 1863
Bingham Jonathan Brewster 1936
Birge Robert Richards 1968
Bisaro Larry R. 1974
Bishop Noah 1833
Bissel Arthur Douglas 1867
Bissel Wilson Shannon 1869
Bissell George Thomas 1961
Bissell William Truesdale 1925
Blackman Charles Seymour 1857
Blackman Samuel Curtis 1854
Blaine Walker 1876
Blair Edwin Foster 1924
Blair James Grant 1925
Blair William McCormick 1907
Blake Dexter B. 1937
Blake Edward Foster 1858
Blake Eli Whitney 1857
Blake Henry T. 1848
Blake Henry Taylor 1848
Blake, Jr. Gilman Dorr 1945
Blakely Marvin 1977
Blakeslee Henry Clay 1852
Blanchard Jerred Gurley 1939
Blattner Robert William 1976
Bliss Charles Miller 1852
Bliss Robert 1850
Bliss William Root 1850
Blodgett George Reddington 1884
Blue Linden S. 1958
Boasberg III Emanuel 1956
Bockrath, Jr. Richard C. 1961
Bockstoce John R. 1966
Bodman William Camp 1959
Boies Charles Alred 1860
Boltwood Edward 1860
Boltwood Edward 1892
Boltwood Thomas Kast 1864
Booth Samuel Albert 1884
Booth Wilbur Franklin 1884
Borden Matthew Chaloner Durfee 1864
Boren David Lyle 1963
Bottum Elisha Slocum 1876
Boulos (Bouliaratis) William M. 1947
Bouscaren Michael Frederic 1969
Bowers Lloyd Wheaton 1879
Bowle, Jr. William Carter 1961
Bowles Henry Thornton 1899
Bowles John Eliot 1935
Bowman Ralph David 1957
Boyd Francis T. 1912
Boyden Henry Paine 1864
Bradford Amory Howe 1934
Bradford Arthur Howe 1905
Bradford Timothy McFall 1967
Bradley Charles Harvey 1921
Brand James 1866
Brandegee Augustus 1849
Brandegee Frank Bosworth 1885
Brandt John Henry 1962
Breed Edward Andrews 1844
Breen J. Gerald 1950
Bremmer Samuel Kimball 1886
Breslau Jonathan 1982
Brewster Benjamin 1882
Brewster Chauncey Bunce 1868
Brewster Walter Rice 1921
Brewster IV James Henry 1962
Brickell James Noaille 1845
Bridgman John Cloyse 1885
Brinsmade Horatio Walsh 1851
Brisrin John Ball 1846
Bristol Louis Henry 1859
Brodhead Henry 1859
Bronson David Bennet 1947
Bronson James Davis 1926
Brooke Frederick Hiester 1899
Brooke George Clymer 1897
Brooke, Jr. Frederick H. 1937
Brooks Henry Stanford 1885
Brooks James Wilton 1875
Brooks John Edward 1865
Brooks Peter Moody 1983
Brooks Tristam Anthony 1982
Brooks Walter 1877
Brown Alexander 1896
Brown Alexander Lardner 1869
Brown Christopher Walworth 1968
Brown George Clifford 1966
Brown Henry Armitt 1865
Brown Hubert Sanford 1861
Brown Jamot 1899
Brown John Mason 1856
Brown Joseph Venen 1842
Brown Robert Nelson 1979
Brown Samuel Taylor Glover 1944
Brown Walter Henderson 1945W
Brown William Scott 1970
Brubaker James Robert 1977
Brubaker John Kim 1976
Bruce Donald 1906
Bryan James Taylor 1971
Bryan, Jr. L. Thomas 1955
Buchanan Thomas Walter 1889
Buck III Charles Henry 1969
Buckland Joseph Payson 1857
Buckley Fercus Reid 1952
Buckley James Lane 1944
Buckley, Jr. William Frank 1950
Buckner Mortimer Norton 1895
Bulkey Jonathan Ogden 1923
Bulkey Tuzar 1865
Bull Cornelius Wade 1863
Bullock Stanton B. 1981
Bumstead Nathaniel Willis 1855
Bundy Frederick McGeorge 1921
Bundy Harvey Hollister 1909
Bundy Hollister 1909
Bundy McGeorge 1940
Bundy William Putman 1939
Bunnell Phil W. 1927
Burch Robert Boyd 1909
Burke III James Eugene 1975
Burke, Jr. Charles Clinton 1937
Burkus Gregory James 1982
Burnham Curtis Field 1840
Burpee Charles Winslow 1883
Burpee Lucien Francis 1879
Burr William Shedden 1834
Burr II Charles B. 1962
Burrell Joseph Dunn 1881
Burtt Edwin Authur 1915
Bush Derek C. 1967
Bush George Herbert Walker 1948
Bush George Walker 1968
Bush James S. 1922
Bush Jonathan 1953
Bush Prescott Sheldon 1917
Bushnell Samuel Clarke 1874
Bushnell William Benedick 1865
Butler Francis Eugene 1857
Butler John Haskell 1863
Butterworth Frank Seiler 1895
Buttles Albert Barnes 1842
Cable Benjamin Stickney 1895
Caldwell Samuel Smith 1933
Calhoun Governeur 1891
Callahan Hugh Andrew 1899
Came Charles Green 1849
Camp Arthur Goodwin 1907
Camp Clinton 1850
Camp Stuart Brown 1900
Camp Walter 1880
Campbell Alan Barnette 1919
Campbell Charles Soutter 1909
Campbell Gavin Elliott 1982
Campbell James 1849
Campbell James Alexander 1882
Campbell Kimberly C. 1981
Campbell Treat 1878
Campbell William Harvey Wilson 1856
Cangelosi Russell Joseph 1972
Capozzalo Douglas Daniel 1976
Capron Paul 1960
Capron Samuel Mills 1853
Carey John 1945W
Carlisle James Mandeville 1901
Carlsen Ray Allen 1957
Carlsson Mats Erik 1981
Carpenter George Boone 1902
Carpenter Robert John 1859
Carter Charles Francis 1878
Carter Edwin Osgood 1837
Carter Frederic Dewhurst 1919
Carter Lyon 1915
Carter Walter Frederick 1895
Case George Bowen 1894
Case, Jr. Philip Benham 1970
Caskey Taliaferro Franklin 1865
Casscells Christopher Dyson 1976
Cassel John A. 1958
Caukins, Jr. George Peck 1943
Caulkins John Erwin 1948
Cerveris Michael Ernest 1983
Chadwick George Brewster 1903
Chafee John Hubbard 1947
Chamberlain Daniel Henry 1862
Chamberlain Leander Trowbridge 1863
Chamberlain Robert Linton 1861
Chambers William Lyon 1843
Chandler William Henry 1839
Chapin Charles Frederick 1877
Charney Charles Meigs 1865
Chase Henry 1850
Chauvenet William 1840
Cheney Clifford Dudley 1898
Cheney Frank Dexter 1900
Cheney Howell 1892
Cheney Philip 1901
Cheney Ronald Lawton 1958
Cheney Russell 1904
Cheney Thomas Langdon 1901
Cheney Ward 1896
Cheney, Jr. Knight Dexter 1892
Chester Carl Thurston 1875
Chibundu Maxwell O. 1980
Child Linus Mason 1855
Childs Starling Winston 1976
Chimenti Norman Victor 1962
Chittenden George Hastings 1939
Choa Christopher James 1981
Chouteau Rene Auguste 1942
Christian Henry Hall 1901
Cirie John A. 1964
Clark Albert Barnes 1864
Clark Alexander Ray 1895
Clark Avery Artison 1909
Clark Charles Hopkins 1871
Clark Douglas Wells 1972
Clark Gerald Holland 1965
Clark Harold Terry 1903
Clark J. Bruce 1978
Clark Stephen Edward 1965
Clark Thomas W. 1961
Clark William Judkins 1948
Clark, Jr. R. Inslee 1957
Clarke Thomas Slidell 1875
Clarke William Barker 1849
Claude, Jr. Abram 1952
Clay Alexander Stephens 1964
Clay Cassius Marcellus 1918
Clay Green 1859
Clay Jesse Loring 1963
Clay Lowell Melcher 1939
Clay Timothy J. 1965
Clucas Lowell Melcher 1939
Cobb Henry Nitche 1855
Cochran Thomas 1904
Cochran Thomas 1894
Coe Edward Benton 1862
Coe Robert Elmer 1872
Coffin Edmund 1866
Coffin Henry Sloan 1897
Coffin James 1868
Coffin William Sloane 1949
Coffin, Jr. William Sloan 1949
Coffing Churchill 1834
Coggins Daniel Seton 1964
Cogswell John M. 1961
Cohen Kenneth Saul 1968
Cohen Robert Lewis 1974
Coit Joshua 1853
Coit William 1837
Coke, Jr. Henry C. 1926
Cole Hamilton 1866
Coleman John Caldwell 1881
Colgate Henry Auchincloss 1913
Collier Samuel (Sam) Carnes 1935
Collin Frederick 1871
Collin William Welch 1877
Colt LeBaron Bradford 1868
Colton Henry Martin 1848
Colton Willis Strong 1850
Condit Albert Pierson 1850
Condit Charles 1848
Condit Stephen 1856
Connelly, Jr. William James 1948
Connick Andrew Jackson 1952
Connick Louis 1945
Connor Lemuel Parker 1845
Connor William Gustine 1845
Connors David Michael 1974
Connors James Joseph 1959
Converse George Sherman 1850
Conway, Jr. Joseph Leo 1981
Cook Robert Johnston 1876
Cook II George 1945
Cook III George 1948
Cooke Eldridge Clinton 1877
Cooke Francis Judd 1933
Cooke James Barclay 1893
Cooke John Parick 1959
Cooke Robert Barbour 1936
Cooke Walter Evans 1895
Cooley Harlan Ward 1888
Coombs Orde Musgrave 1965
Coon John 1847
Cooper Carnell 1977
Cooper Henry Sage Fenimore 1917
Cooper Jacob 1852
Cooper John Sherman 1923
Cooper William Frierson 1838
Corbin William Herbert 1889
Corey Alan Lyle 1911
Corey III Alan Lyle 1965
Cornell Thomas Hilary 1915
Corning Erastus 1903
Cornish, Jr. Percy Gillette 1914
Cortelyou, Jr. George Bruce 1913
Corwin Robert Nelson 1887
Corwith John White 1890
Cosgrove Thomas Francis 1969
Costikyan Granger 1929
Cowdry Rex William 1968
Cowles Alfred 1913
Cowles Alfred 1886
Cowles William Hutchinson 1887
Cowles William Sheffield 1921
Cowles III Alfred 1913
Cox John Joughin 1891
Coxe Alexander Brown 1887
Coy Edward Harris 1910
Coy Sherman Lockwood 1901
Crampton Rufus Cowles 1851
Crane, Jr. Winthrop Murray 1904
Crapo Stanford Tappan 1886
Crapo William Wallace 1852
Crawley Brian Scott 1964
Cressler Alfred Miller 1902
Crile, Jr. George 1929
Crosby Albert Hastings 1922
Crosby Henry Stetson 1926
Crosby John 1890
Crosby, Jr. Benjamin Lewis 1892
Cross Alan W. 1966
Cross John Walter 1900
Cross Richard James 1937
Cross Walter Snell 1904
Cross William R. 1941
Cross William Redmond 1896
Croxton John Thomas 1857
Cruikshank, Jr. Paul Fessenden 1952
Crump John 1833
Csar Michael F. 1972
Cunningham Hugh Terry 1934
Cunningham Oliver Baty 1917
Curtin Francis Clare 1935
Curtis George Louis 1878
Cushing Charles Cyprian Strong 1902
Cushing William Lee 1872
Cushman Charles W. 1957
Cushman Isaac LaFayette 1845
Cushman, Jr. Lt. Gen. Robert E. 1958
Cutler Benjamin Crawford 1926
Cutler Carroll 1854
D'Avanzo Louis A. 1956
Daggett Oliver Ellsworth
Dahl George 1908
Dalby Michael Thomas 1966
Dale, Jr. Edwin Lyon 1945
Daly Frederick Joseph 1911
Dana William Buck 1851
Dana James Dwight
Daniels Forest Leonard 1907
Daniels John H. 1943
Daniels Joseph Leonard 1860
Daniels Rensselaer Wilkinson 1873
Daniels Thomas Leonard 1914
Danielson Richard Ely 1907
Darling Arthur Burr 1916
Darling Thomas 1836
Davenport Bradfute Warwick 1938
Davenport George Leovy 1980
Davenport John A. 1926
Davenport Russell Wheeler 1923
Davenport Stephen Rintoul 1915
Davies Philip Turner 1976
Davies Thomas Frederick 1853
Davies Thomas Frederick 1894
Davis Benjamin 1895
Davis Benjamin Franklin 1833
Davis Clinton Wildes 1911
Davis John 1835
Davis Lowndes Henry 1860
Davis Richard Marden 1933
Davis Robert Stewart 1860
Davis Walter Goodwin 1908
Davis II Horace Webber 1936
Davison Daniel Pomeroy 1949
Davison Endicott Peabody 1945
Davison Frederick Trubee 1918
Davison Harry Pomeroy 1920
Davison Henry Pomeroy 1920
Dawes Chester Mitchell 1876
Day Arthur Pomeroy 1890
Day Clive 1892
Day Dwight Huntington 1899
Day Huntington T. 1923
Day John Calvin 1857
Day Melville Cox 1862
Day Robert Webster 1875
Day Sherwood Sunderland 1911
Day Thomas Mills 1837
Day Thomas Mills 1886
Day William Edwards 1902
Day Henry N
Deans Robert Barr 1918
Dechert Henry Martyn 1850
Decker, Jr. Edmund Lockwood 1929
DeForest Stephen Elliott 1955
Demaree II Frank Edward 1969
Deming Charles Clerc 1872
Deming Henry Champion 1872
Deming Henry Champion 1836
Deming Lawrence Clerc 1883
Dempsey Andrew Squire 1956
Dempsey John Bourne 1911
Dempsey, Jr. James Howard 1938
Denegre Thomas Bayne 1915
DeNeufville John Phillip 1961
Denison Lindsay 1895
Dennis Frederic Shepard 1872
Denny Thomas 1854
Denslow Herbert McKenzie 1873
Dent Henry Hatch 1836
Depew Canson Goodyear 1919
Depew Chauncey Mitchell 1856
DeSa Pompeo Ascenco 1841
DeSibour Jules Henri 1896
DeSilver Albert 1910
Desjardins Peter Earl 1965
Devlin Michael William 1982
Devor, Jr Donald S. 1941
DeVore Mark Samuel 1980
Dexter Franklin Bowditch 1861
Dexter Morton 1867
Diamond Peter C. 1974
Dickinson Arthur 1856
Diller John Cabot 1924
Dilworth George Toby 1980
Dilworth Joseph Richardson 1938
Dimock Henry Farnam 1863
Dines Tyson 1908
Dixon Theodore Polehemus 1907
Dixon William Palmer 1868
Doane John Wesley 1891
Dodd Albert 1838
Dodge Francis Talmage 1904
Dodge Philip Lyndon 1907
Dodge Washington 1929
Dominick David DeWitt 1960
Dominick Gayer Gardner 1909
Donaldson William Henry 1953
Donnelley Gaylord 1931
Donnelley Reuben H. 1889
Donnelley Richard Robert 1889
Donnelley Thomas Elliott 1889
Doolittle Duncan Hunter 1943
Douglas Malcolm 1900
Douglass Willard Robinson 1887
Dousman Louis deVierville 1906
Dowling Brian J. 1969
Downing III Earl S. 1970
Doyle, Jr. Thomas James 1974
Drain Richard Dale 1943
Draper Arthur Joy 1937
Draper III William H. 1950
Dreisbach John Martin 1903
DuBois John Jay 1867
Dunham George Elliott 1859
Dunham, Jr. Lawrence Boardman 1938
Dunn George J. 1957
Dunning Rev. Albert Elijah 1867
Dunwody James Bulloch 1836
Durfee, Jr. C. Gibson 1956
Durham II Edwin A. 1953
Duryee Samuel Sloan 1917
Dutton Samuel W.S.
