Sunday, September 07, 2008
  ABC Pre Empted Barack For Ike. Then they aired their regularly scheduled telemarketing program. What nonsense.

Yesterday was a nice day with the ex. No drama and my roof looks fixed. I won't know until it rains. So here I am, sitting around waiting to see if I go to work tomorrow.

Getting back to the important stuff. The key to this election is turnout. The Republicans believe that and have shown their hand with the Palin pick. They have energized the base and piqued the public interest. It turns out that the Republicans were totally unprepared to capatalize on the Sarah's turnout by registering the attendees of the the last rally. I hope Republicans are counting on sending out mailers to people like me - yes, I have received five of them - for a big Republican turnout.

Personally, I don't think that Sarah has appeal past her base. (If she had an affair, will a double standard ensue?) However, she has become an vibrant role model for pro life women. BIden was elequent on Meet The Press, but it was not and will not be enough.

Paging Hillary Clinton. 
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