Saturday, October 25, 2008
  Datarock Rocks.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
  Local News. Hillary will be here in South Florida for the first day of early voting tomorrow. I got the news on my mobile phone. Too bad I have to work. Then she shoots up to Orlando for a rally with Obama.

There are more McCain ads now. They do raise questions about Obama's qualifications for the presidency. However, let's face it. Obama hit a home run in the debates with his performance. Although the race will tighten, I still predict an electoral landslide. The early voting results and the crowds that Obama pulls in say it all. I think people have made up their minds.

Colin Powell? He'll endorse McCain.
Update: Happily, I am wrong.  
  Spread The Wealth. I guess it all depends on who's saying it.

I asked my principal for an extra assignment a couple of years ago and he gave me an extra period and said something about "sharing the wealth." I was able to pay off all my credit cards with the extra money. The saying struck me and I started putting it into practice in my personal life. I thought that since he is a devout Christian, it had something to do with spirituality. Go figure. Spreading the wealth means something nefarious. 
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
  I Don't Like Obama's Tie. I guess I'll live blog the debate. Maybe it'll keep me awake. I slept through the other two. Good Lord. Can McCain be more boring.

Joe The Plumber got his 15 minutes of fame.

I thought McCain was winning until the question about Sarah Palin. Can you just imagine her as President?

She's talented alright.

McCain didn't gave a good closing. Obama was Obama. I thought both did well, but McCain lost steam from time to time. Erratic. Obama was cool, calm, collected. Presidential. 
  The Military Vote. McCain Can't Count On It.
However, the real story is that the military vote isn't being counted.
No one knows why some 70 percent of overseas military ballots weren’t recorded in 2006. No one keeps centralized records on military ballots or voter turnout. But anecdotal evidence collected from local voting districts, which number more than 7,000, points to ballots that arrived late, ballots not properly filled out and ballots mailed to the wrong location — most of which get discarded. Then there are the ballots of troops who, for whatever reason, never mailed them back at all.

Contributing to the confusion are states and local election districts with competing and sometimes confounding rules governing overseas ballots. And the mail-in process can take up to 60 days from start to finish, even though many absentee ballots weren’t available until this month.
  Where's The Beef? (McCain Ads In South Florida.) I watch the local networks because I don't subscribe to cable. I'm not seeing any McCain ads here. Occasionally, I'll catch one. However, Obama is running regular ads. I know my county is true blue, but what about Dade and Palm Beach county? Doesn't McCain care about his supporters and the undecided in those counties? I just don't get it. 
Sunday, October 12, 2008
  Florida Will Turn Blue. I spent the afternoon with some "southern whites" today. They don't care if Obama is white, black, purple .... just as long as he's not a Republican. It seems to me as if being a Republican is lower than a snake's belly in a mud rut. People I know have hated Bush for a long time. I didn't know if Obama could close the deal with them, but he has.

Why is Obama sending in the top guns and why isn't McCain campaigning aggressively? I think I know the answer now. The polls are for real. 
  McCain Is "The Incredible Shrinking Man."  

I'm speechless, listening to the talking heads this morning. I've been saying it's over, but a landslide? Enjoy the ride folks. We've earned it. 
Saturday, October 11, 2008
  Sarah Palin. Read what the world's smartest women have to say about Sarah Palin.

I'm not that smart, but here's my take. She was picked for VP because she was a woman, and that was a big strike against her. However, you can't help but notice how she has capitalized on her good fortune. You can't help but admire her confidence. It's quite remarkable. As for her looks, many politicians, including men, are helped by good looks. I may not agree with how she manages her family life, but then again, so what? I'll stick to bashing her politics. There's plenty of fodder there. If she wants to be folksy and hunt moose, I think that's just fine .... as long as she stays in Alaska where she belongs. 
Thursday, October 09, 2008
  McCain Is Out Of Time.

Here's another campaign song for McLoser. 
  McCain Is Out Of Touch.

This is my choice for McCain's new campaign song, now that the Foo Fighters pulled the plug on their song. Lip syncing allowed.

The last debate proves my point perfectly. Wouldn't you know it? The questioner did know about Fannie Mae. 
  Spying On Our Own.  
  Foo Fighters Say McNay.  
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
  My Fellow Prisoners.

  That One. Everybody's talking about that one. My take on it is that McCain has no self control (to say the least.) 
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
  "Kill Him," Says The Crowd. Like I said, it's the fall of the American Empire. Ironic that the neocons are responsible. Pax Americana indeed. I hope they all get what they deserve, especially the hate-mongering, racist fans of the neocon's new darling, Sarah Palin. 
  How Low Will Bush Go? 25% Will he "beat" Truman? 
  The Fall Of The American Empire. Striking parallels, don't you agree? 
Monday, October 06, 2008
  Black Monday. A quarter of the Earth's mammal's are in danger of extinction.
< /snark > 
Sunday, October 05, 2008
  The Obama Hustle. Join Us.  
  Have Americans Made Up Their Minds? They didn't flock to watch the debates and my anecdotal evidence is that virtually everyone is talking about the election. 
  DRE RIP! Millions of tax dollars used to perpetrate a faulty voting system. 
  Why Isn't McCain Campaigning Aggressively In Florida?
Senior McCain adviser Mike DuHaime last week seemed to tacitly acknowledge they have not worked as hard in Florida as they did for President Bush, who "won it with a very aggressive campaign."
The number of Obama ads clearly outnumber the McCain ads on the tv networks down here. It doesn't add up. 
  Voter's Rights. We have none. I'm reading Slashdot this morning. Check out how static electricity resulted in 1500 extra votes. Slashdot is a must read, especially at election time. Lately, I've been thinking about a future not ruled by the Bush dynasty. Think about it. Less than 300 votes decided the 2000 election and the nightmare began. I hope it's almost over. Could Duval County decided this election? 
Thursday, October 02, 2008
  Bashing Palin. As uninformed as she is, I don't dislike her enough to take joy in her missteps. Joe has his work cut out for him. Live blogging the debate .... did you catch the stare? This is good. Joe - the ultimate Bridge To Nowhere...good one. Joe is on a roll. His windfall profits tax sounds nice. Toxic mess on Main Street? I don't like the sound of that. Sarah doesn't like to lose. 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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