Dwight Timothy 1849
Dwight Winthrop Edwards 1893
Dyess Arthur Delma 1939
Eakin Emmet Alexander 1856
Eakin William Spencer 1846
Eames Benjamin Tucker 1843
Early Hobart Evans 1945
Eaton Samuel Lewis 1877
Eaton Sherburne Blake 1862
Ecklund John E. 1938
Eddy Maxon Hunter 1929
Eden John W. 1951
Edozien Anthony O. 1979
Edwards Alfred Lewis 1857
Edwards George Benjamin 1878
Edwards Newton 1842
Edwards Richard Henry 1901
Eels John Shepard 1901
Eichelberger Martin Smyser 1858
Eisenberg Bruce Alan 1974
Eisler Colin Tobias 1952
Ekfelt Richard (Dick) Henry 1971
Elder Samuel James 1873
Eldridge Charles St. John 1839
Elebash Shehand Daniel 1944
Elliot Henry Rutherford 1871
Elliot William Horace 1844
Ellis Garrison McClintock Noel 1951
Ellis Harland Montgomery 1930
Ellis Raymond Walleser 1930
Ellis, Jr. Alexander 1944
Ellis, Jr. F. Henry 1941
Ellis, Jr. G. Corson 1951
Ellsworth John Stoughton 1905
Elwell, Jr. Francis Bolton 1945
Ely Grosvenor 1906
Embersits John Frank 1958
Emerson Alfred 1834
Emerson Christy Payne 1953
Emerson Joseph 1841
Emerson Samuel 1848
English, Jr. William Deshay 1975
Eno John Chester 1869
Eno Wiliam Phelps 1882
Ercklentz Alexander Tonio 1959
Erickson Thomas Franklin 1940
Ernst Frederick Vincent 1960
Erskine, Jr. Albert DeW. 1930
Esselstyn Erik Canfield 1959
Esselstyn, Jr. Caldwell Blakesman 1956
Estill Joe Garner 1891
Esty Constantine Canaris 1845
Etra Donald 1968
Eustis William Tappan 1841
Evans Evan Wilhelm 1851
Evans Peter Seelye 1972
Evans T. Boyd 1954
Evarts Maxwell 1884
Evarts Sherman 1881
Evarts William Maxwell 1837
Ewell John Lewis 1865
Ewing Sherman 1924
Eyre Lawrence L. 1970
Farnam Charles Henry 1868
Farnam Henry Walcott 1874
Farnam John Dorrance 1890
Farnam William Whitman 1866
Farrar John Chipman 1918
Faulkner Endress 1839
Fearey Morton Lazell 1898
Fehr Gerald F. 1955
Feinerman James Vincent 1971
Felder John Henry 1844
Fenn William Henry 1854
Ferguson Alfred Ludlow 1902
Ferguson James Lord 1944
Ferguson, Jr. Alfred L. 1926
Ferry Orris Sanford 1844
Fetner Philip Jay 1965
FewSmith William 1844
Field David Irvine 1841
Field John Warner 1937
Finch Francis Miles 1849
Fincke Clarence Mann 1897
Finley John George Gilpin 1947
Finney C. Roger 1973
Finney Graham Stanley 1952
Finney John Warren 1945W
Fischer Louis Christopher 1856
Fish Stuyvesant 1905
Fisher Irving 1888
Fisher Samuel Herbert 1889
Fisher Scott B. 1972
Fisher George Park
Fishwick Dwight Brown 1928
Fisk Samuel Augustus 1844
Fisk Stuart Wilkins 1840
Fitch George Hopper 1932
Fitch James 1847
Flagg Wilbur Wells 1873
Flanders Henry Richmond 1885
Fleming Andrew T. 1980
Fleming William Stuart 1838
Fletcher Alexander Charles 1933
Flynn Alexander Rex 1906
Folsom Charles Seward 1883
Foote Charles Seward 1883
Foote Harry Ward 1866
Foote Joseph Forward 1850
Foote Thaddeus 1844
Ford George Tod 1865
Ford William 1942
Fore John Arthur 1979
Fort Donald Kenneth 1976
Fortgang Jeffrey 1971
Fortunato S. Joseph 1954
Foster David John 1967
Foster Dwight 1848
Foster Eleazar Kingsbury 1834
Foster George Forris 1879
Foster John Pierrepont 1869
Foster Joseph Taylor 1908
Foster Maxwell E. 1923
Foster Reginald 1884
Foster Roger 1878
Fowler Charles Newell 1876
Fowler Horace Webster 1863
Fowler William 1860
Fox Joseph Carrere 1938
Franchot Charles Pascal 1910
Francis Samuel Hopkins 1964
Frank Clinton E. 1938
Frank III Charles Augustus 1963
Frank, Jr. Victor H. 1950
Franklin Richard David 1983
Fredericks Joel Richard 1977
Freeman Henry Varnum 1869
French Asa Palmer 1882
French Robert Dudley 1910
Friedland Johnathan David 1970
Fritzche Peter B. 1957
Frost Elihu Brintnal 1883
Frost, Jr. Albert Carl 1922
Fuller Henry W. 1969
Fuller Philo Carroll 1881
Fuller Stanley Evert 1935
Fuller William Henry 1861
Fulton Robert Brank 1932
Furbish Edward Brown 1860
Gachel Charles Nicholas 1843
Gage Charles Stafford 1925
Gaillard Edward McCrady 1919
Gaillard, Jr. Samuel Gourdin 1916
Gaines Edwin Frank 1975
Gaines Milton J. 1956
Galbraith Evan Griffith 1950
Gale Frederick Scott 1983
Gallaudet Edson Fessenden 1893
Gallaudet Herbert Draper 1898
Gallico III G. Gregory 1968
Galvin Michael Gerard 1971
Gammell Arthur Amory 1911
Gardner Robert Abbe 1912
Garfield Newell 1918
Garnsey Walter Wood 1930
Garnsey William Herrick 1960
Garnsey William Smith 1933
Garnsey, Jr. Walter W. 1967
Garrison Elisha Ely 1897
Garvey John Joseph 1929
Gates Artemis L. 1918
Gates Edward Raymond 1976
Gerard Sumner 1897
Gibbs Josiah Willard
Gibson, Jr. Richard Channing 1976
Giegengack, Jr. Robert F. 1960
Gifford Richard C. 1954
Gile Clement D. 1939
Gile Clement Moses 1914
Gile Lawrence Maclester 1978
Gill B. 1936
Gill Brendan 1963
Gill Charles Otis 1889
Gill George Metcalf 1888
Gill Michael Gates 1963
Gillespie Kenrick S. 1929
Gillespie, Jr. S. Hazard 1932
Gillette Augustus Canfield 1841
Gillette Curtenius 1897
Gillette, Jr. Howard Frank 1964
Gilman Daniel Coit 1852
Gisen, Jr. Arthur R. 1954
Glaenzer Georges Brette 1907
Gleason William Henry 1853
Glover III Charles Carroll 1940
Goedecke William Skinner 1947
Goldberg Richard Julius 1977
Gonzalez Timoteo F. 1974
Goodenough John Bannister 1944
Goodyear Robert M. 1949
Gordon Alexander Blucher 1834
Gordon Edward McGuire 1938
Gordon George Arthur 1934
Gould Anthony 1877
Gould James 1918
Gould James Gardner 1845
Gow Robert Haigh 1955
Grammar Christopher 1843
Grandine Thomas Allan 1981
Granger Gideon 1843
Granger John Albert 1855
Grant Edward Dromgoole 1858
Graves Henry Solon 1892
Graves William Phillips 1891
Graves, Jr. Earl Gilbert 1984
Grayson James Gordon 1940
Grayson William Cabell 1944
Grayson, Jr. Cary Travers 1942
Grayson, Jr. William Cabell 1977
Gready William Postell 1842
Green Benjamin P. 1973
Green Charles Grady 1955
Green Edmund Frank 1880
Green Henry Sherwood 1879
Green James Payne 1857
Green Rudolph 1975
Greenberg Stephen David 1970
Greene Waldo Wittenmyer 1930
Greenway James Cowan 1900
Gregory Daniel Seelye
Griggs John Cornelius 1889
Griggs Maitland Fuller 1896
Griggs, Jr. Herbert Stanton 1928
Grimes David Charles 1948
Griswold Dwight Torrey 1908
Griswold William Edward Schenck 1899
Grove Manasses Jacob 1929
Grover Thomas Williams 1874
Growel Alfred 1853
Grubb Charles Ross 1873
Gruener Gustav 1884
Guernsey Raymond Gano 1902
Guidotti Hugh G. 1955
Guinzburg Thomas Henry 1950
Gulliver Henry Strong 1875
Gulliver William Curtis 1870
Guthrie Robert K. 1968
Gwin Samuel Lawrence 1930
Gwin, Jr. Samuel Lawrence 1963
Haas Frederick Peter 1935
Hadden Briton 1920
Hadley Arthur Twining 1876
Hadley Hamilton 1919
Hadley Morris 1916
Hadley James
Haffner, Jr. Charles C. 1919
Haight Ducald Cameron 1847
