No one knows why some 70 percent of overseas military ballots weren’t recorded in 2006. No one keeps centralized records on military ballots or voter turnout. But anecdotal evidence collected from local voting districts, which number more than 7,000, points to ballots that arrived late, ballots not properly filled out and ballots mailed to the wrong location — most of which get discarded. Then there are the ballots of troops who, for whatever reason, never mailed them back at all.Unbelievable.
Contributing to the confusion are states and local election districts with competing and sometimes confounding rules governing overseas ballots. And the mail-in process can take up to 60 days from start to finish, even though many absentee ballots weren’t available until this month.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt