Sunday, March 11, 2007
  They're Blasting Fema In Arkansas. Well, duh. Don't they know that the elections are over a year away? I heard that the Bush team is looking over the photo opportunities and will get back to them before November, 2008.

Now about those 800 signing statements.... Bush's continuing war against the Constitution

There are a few issues here. One issue is that if Arlen Specter is telling the truth, a non elected official with WH ties is making law. If Arlen Specter is lying, one elected official with WH ties is making law. O'Neill said the DoJ inserted the language because they were having a problem replacing someone. Well, gee, do they change the law every time they don't get what they want?

I don't know much about Arlen Specter, but he has an iron pair to hide his duplicity. It's pretty obvious that he knew what was going when it came to the Patriot Act and our national security. Glenn Greenwald acknowledges Specter's role in keeping the actions of this administration in the news. However, in my opinion, Specter is simply a bitch, doing his job.

This administration puts out a lot of noise and the press eats all of it up. Then, while all this drama is taking place, they quietly get what they really want: Roberts, Alito, other judges, district attorneys, "Pax America,""The Avalon Project," PNAC ... the Holy Grail to complete the The Skull And Bones Scavenger Hunt.

Arlen Specter is trying to pass a bill putting the president about the law. You can't argue with fence posts. These guys are serious and will not go down easily. 
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