Haight George Winthrop 1928
Haight, Jr. Charles S. 1952
Haines Thomas Frederick David 1924
Haldeman Richard Jacobs 1851
Hale, Jr. Eugene 1898
Hall Daniel Emerson 1834
Hall Edward Tuck 1941
Hall Jesse Angell 1936
Hall John Loomer 1894
Hall John Manning 1866
Hall Robert A. 1930
Hall William Kittredge 1859
Hall, Jr. Frederick Bagry 1933
Hallett John Folsom 1934
Halpin Thomas M. 1971
Halsey Jacob 1842
Halsey, Jr. Ralph Wetmore 1942
Hambleton Thomas Edward 1934
Hamilton William 1962
Hamlin Charles B. 1961
Hamlin Chauncey Jerome 1903
Hannahs Diodate Cushman 1859
Hansen Roger Allen 1955
Harding John Wheeler 1845
Harding Wilder Bennett 1867
Hare Clinton Larue 1887
Hare Meredith 1894
Harman Archer 1913
Harman, Jr. Archer 1945
Harper, Jr. Harry Halsted 1934
Harriman Edward Roland ("Bunny") Noel 1917
Harriman William Averell 1913
Harris Henry Reeder 1836
Harrison Burton Norvel 1859
Harrison Fairfax 1890
Harrison Francis Burton 1895
Harrison Fred Harold 1942
Harrison George Leslie 1910
Harrison Henry Baldwin 1846
Hart Dennis Charles 1976
Hart Roswell 1843
Hart Rufus Erastus 1833
Hartley Cavour 1912
Hartshorn Joseph William 1867
Haskell Robert Chandler 1858
Haslam Lewis Scofield 1890
Hatch Walter Tilden 1837
Hatem John J. 1980
Haven George Griswold 1887
Havens Daniel William 1843
Hawley David 1846
Hay Logan 1893
Hayden William Hallock 1847
Healy, Jr. Harold Harris 1943
Heard Albert Farley 1853
Heaton Edward 1869
Hebard Albert 1851
Hebard Daniel 1860
Hedge Thomas 1867
Heermance Edgar Laing 1858
Heffelfinger Frank Peavey 1920
Heffelfinger George Wright Peavy 1924
Heinz II Henry John 1931
Helfenstein Charles Philip 1841
Helmer Charles Downs 1852
Heminway Bartow Lewis 1921
Hemphill James Tierney 1959
Henen William Davison 1842
Henningsen, Jr. Victor William 1950
Henston Douglas Robert 1984
Hernandez Carols Arturo 1971
Heron John 1910
Hersey John Richard 1936
Herskovits David Nathaniel 1984
Hessberg II Albert 1938
Hewitt Brower 1903
Hewitt Henry H. 1963
Hewitt Thomas Browning 1864
Hidden Edward 1885
Hiers Richard Hyde 1954
Higgins Anthony 1861
Highfill III Philip Henry 1973
Hill George Canning 1845
Hillard Lord Butler 1883
Hilles Frederick Whiley 1922
Hilles, Jr. Charles Dewey 1924
Hincks Edward Young 1866
Hincks John Howard 1872
Hincks John Morris 1920
Hincks John Winslow 1952
Hine Charles Daniel 1871
Hinkey Frank Augustus 1895
Hinsdale Frank Gilbert 1898
Hitchcock Henry 1879
Hitchcock Henry 1848
Hixon Robert 1901
Hoagland Donald Wright 1943
Hobbs Charles Buxton 1885
Hobson Francis Thayer 1920
Hobson Henry Wise 1914
Hodes Douglas Michael 1970
Hodges, Jr. William VanDerveer 1932
Hogan James Joseph 1905
Holbrook David Doubleday 1960
Holbrook, Jr. John 1959
Holden John Morgan 1944
Holden Rebuen A. 1940
Holland Henry Thompson 1962
Hollister Arthur Nelson 1858
Hollister Buell 1905
Hollister, Jr. John B. 1949
Holmbee Jeffrey Arthur 1979
Holmes George Burgwin 1945W
Holmes John Grier 1934
Holmes John Milton 1857
Holmes Peter Samuel 1978
Holster Edwin Olaf 1894
Holt George Chandler 1866
Holt Henry Chandler 1903
Hook Noble 1978
Hooker John Worthington 1854
Hooker Thomas 1869
Hoopes Townsend Walter 1944
Hopkins John Morgan 1900
Hoppin Benjamin 1872
Hoppin James Mason 1840
Hord Stephen Young 1921
Hoston, Jr. Archibald Robinson 1939
Hothhkiss William Henry 1875
Hough Edward Clement 1849
Houghton Edward 1852
Houghton Walter Edwards 1924
Houston John Wallace 1834
Howard James Ernest 1966
Howard James Merriam 1909
Howard Oran Reed 1835
Howe Arthur 1912
Howe Elmer Parker 1876
Howe Gary Woodson 1958
Howe Henry Almy 1909
Howe II Harold 1940
Howland John 1894
Hoyl Joseph Gibson 1840
Hoyl Lydic 1906
Hoysradt Albert 1877
Hoysradt John McA. 1926
Hoysradt Warren J. 1901
Hubbard Richard Dudley 1839
Hubbard Oliver P.
Hudson Franklin Donald 1955
Hudson Ward Woodridge 1840
Huey Mark Christopher 1973
Huggins William Sidney 1842
Hughes Berrien 1905
Hull Louis Kossuth 1883
Hurd John Odman 1836
Hurd Richard Melanemon 1888
Hurlbut Joseph 1849
Hurlbut, Jr. Gordon Buckland 1945W
Husted James William 1892
Hyatt Robert Underwood 1837
Hyde Alvan Pinney 1845
Hyde Donald R. 1912
Hyde Frank Eldridge 1879
Hyde Frederick Walton 1911
Hyde William Waldo 1876
Hyde, Jr. Louis Kepler 1923
Ingalls David Sinton 1920
Ingalls, Jr. David Sinton 1956
Ingersoll James Wernham Dunsford 1892
Inman Robert D. 1971

Isbell Orland Sidney 1888
Isham Edward Swift 1891
Isham Henry Peter 1917
Isham John Beach 1869
Ives Chauncey Bradley 1928
Ives Gerard M. 1925
Ives Sherwood Bissell 1893
Ives Charles
Jack Thomas Mckinney 1853
Jackson Henry Rootes 1839
Jackson John Herrick 1934
Jackson Joseph Cooke 1857
Jackson Terrence John 1970
Jackson William E. 1941
James Ellery Sedgewick 1917
James Henry Ammon 1874
James Norman 1890
James Robert Campbell 1894
James Walter Belknap 1879
James William Knowles 1878
Jamieson, Jr. Thomas Crawford 1956
Janeway Charles Anderson 1930
Jay Pierre 1892
Jefferson Edward Francis 1909
Jenckes Marcien 1921
Jenkins Richard Elwood 1948
Jenks Almet Francis 1875
Jenks Paul Emmott 1884
Jenks Tudor 1878
Jennings Oliver Goud 1887
Jennings Percy Hall 1904
Jennings Walter 1880
Jessup J.B. 1942
Jesup James Riley 1840
Johnes Edward Rudolph 1873
Johnson Barclay 1882
Johnson Charles Frederick 1855
Johnson George Asbury 1853
Johnson J.H. 1935
Johnston Frank 1835
Johnston Henry Phelps 1862
Johnston Ross 1870
Johnston William Curtis 1860
Johnston William Preston 1852
Johnstone Henry Webb 1916
Jones Alfred Henry 1893
Jones Dwight Arven 1875
Jones Frank Hatch 1875
Jones Frederick Scheetz 1884
Jones George Gill 1914
Jones Luther Maynard 1860
Jones Seaborn Augustus 1838
Jones T.S. 1933
Jones Walter Clyde 1925
Jordan Ralph Edward 1923
Judson Frederick Newton 1866
Judson Isaac Nichols 1873
Kelley L.M. 1937
Kellogg Charles Poole 1890
Kellogg Fred William 1883
Kellogg Stephen Wright 1846
Kellogg W.W. 1939
Kelly II W.C. 1944
Kelsey Clarence 1878
Kemp J.B. 1942
Kemp Philip Sperry 1950
Kendall John Newton 1834
Kendall, Jr. William Burrage 1887
Kenerson Vertner 1891
Kennedy Thomas 1845
Kent Albert Emmett 1853
Kent William 1887
Keppelman John Arthur 1901
Kernochan Francis Edward 1861
Kernochan Frederic 1898
Kernochan Joseph Frederic 1863
Kerr Albert Boardman 1897
Kerry John Forbes 1966
Ketcham Henry Holman 1914
Key Thomas Marshall 1838
Kilborne William Skinner 1935
Kilcullen John M. 1934
Killredge George Alvar 1855
Kilrea Walter C. 1954
Kimball Arthur Reed 1877
Kimball John Edwin 1858
Kimball Walter S. 1934
King Lyndon Marrs 1910
King Stoddard 1914
Kingsbury Howard Thayer 1926
Kingsley Charles C. 1959
Kingsley Henry Coit 1834
Kingsley William L.
