Sunday, March 11, 2007
  They're Still Looking The Other Way. Alberto Gonzalez and everyone involved with Operation Falcon would do a better job if they didn't turn a blind eye to boys being abused in detention centers and in the back rooms of Republican congressmen.
I promised each one of those victims that I would do everything in my power to ensure that justice would not fail them, the Rangers would not fail them," Burzynski said, his voice quivering. "I can only imagine what the students think about the Ranger who was unable to bring them justice.
Alberto Gonzalez says he rounds up predators and gets them off the streets. Indeed. It sounds more like a dress rehearsal for rounding up terror suspects. Even if that is just paranoia on my part, it is scary to think that there are tens of thousands of predators roaming the streets until the next round up. Giddy up! 
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