Kinne William 1848
Kinney Herbert Evelyn 1871
Kiphuth Delaney 1941
Kirby Jacob Brown 1849
Kirchwey George W. 1942
Kitchel Cornelius Ladd 1862
Kitchel Cornelius Porter 1897
Kitchel William Lloyd 1892
Kittle John Caspar 1904
Kittredge Frank Dutton 1952
Klots Allen Trafford 1943
Klots Allen Trafford 1909
Knapp Farwell 1916
Knapp Howard Hoyt 1882
Knapp John Merrill 1936
Knapp Wallace Percy 1886
Kneeland Y. 1890
Knight Augustus 1910
Knight Samuel 1887
Knoll George Tapscott 1878
Knox Hugh Smith 1907
Kolar Button Ward 1968
Kosturko William Theodore 1971
Ladd, Jr. Louis Williams 1930
Lagercrantz Bengt M. 1965
Laidley Forrest David 1966
Lalley Patrick William 1977
Lamb Albert Eugene 1867
Lamb Albert Richard 1903
Lambert Adrian VanSinderen 1893
Lambert Alexander 1884
Lambert Alfred 1843
Lambert Edward Scott 1984
Lambert Edward Wilberforce 1854
Lambert Paul Christopher 1950
Lampman Lewis 1866
Lampson George 1855
Lampson William 1862
Lane William Griswold 1843
Lanier Alexander Chalmers 1844
Lapham Lewis Abbot 1931
Lapham Raymond White 1928
Larned William Augustua
Larner Robert Johnson 1922
Lathe Herbert William 1873
Lathrop John Hiram 1905
Laudon, Jr. Mortimer Hamlin 1932
Lavelli, Jr. Anthony 1949
Law William Fabian 1837
Law William Lyon 1838
Lawler Quentin John 1977
Lawrance Thomas Garner 1884
Lawrence Gary Martin 1980
Lea James Neilsen 1834
Lea Robert Brinkley 1871
Leaf Edmund 1841
Lear Henry 1869
Learned Dwight Whitney 1870
Learned William Law 1841
Leavatt Ashley 1900
Leavenworth Donald Loyal 1947
Lee Samuel Henry 1858
LeFevre Ronald Eaton 1962
Legore Harry William 1917
Leighton James 1881
Leiper Joseph McCarrell 1949
Lent John Abram 1843
Leone Frederick Anthony 1982
Leverett Miles Watson 1976
Levering Walter B. 1933
Levin Charles Herbert 1971
Lewis A. Hook 1833
Lewis Charlton Miner 1886
Lewis George Emanuel 1974
Lewis Henry 1842
Lewis John 1868
Lewis Mark Sanders 1972
Libbey Frank 1867
Lightfoot Richard Bissett 1959
Ligon Thomas B. 1962
Liles Coit Redfearn 1973
Lilley Robert McGregor 1967
Lilley, Jr. Frank Walder 1943
Lindenberg John Townsend 1932
Lindgren Richard Hugo 1960
Lindley Frances Vinton 1933
Lindsay David A. 1944
Lindsay, Jr. Dale Alton 1961
Linton Stephen Duncan 1846
Lippincott David McCord 1949
Lippincott William Jackson 1914
Lippitt Henry 1909
Litt David Geoffrey 1984
Litt Willard David 1921
Little Mitchell Stuart 1907
Little Robbins 1851
Little Stuart W. 1944
Livingston Herman 1879
Livingston II Richard 1969
Loeser Frederic William 1931
Logan Walter Seth 1910
Lohmann Carl Albert 1910
Lombard James Kittredge 1854
Lombardi Cornelius Ennis 1911
Longstreth George B. 1930
Lonsdorf David B. 1973
Look Allen M. 1927
Look Frank Byron 1930
Lord Charles Edwin 1949
Lord Franklin Atkins 1898
Lord George Deforest 1854
Lord Oswald B. 1926
Lord William Galey 1922
Lord Winston 1959
Lorenson David Harold 1979
Loucks, Jr. Vernon R. 1957
Loughran Anthony Hookey 1957
Love Ralph Frank 1951
Lovejoy Winslow Meston 1925
Lovell Joseph 1844
Lovett August Sidney 1913
Lovett Robert Abercrombie 1918
Lovett Sidney 1950
Luce Henry Robinson 1920
Luckey Charles Pinckney 1923
Luckey Charles Pinckney 1950
Ludden William 1850
Lufkin Chauncey F. 1951
Lufkin Dan Wende 1953
Lufkin Elgood Moulton 1925
Lufkin, Sr. Peter Wende 1949
Luman Richard John 1925
Lumpkin Richard Anthony 1957
Lunt Storer Boardman 1921
Lusk Peter A. 1960
Lusk William Thompson 1924
Lutz Karl Evan 1972
Lydgate William A. 1931
Lyman Chester Smith 1837
Lyman Chester Wolcott 1882
Lynch Dennis Patrick 1964
Lynch R. Vincent 1945
Lynde Charles James 1838
Lyon George Armstrong 1900
MacDonald II Ranald 1915
MacDonald II Richard J. 1972
MacDonald II Stephen Joseph 1973
Mack Richard Gesrtle 1948
MacKenzie Kenneth Malcolm 1975
MacLean, Jr. Kenneth 1961
MacLeish Archibald 1915
MacLeish William H. 1950
MacLellan George Boardman 1858
MacLellan William 1835
MacVeagh Franklin 1862
MacWhorter Alexander 1842
Madden B. Patrick 1969
Madden John Beckwith 1941
Maffitt Thomas Skinner 1899
Magee James McDevitt 1899
Magee John Gillespie 1906
Magruder Benjamin Drake 1856
Mallon Guy Ward 1885
Mallon Henry Neil 1917
Mallon John Howard 1919
Mallon Thomas Ridgway 1945W
Mallory William Neely 1924
Mallory, Jr. Barton Lee 1928
Malloy Terrence R. 1956
Manice William DeForest 1851
Manross Newton Spaulding 1850
Mansfield Howard 1871
Manville, Jr. Hiram Edward 1929
March Daniel 1840
Marinelli David Leonard 1978
Marmaduke Vincent 1852
Marsh William Lee 1963
Marshall John Birnie 1953
Marshall Samuel Davies 1833
Martin George Greene 1893
Martin George Lockwood 1836
Martin William A.P.
Marvin Joseph Howard 1836
Marvin Joseph Howard 1876
Mason Alfred Bishop 1871
Mason Henry Burratt 1870
Mather Frederick Ellsworth 1833
Mathews Craig 1951
Mathias II Philip 1955
Matthessen Francis Otto 1923
Matthews Albert 1842
Mattlin Fred W. 1973
Mayer Charles Theodore 1951
Mayor Michael B. 1959
McAfee William Andrew 1982
McAndrew Alexander 1913
McBride Jonathan Evans 1964
McBride Wilber 1882
McCall Henry 1840
McCallum Revell 1924
McCallum, Jr. Robert Davis 1968
McCarthy Charles Edward 1960
McClintock Norman 1891
McClung Lee 1892
McClure Archibald 1912
McClure James Gore King 1870
McClure, Jr. James Gore King 1906
McCormick Henry 1852
McCormick, Jr. Alexander Agnew 1919
McCrary, Jr. John Reagan 1932
McCullough David G. 1955
McCutchen Samuel St. John 1870
McDonnell John Vincent 1911
McElroy Benjamin Thomas 1945
McGaughey, Jr. Guy Ennis 1945
McGauley John Michael 1933
McGee Donald Ashbrook 1906
McGregor Jack F. 1956
McHenry James 1920
McHenry John 1885
McIntosh Harris 1927
McKee Elmore Mcneill 1919
McKee Lanier 1895
McKee M. Dunn 1896
McKinney William Allison 1868
McLallen P. Fredinand 1847
McLane James Price 1953
McLaren Michael G. 1972
McLaughlin Edward Tompkins 1883
Mclean Charles Fraser 1864
Mclean John Helm 1943
McLean III Robert 1950
McLemore, Jr. John Briggs 1937
McMillan James Howard 1888
McMillan Philip Hamilton 1894
McMillan William Charles 1884
McNally Edward E. 1979
McNamara Thomas Philip 1951
McPhee Stephen Joseph 1973
McQuaid William Adolph 1889
Mead Frederick 1871
Mead Winter 1919
Meek John Burgess 1960
Mehta Arjay Singh 1976
Melton, Jr. William Davis 1924
Menton James Paul 1956
Menton John Dennis 1953
Merriam Alexander Ross 1872
Merriam George Spring 1864
Merrill Henry Riddle 1929
Merrill Payson 1865
Merritt Henry Newton 1912
Mesick Richard Smith 1848
Messimer, Jr. Robert L. 1931
Metcalf Harold Grant 1904
Metcalfe Henry Laurens 1849
Metcalfe Orrick 1845
Meyer, Jr. Russell William 1954
Meyers Bryan Fitch 1982
Michel Anthony Lee 1926
Middlebrook Louis Shelton 1915
Miles James Browning 1849
Miles Richard Curtis 1937
Miller Allanson Douglas 1864
Miller Andrew Otterson 1939
Miller Dudley Livingston 1943
Miller Francis William 1842
Miller George Douglas 1870
Miller James Ely 1904
Miller James Whipple 1967
Miller Phineas Timothy 1833
Miller Thomas Clairborne 1970
Miller Wentworth Earl 1969
Miller, Jr. Charles Lewis 1939
Mills Alfred 1847
Mills Edward Ensign 1934
Mills Ethelbert Smith 1835
Mills James Paul 1932
Mitchell Donald Grant 1841
Mitchell Harry H. 1939
Mitchell John Hanson 1861
Mitchell, Jr. H. Coleman 1967
Mitinger Joseph Berry 1953
Montesano III Michael John 1983
Montgomery Grenville Dodge 1898
Moody Thomas Hudson 1843
Moore David Clement 1973
Moore E. Hastings 1883
Moore Frank Wood 1903
Moore Georg Foot 1872
Moore James I. 1947
Moore Richard Anthony 1936
Moore William Eves 1847
Moorhead William S. 1906
Morehead William S. 1945
Morey, Jr. Robert Willis 1958
Morgan James W. 1971
Morgan Robert McNair 1970
Morgenstern Marc Jaime 1976
Morison David Whipple 1888
Morison Samuel Benjamin 1891
Morison Stanford Newel 1892
Morris Edward Dafydd 1849
Morris Luzon 1854
Morris Ray 1901
Morse John Bolt 1934
Morse Samuel Finley Brown 1907
Morse Sidney Nelson 1890
Morton, Jr. Thruston Ballard 1954
Moseley Thomas Wilder 1948
Mosely Spencer Dumaresq 1943
Moser Richard Eugene 1963
Moses Jack Thomas 1979
Moyer Douglas Richard 1972
Mulford David Humphrey 1846
Mulford Elisha 1855
Mulhern Daniel Kevin 1980
Mullins Frederic Parsons 1912
Munn John 1847
Munroe George Edmund 1874
Murchison Brian Cameron 1974
Murchison Robert W. 1982
Murphy Frederick James 1910
Murphy Gerald Clery 1912
Musser John Miller 1930
Neale James Brown 1896
Neigher Geoffrey Mark 1967
Nelson Rensselaer Russell 1846
Nettleton Edward Payson 1856
Neville James E. 1921
Nevins William Bessell 1846
Newel Stanford 1861
Newman Thomas Montgomery 1977
Newton, Jr. James Quigg 1933
Nichols Alfred Bull 1880
Nichols Edward 1934
Nichols William Allen 1983
Nickerson Sereno Dwight 1845
Noble Lawrence Mason 1927
Noble, Jr. Lawerence Mason 1953
Noble Frederick A.
Noel Christopher 1983
Nondorf Kurt D. 1979
Nordhaus William D. 1963
Norris William Herbert 1839
Northrop Cyrus 1857
Northrop Birdsey G.
Northrup Robert Smitter 1960
Norton Wiliam Bunnell 1925
Norton, Jr. George Washington 1923
Novkov David A. 1953
Novosel David Gerard 1981
Noyes Edward MacArthur 1971
O'Brien Donald Patrick 1979
O'Brien Frank 1906
O'Brien, Jr. Frank 1947
O'Brien, Jr. Philip 1945W
O'Connell Timothy James 1963
O'Keefe Regis James 1981
O'Leary, Jr. John Joseph 1969
O'Neill, Jr. Eugene Gladstone 1932
Oberlin John P. 1957
Ogden Alfred 1932
Ohene-Frempong Kwaku 1970
Oler Wesley M. 1916
Oler, Jr. Clark Kimberly 1976
Olmstead John Hull 1847
Olsen Albert William 1917
Ord Joseph Pacificus 1873
Ordway Henry Choate 1880
Orr Andrew Alexander 1956
Orrick Andrew Downey 1940
Orrick, Jr. William H. 1937
Osborn Richard 1914
Osborne Arthur Sherwood 1882
Osborne Thomas Burr 1881
Otis James Sanford 1919
Overton John Williams 1917
Owen Charles Hunter 1860
Owen Edward Thomas 1872
Owen Henry Elijah 1864
Owens Samuel L. 1978
Packard Lewis Richard 1856
Paddock Brace Whitman 1900
Page Robert Guthrie 1922
Paine Levi Leonard 1856
Paine Ralph Delahaye 1894
Paine, Jr. Ralph D. 1929
Painter Henry McMahon 1884
Palmer Arthur Edward 1930
Palmer Charles Edward 1947
Palmer Harry Herbert 1883
Palmer William Henry 1864
Palmer II L. Guy 1957
Paris Irving 1915
Park William Edwards 1861
Parker Grenville 1898
Parker Robert Boyd 1933
Parker Wilbur 1880
Parker William White Wilson 1893
Parkin William 1874
Parrott Joseph Robinson 1883
Parsons Francis 1893
Parsons Henry McIlvaine 1933
Parsons Langdon 1921
Partridge Sidney Catlin 1880
Patterson George Washington 1914
Patterson Lee 1922
Patterson Morehead 1920
Patterson Thomas Cleveland 1927
Patton John 1875
Paul Charles Henry 1912
Payson Henry Silas 1872
Peck Tracy 1861
Peck, Jr. Arthur John 1962
Peitz William Learned 1931
Pelly Bernard Berenger 1923
Pendexter John Fowler 1958
Percy Frederick Bosworth 1877
Perit Pelatia
Perkins John 1840
Perkins Nathaniel Shaw 1842
Perkins Thomas Albert 1858
Perkins William 1840
Perrin Bernadotte 1869
Perrin John 1879
Perrin John Bates 1909
Perrin Lee James 1906
Perrin Lester William 1908
Perry David Brainard 1863
Perry David Bulkey 1977
Perry John Hoyt 1870
Perry Wilbert Warren 1871
Pershing Richard Warren 1966
Peters Daniel James 1970
Peters Elliot Remsen 1980
Peters Eric Brooks 1979
Peters Frank George 1886
Peters John Andrew 1842
Peters Kenneth Graham 1981
Peters William Allison 1880
Peterson Paul Clifford 1981
Pfau, Jr. George Harold 1948
Phelan Howard T. 1958
Phelps Edward Johnson 1886
Phelps Sheffield 1886
Phelps William Walter 1860
Phelps Zira Bennett 1895
Philbin Jesse Holladay 1913
Philbin II Stephen 1910
Phinney Elihu 1846
Pickett Lawrence Kimball 1941
Piel Geoffrey D. 1978
Pierce Frederick Erastus 1904
Pierson Charles Wheeler 1886
Pierson William Seward 1836
Pillsbury Edmund Pennington 1936
Pillsbury, Jr. John Sargent 1935
Pinchot Amos Richards Eno 1897
Pinchot Gifford 1889
Pinckard Thomas Cicero 1848
Pinela Carlos 1983
Pinney John Mercer 1965
Pionzio Dino John 1950
Platt Henry Barstow 1882
Platt Lewis Alfred 1879
Polich Richard Frank 1954
Pollock George Edward 1878
Pollock William 1882
Pomeroy John Norton 1887
Pond Jeffrey Craig 1965
Poole William Frederick 1891
Poore Charles Graydon 1926
Porter Edward Clarke 1858
Porter III Gilbert Edwin 1916
Porter Noah
Post Russell Lee 1927
Post, Jr. Russell Lee 1958
Potter Roderick 1902
Potwin Lemuel Stoughton 1854
Pratt George 1857
Pratt Julius Howard 1842
Pratt William Hall Brace 1864
Prentice John Rockefeller 1928
Prentice Samuel Oscar 1873
Preston Henry Kirk 1836
Preston James Marshall 1967
Preston John Louis 1958
Preston Ord 1899
Price Frank Julian 1892
Price Ross E. 1954
Price, Jr. Charles Baird 1941
Price, Jr. Raymond Kissam 1951
Prideaux Tom 1930
Prindle Thomas Harrison 1964
Pugsley Isaac P. 1864
Pulaski, Jr. Charles Alexander 1964
Pumpelly Harold Armstrong 1915
Purnell Charles Thomas 1854
Putnam James Osborne 1839
Putnam Phelps 1916
Pyle Michael J. 1961
Quarles III James Perrin 1965
Rachlin David Isaiah 1982
Rafferty John Chandler 1835
Ramsdell Charles Benjamin 1872
Rand Stuart Craig 1909
Randolph Francis Fitz 1911
Rankin B. Courtney 1936
Rankin Robert 1845
Ranney George Alfred 1934
Rathborne Joseph Cornelius 1931
Raymond George T.P. 1949
Raymond Henry Hunter 1841
Raymond Henry Warren 1869
Read Richard Rollins 1947
Reed Edward Snover 1951
Reed Harry Lathrop 1889
Reed Lansing Parmalee 1904
Reid Jasper 1982
Reigeluth Douglas Scott 1975
Reilly John Sylvester 1915
Reponen Robert Gordon 1954
Ribeiro Carlos Fernando 1838
Rich Eugene Lamb 1838
Richards Davi Alan 1967
Richards George 1840
Richardson Allan Harvey 1901
Richardson Gardner 1905
Richardson Rufus Byam 1869
Richardson Walker 1849
Richie Wallace Parks 1927
Riggs Benjamin Clapp 1865
Rimar III Stephen 1977
Ripley George Coit 1862
Ritchie, Jr. Wallace Parks 1957
Ritterbush, Jr. Stephen G. 1972
Rizzo Robert John 1978
Robb James Madison 1844
Robb John Hunter 1843
Robbins Edwards Denmore 1874
Robbins William Wells 1927
Roberts Ellis Henry 1850
Roberts, Jr. Charles Holmes 1916
Roberts, Jr. George Brooke 1952
Robertson Charles Franklin 1859
Robertson Robert 1833
Robertson, Jr. Howard Copland 1928
Robeson Abel Bellows 1837
Robinson Frederick Flower 1927
Robinson George Chester 1856
Robinson Henry Seymour 1889
Robinson John Trunbull 1893
Robinson John Trunbull 1937
Robinson Lucius Franklin 1843
Robinson Lucius Franklin 1885
Robinson, Jr. H.C. 1947
Roby Joseph 1893
Roby Samuel Sidney 1888
Rockefeller Percy Avery 1900
Rockwell Foster Harry 1906
Rockwell John 1849
Rodd David B. 1940
Rodd Thomas 1935
Rodman Robert Simpson 1879
Rogers D. 1898
Rogers Derby 1893
Rogers Edmund Pendleton 1905
Rogers Herman Livingston 1914
Rogers John 1887
Root Alexander Porter 1861
Root Reginald Dean 1926
Root Wells 1922
Rose Jonathan Chapman 1963
Ross Lancelot Patrick 1928
Ross Thomas Bernard 1951
Ross William Baldwin 1852
Rowe, Jr. Thomas D. 1984
Rowland John T. 1911
Rowland William Sherman 1836
Roy John Marcus 1978
Rulon-Miller Patrick 1963
Rumsey David McIver 1966
Rumsley Bronson Case 1902
Runnalls John Felch Bertram 1937
Russell Frank Ford 1926
Russell Philip Gray 1876
Russell Richard George 1981
Russell Richard Warren 1951
Russell William Huntington 1833
Ryan Joseph Mather 1951
Ryan III Allan A. 1954
Ryle Ernest 1892
Saffen David 1975
Safford George Blagden 1852
Safford Theodore Lee 1920
Sage Dean 1897
Sage Henry Manning 1890
Salbeh Richard Alan 1972
Saleh Muhammad Ahmed 1968
Salisbury Edward Elbridge
Salzman Mark Joseph 1982
Sanderson Benjamin 1909
Sanford Charles Frederick 1847
Sanhago Eddie 1982
Sanon James M. 1967
Sargent Joseph Weir 1920
Sargent Murray 1905
Savage Bouifelle 1932
Savage Josiah 1846
Sawyer, Jr. Homer Eugene 1913
Scarborough William Smith 1837
Scattergood Thomas B. 1970
Schermerhorn Alfred Cosler 1920
Schermerhorn Amos Egmont 1938
Schlesinger Daniel Adam 1977
Schmidt Thomas Carr 1968
Schnaitter Spencer Jason 1954
Schollander Donald Arthur 1968
Schuyler Eugene 1859
Schwab John Christopher 1886
Schwab Laurence vonPost 1913
Schwarzman Stephen Allen 1969
Scott Eben Greenough 1858
Scott Eugene Lytton 1960
Scott Henry Clarkson 1925
Scott Larry Glenn 1977
Scott Stewart Patterson 1928
Scott William Iain 1973
Scudder Doremus 1880
Seabury Mortimer Ashmfad 1909
Seaman, Jr. Irving 1945
Sears Joshua Montgomery 1877
Seeley George Wheeler 1961
Seeley John Edward 1835
Seeley John Frank 1860
Seeley William Wallace 1862
Seeley, Jr. Edward Howard 1878
Selander Duane Arthur 1969
Selden Edward Griffin 1870
Senay Edward Charles 1952
Seward William Henry 1888
Seymour Charles 1908
Seymour Horatio 1867
Seymour John Forman 1835
Seymour John Sammis 1875
Seymour S.O. 1857
Seymour, Jr. Charles 1935
Seymour Thomas Day
Shackelford Robert Campbell 1958
Sharp Jonathan Douglas 1983
Shattuck John H.F. 1965
Shattuck John Waldon 1870
Shearer Sextus 1861
Shedden William Martindale 1915
Sheffield George St. John 1863
Sheffield James Rockwell 1959
Sheffield John Van Loon 1983
Shelden Allan 1913
Shelly Hugh White 1835
Shepard B. 1936
Shepard Charles R.S. 1951
Shepard Donald Carrington 1950
Shepard Donald Carrington 1916
Shepard Frank Parsons 1917
Shepard Lorrin Andrews 1914
Shepard Roger Bulkley 1908
Shepard, Jr. Lloyd Montgomery 1939
Shepard, Jr. Roger Bulkley 1935
Shepley Arthur 1895
Sheppard Walter Bradley 1887
Sherill Franklin Goldwaithe 1949
Sherman Frederick Roger 1836
Shevlin Edward Leonard 1921
Shipman Arthur Leffingwell 1886
Shirley Arthur 1869
Shugart Thorne Martin 1955
Sill Edward Rowland 1861
Sill George Griswold 1852
Silliman Professor Benjamin 1837
Simmons Frank Hunter 1898
Simmons Wallace Erskine 1890
Simms William Erskine 1891
Simpson Kenneth Farrand 1917
Sincerrbeaux Frank H. 1902
Singer Ronald Leonard 1966
Singleton II Thomas 1961
Skibell Steven Alan 1984
Skrovan Stephen Thomas 1979
Slade Francis Henry 1954
Slade John Milton 1851
Sloane Henry Thompson 1866
Sloane John 1905
Sloane Thomas Chalmers 1868
Sloane William 1895
Slocum Edwin Lyon 1915
Smith Bradford Curie 1967
Smith Bruce Donald 1906
Smith Charles Edgar 1865
Smith Edward Curtis 1875
Smith Eugene 1859
Smith Frederick W. 1966
Smith Herbert Augustine 1889
Smith J. Gregory 1912
Smith John Donnell 1847
Smith Lloyd Hilton 1929
Smith Rufus Riggs 1876
Smith Traver 1919
Smith William Thayer 1860
Smith Winthrop Davenport 1896
Smith III Bruce Donald 1960
Smith, Jr. Howard Freeman 1942
Smyth Nathan Ayer 1897
Snell Raymond Franklin 1918
Solbert Peter O. 1941
Solley Fred Palmer 1888
Solley Robert Folger 1922
Somerville John W. 1957
Soper Willard Burr 1904
Soule Leslie 1911
Southgate Charles McClellan 1866
Southmayd Samuel Gray 1834
Southworth Edward Wells 1875
Southworth George Champlin 1863
Spalding Ebenezer 1838
Spalding George A. 1872
Spaulding Josiah Augustus 1945
Spear Wesley John 1974
Spears Robert Samuel 1952
Speed James Breckinridge 1956
Spencer Charles Langford 1878
Spencer Edward Curran 1880
Spencer George Gilman 1834
Spencer James M. 1867
Sperry Watson Robertson 1871
Spitz Robert W. 1962
Spitzer, Jr. Lyman 1935
Spofford Charles Merville 1924
Spring Andrew Jackson 1855
Sprole Frank Arnoit 1942
Stack, Jr. Joseph William 1940
Stackpole Edward James 1915
Stagg Amos Alonzo 1888
Stanberry, Jr. William Burks 1966
Stanley Harold 1908
Stanley William 1852
Stapler Henry Beidleman Bascom 1874
Staven Karl Eric 1981
Steadman John Montague 1952
Steadman Richard Cooke 1955
Stearns Edwin Russell 1870
Stebbins Hart Lyman 1933
Stebbins Henry Hamilton 1862
Steele Henry Thornton 1846
Sterling John William 1864
Stetson, Jr. Eugene William 1934
Stevens Albert B. 1940
Stevens Eric Eugene 1980
Stevens Frederic William 1858
Stevens Henry 1843
Stevens Marvin A. 1925
Stevens, Jr. Joseph B. 1938
Stevenson Charles 1979
Stevenson Charles P. 1941
Stevenson Donald D. 1925
Stevenson Frederic Augustus 1888
Stewart Charles Jacob 1918
Stewart Donald Ogden 1916
Stewart James C. 1961
Stewart James Ross 1931
Stewart John 1921
Stewart Percy Hamilton 1890
Stewart Peter Hellwege 1928
Stewart Philip Battel 1886
Stewart Potter 1937
Stewart Zeph 1943
Stewart, Jr. Walter Eugene 1894
Stiles Joseph 1846
Stiles William Augustus 1859
Stille Charles Janeway 1839
Stillman George Schley 1935
Stillman Leland Stanford 1894
Stillman Peter Gordon Bradley 1940
Stimson Henry Albert 1865
Stimson Henry Lewis 1888
Stokes Anson Phelps 1896
Stokes Harold Phelps 1909
Stokes Horace Sheldon 1889
Stokes, Jr. Anson Phelps 1927
Stone Charles Martin 1878
Stone Harold 1902
Stone Louis T. 1937
Stone William 1865
Storrs Cordial 1850
Stratton Daniel James 1981
Street Henry Abbott 1912
Strikler Samuel Alexander 1848
Strong Caleb 1835
Strong Charles Hall 1870
Strong George Arthur 1871
Strong Henry Barnard 1922
Strout, Jr. Edwin Augustus 1912
Struzzi Thomas Allen 1975
Stubbs Alfred 1835
Stucky William McDowell 1940
Sturges Hezekiah 1841
Sturges Thomas Benedict 1835
Sullivan Charles S. 1978
Sullivan Corlis Esmonde 1900
Sulzer James S. 1973
Sumner Graham 1897
Sumner William Graham 1863
Sumner William S. 1945
Sutherland Richard Orlin 1931
Sutphin Stuart Bruen 1903
Swan Joseph Rockwell 1902
Sweet Carroll Fuller 1899
Sweet Edwin Forrest 1871
Swenson, Jr. Edward Francis 1940
Swift John Morton 1836
Swift Walker Ely 1915
Swil Roy Anthony 1967
Swinburne Louis Judson 1879
Swoope Walter Moore 1931
Tabor John Kaye 1943
Taft Alphonso 1833
Taft Charles Phelps 1918
Taft Henry Waters 1880
Taft Horace Dutton 1883
Taft Hulbert 1900
Taft Peter Rawson 1867
Taft Robert Alphonso 1910
Taft Thomas Prindle 1971
Taft William Howard 1878
Talcott Thomas Grosvenor 1838
Tarbell Frank Bigelow 1873
Taylor Alan McLean 1902
Taylor Alfred Judd 1859
Taylor John Phelps 1862
Taylor Richard 1845
Teig Joseph Benjamin 1980
Tener Alexander Campbell 1912
Tener Kinley John 1916
Terry H.P. Baldwin 1935
Terry Wyllys 1885
Terry III Wyllys 1962
Thacher James Kingsley 1868
Thacher John Seymour 1877
Thacher Sherman Day 1883
Thacher Thomas 1904
Thacher Thomas 1871
Thacher Thomas Anthony 1835
Thacher Thomas Day 1904
Thacher William Larned 1887
Thomas Charles Henry 1873
Thomas John Allen Miner 1922
Thomas Walton D. 1941
Thompson Donald 1903
Thompson John R. 1938
Thompson Jonathan Penfield 1970
Thompson Norman Frederick 1881
Thompson Oliver David 1879
Thompson Rev. Joseph Parrish 1838
Thompson, Jr. Stepehn Eberly 1967
Thompson, Jr. William McIlwaine 1969
Thomson Clifton Samuel 1924
Thomson Samuel Clifton 1891
Thorne Brinkley Stimpson 1968
Thorne Charles Hedges McKinstry 1974
Thorne David Hoadley 1966
Thorne Peter Brinckerhoff 1940
Thorne Samuel Brinckeroff 1896
Thorson Peter Andreas 1959
Thorton Edmund Braxton 1954
Thorton James Carlton 1908
Throwbridge Mason 1902
Tiffany William Henry 1840
Tighe Ambrose 1879
Tighe Laurence Gotzian 1916
Tighe Richard Lodge 1923
Tighe, Jr. Laurence Goizian 1941
Tillinghast Charles 1875
Tilney Thomas Joseph 1870
Tilney II Robert Fingland 1905
Tingey Douglas Stuart 1981
Tinker Anson Phelps 1868
Tom III Chan Bruce 1977
Tomlinson Henry A.
Tompkins Ray 1884
Towers Jonathan David 1982
Townsend George Henry 1908
Townsend James Mulford 1874
Townsend William Kneeland 1871
Townsend, Jr. Frederic dePeyster 1922
Tracy Evarts 1890
Train Robert 1936
Traphagen Peter A. 1956
Trask Charles Hooper 1846
Treadway Ralph Bishop 1896
Trotter Silas Flournoy 1839
Trower C. Christopher 1970
Troy Alexander 1981
Trudeau, Jr. Edward Livingston 1896
Truesdale Calvin 1907
Tucker Luther B.D. 1931
Tucker, Jr. Carl 1947
Tufts Bowen Charlton 1935
Tumpane Timothy Michael 1980
Turner Elvin D. 1978
Turner Harold McLeod 1937
Turner Harold McLeod 1905
Turner Spencer 1906
Tuttle George Coolidge 1907
Tuttle George Montgomery 1877
Tweedy Henry Hallam 1891
Tweedy John Hubbard 1834
Tweedy Samuel 1868
Twichell Charles Pratt 1945W
Twining Alexander C.
Twombly Alexander Stevenson 1854
Twombly Edward Bancroft 1912
Twombly Henry Bancroft 1884
Tyler Charles Mellen 1855
Tyler Cheever 1959
Tyler George Palmer 1836
Tyler Moses C. 1857
Tytus Edward Jefferson 1868
Urquijo Conzalo 1984
Van deGraaff Adrian Sebastian 1881
Van Dine Vance 1949
Van Loan Eugene 1964
Van Name Addison 1858
Van Reypen, Jr. William Knickerbocker 1905
Van Sinderen Henry Brinsmade 1911
Van Slyck DeForest 1920
VanAntwerp, Jr. William Meadon 1958E
Vanderbilt Alfred Gwynne 1899
Vargish Thomas 1966
Varnum Joseph Bradley 1838
Vernon Frederick Richardson 1881
Vincent Francis T. 1931
Vogt Tom D. 1943
von Holt Herman Vademar 1916
Vorys John Martin 1918
Vorys Martin W. 1952
Vose Elliot Evans 1945W
Vose James Gardiner 1851
Wack Damon deBlois 1929
Waddell Geoffrey Hamilton 1961
Wade Levi Clifford 1866
Wadsworth, Jr. James Wolcott 1898
Wagner Victor Edmond 1983
Waite Morrison R. 1888
Waite Morrison Remick 1837
Walcott Frederic Collin 1891
Walcott William Stuart 1894
Wald Stephen George 1975
Walden Howard Talbott 1881
Walden Robert S. 1972
Walden Russell 1874
Wales Leonard Eugene 1845
Walker Charles Rumford 1916
Walker George Nesmith 1919
Walker Horace Flecher 1889
Walker Jeffrey Pond 1944
Walker John Mercer 1931
Walker John S. 1942
Walker Joseph Burbeen 1844
Walker Louis 1936
Walker Ray Carter 1955
Walker Samuel Johnson 1888
Walker Stoughton 1928
Walker III George Herbert 1953
Walker, Jr. George Hebert 1927
Walker, Jr. Samuel Sloan 1948
Walker Francis Amasa
Wallace Alexander Hamilton 1893
Wallace Henry Mitchell 1903
Walsh Hugh 1835
Walsh, Jr. John Joseph 1961
Ward John Abbott 1862
Wardwell Allan 1904
Wardwell Edward Rogers 1927
Waring Antonio Johnston 1903
Warren George U. 1945W
Warren Henry Waterman 1865
Warren John Davock 1927
Warren, Jr. William Candee 1914
Washburn William Barrett 1844
Washington George 1839
Washington William Henry 1834
Waters William Otis 1913
Watkins Charles Law 1908
Watson John Marsh 1839
Watson William Berkley 1940
Watson III Charles 1927
Wayland Francis
Weaver Howard Sayer 1948
Weber John William 1953
Wedsworth James Jeremiah 1854
Weed George Haines 1938
Weeks Robert Kelley 1862
Weinstein Adam 1984
Weir John Ferguson
Welch George Arnold 1901
Welch William Henry 1870
Welles, Jr. Charles Hopkins 1899
Wells Harold Sherman 1907
Wells Henry Dorrance 1851
Wells Herbert Wetmore 1889
Wells John Lewis 1882
Wells Nathan Dana 1857
Wells II George 1929
Wesson Charles Holland 1863
Westerfield Richard H. 1979
Wetherell John Walcott 1844
Wetmore George Peabody 1867
Weyerhaeuser Frederick Edward 1896
Wheeler Alfred Newton 1923
Wheeler Lawrence Raymond 1911
Wheeler Thomas Beardsley 1958
Wheeler William 1855
Wheelwright Joseph Stober 1897
White Andrew Dickerson 1853
White Charles Atwood 1854
White George 1848
White George Edward 1866
White Henry Charles 1881
White Henry Dyer 1851
White John Richards 1903
White Oliver Sherman 1864
White Percy Gardiner 1902
White Roger Sherman 1859
White Warren Benton 1941
White William Gardiner 1942
White Henry
Whitehead Mather Kimball 1936
Whitehouse Charles Sheldon 1947
Whitehouse Edwin Sheldon 1905
Whitehouse William Fitzhugh 1899
Whitman Jr. Francis Slingluff 1938
Whitmore, Jr. James Allen 1944
Whitney Edward Baldwin 1878
Whitney Edward Payson 1854
Whitney Emerson Cogswell 1851
Whitney Harry Payne 1894
Whitney James Lyman 1856
Whitney Joseph Ernest 1882
Whitney Payne 1898
Whitney William Collins 1863
Whitney William Dwight
Whiton James Morris 1853
Wickes Forsyth 1898
Wickes Thomas P. 1874
Wickwire Winthrop Ross 1949E
Wiggin Frederick H. 1904
Wilbur John Smith 1933
Wilbur Richard Emery 1938
Wilbur, Jr. John Smith 1964
Wilcox Giles Buckingham 1848
Wilcoz Asher Henry 1859
Wilder Amos Parker 1884
Wilhelmi Frederick William 1939
Wilhelmi Frederick William 1903
Wilkie, Jr. Valleau 1948
Willard Andrew Jackson 1853
Willard Charles Hastings 1926
Williams Burch 1939
Williams Darryl L. 1976
Williams Henry 1837
Williams James Willard 1908
Williams Norman Alton 1897
Williams Ralph Omsted 1861
Williams Samuel Goode 1932
Williams Thomas Scott 1838
Williams William Bruce 1957
Williams William Perkins 1839
Williams S. Wells
Willis Richard Stobbs 1841
Wilson A. 1844
Wilson Daniel Richard 1979
Wilson Hugh Robert 1906
Wilson John 1847
Wilson Zebuon Vance 1972
Winston Dudley 1886
Winston Frederick Seymour 1877
Winter Daniel R. 1920
Winter II Edwin Wheeler 1921
Wiseman II Stephen 1984
Witter, Jr. Dean 1944
Wittherbee Frank Spencer 1874
Wittherbee W.C. 1880
Wodelll R.A. 1910
Wolcott Elizer 1839
Wolfe II Stephen 1964
Wood George Ingersoll 1833
Wood John Seymour 1874
Wood William C. 1868
Woodford Oswald Langdon 1850
Woodlock Douglas Preston 1969
Woodruff Francis Eben 1864
Woodruff George Washington 1889
Woodruff Timothy Lester 1879
Woodsum, Jr. Harold Edward 1953
Woodward John Butler 1883
Woodward Richard William 1867
Woodward Stanley 1922
Woodward Stanley 1855
Woodward William Herrick 1858
Woolfolk William Grey 1841
Woolley John Eliot 1918
Woolley Knight 1917
Woolsey Heathcote Morison 1907
Woolsey Theodore Salisbury 1872
Woolsey Theodore White
Worcester Edwin Dean 1876
Worcester Franklin Eldred 1882
Worcester Wilfred James 1885
Word Charles Francis 1891
Wray James McAlpin 1836
Wright Alfred Parks 1901
Wright Henry Burt 1898
Wright Henry Park 1868
Wright II William Henry 1982
Yang James Ting-Yeh 1982
Yardley Henry Albert 1855
Yarnall Thomas C. 1841
Yent, Jr. James B. 1979
Yerkes Stephen 1837
Young Benham Daniel 1848
Zallinger Peter Franz 1965
Ziegler Stan Warren 1972
Zigerelli Lawrence John 1980
Zorthian Barry 1941
Zorthian Gregory Jannig 1975
Zucker Bernard Benjamin 1962

Dick Cheney dropped out of Yale. 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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