Sunday, August 31, 2008
  Cindy McCain says that because Alaska is so close to Russia, Sarah Palin has an understanding of foreign policy. Why do I watch George Stephanopoulos?

Lindsey Graham mentioned Russia too. I liked how Graham said he wasn't fear mongering right after saying he was afraid of Barack Obama.

In any event, here's Cindy.
  18 Million Cracks In The Ceiling.
Thank you Michelle Obama for helping to immortalize Hillary's words. 
Monday, August 25, 2008
  Count All The Votes! Hillary and Obama are working out a deal to cut off the roll call? I don't like it. 
  Hillary Has A Way With Words!
I'm Hillary Clinton and I do not approve that message.
Hillary's response, although not rapid enough for my tastes, was well worth the wait. Time to turn on NBC. 
  Why Hasn't Clinton Responded To The McCain Ad? Inquiring minds want to know. 
Sunday, August 24, 2008
  Biden And The Oldtimers. One of my friends (62 y.o.,) who supported McCain, just switched to Obama. He had liked Biden and Hillary. It turns out that he isn't the only one. Biden appeals to the older voters. Ummmmmmm, we're progressives too. In any event, Jonathan Cohn said it best.
One other, perhaps less appreciated, virtue of the Biden choice is what it says about Obama philosophically. Biden can be counted upon to play the role of house dissenter and skeptic. But he does so as somebody whose fealty to the basic values of the Democratic Party is not in doubt. On a wide range of issues, from economics to the courts to national security, Biden has compiled a record that would please the majority of progressives. His rating from Americans for Democratic Action is a perfect 100, just like Obama's. He scores well among other liberal groups, too.

Conservatives will blast this record, just as surely as liberals will (or should) celebrate it. But one of the virtues of having Biden as the vice presidential nominee is that he won't take those kinds of attacks lightly. He'll fight back. He'll remind people, rightly, that being a liberal Democrat means raising the minimum wage, making sure everybody has affordable health care, providing strong public schools, and protecting human rights. Then, he'll ask why conservative Republicans don't want the same things. That's exactly the kind of political debate this country needs. By picking Biden as a running mate, Obama has signaled that he welcomes this argument--and intends, finally, to win it.
The way I see it, not everyone was, I repeat, was on the bandwagon. They were waiting for the VP pick. Not just the oldtimers either. Biden is a reassuring pick, and at the same time an aggressive pick. Obama passed his first major test. This was one masterful Veepmas. 
Saturday, August 23, 2008
  Biden? I heard on the morning news that family members were congregating at the Biden home. It's looking like Biden's the one.

Update: So much for the text message, but this has been a most excellent Veepmas. "Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP running nominee...."

I believe that the Obama has forged a winning populist ticket. "Our VP." You have to admit, getting a text from Barack is exciting. Both Barack and Joe are regular people. A stark contrast to the Republican ticket. Obama made a wise choice.

I heard Michelle talking about just this topic, when she was here in Miami. Barack really does listen to his wife. Oh, and did I mention the Catholic vote?
Friday, August 22, 2008
  A Little Night Music. To help us get through the night before Veepmas. 
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
  RIP Pandora? What am I going to do without my Pandora stations? 
  Fay's Here. A strong rain band is going through. We've gotten three inches of rain so far. The wind is pretty strong, I'd guess about 45 mph. Then, the wind will just stop. You can see the rain running off the roofs of the houses, it's coming down so hard. Lots of noises and the frogs are going wild. A lovely storm. They say it's going to end up right smack dab over Lake Okeechobee. What a sweetheart, raining down right where we need it. Then, look at how Fay turns to the east and then back to the west. This is one crazy lady. 
Monday, August 18, 2008
  Obama's VP Pick Is? I think he should pick Clinton. She would work tirelessly to ensure universal health care. No one else would generate that kind of excitement, except maybe Gore working to end our dependence on foreign oil. Let me also say that if Obama is the kind of person to put his money where his mouth is, he'll pick the best person. The American people spoke when they supported Hillary by the millions. Personally, she's not my pick, but she is clearly the "people's choice." He says he can work across the aisle. Can he work within his party? This pick is critical. 
  Fay Is On Her Way! I just brought in the potted plants. At least I don't have to put up the shutters. Not much is happening right now on the Dade/Broward county line, but I'll let you know if anything exciting happens. (pic credit: Hurakan) 
Saturday, August 16, 2008
  Watch Obama Crush McCain Here. The Christian vote is fascinating. I hate to multi task. However, I can't choose between the debate and the Olympics, so I guess I'll watch both. (5 p.m. pacific time)

HOME RUN OBAMA! Did you hear the announcer as the second intermission began? Time to catch the woman's marathon. McCain's answers were weaker than Obama, but he sure worked the audience. In case you missed it, mcpandering works. No wonder the polls are so close. McCain ended with a statement about African Americans not voting for him. It was bizarre. Just in time to catch the end of the marathon. 
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
  More Florida Latinos Are Democrats. "This is good news for John McCain," says Charlie Crist.
Regardless of how the voters got on the rolls, Johnson said the sheer number of Democrats is a concern this year -- as is the fact that more Hispanics are now registered Democrats. About 455,000 Hispanics are now in the Democratic Party, which only this year surpassed Republicans, who count 425,000 in their ranks.

Compared to the last presidential election, the numbers are even more dramatic for African-Americans. More than 207,000 have joined the Democratic Party since 2004, accounting for 44 percent of the new-voter growth.

Ever the optimist, Crist found something positive.

''The good news is people are registering to vote,'' Crist said, before acknowledging: ``Being a Republican, I wish more of them were Republican.''
  Appropriate Bushism.
"You took an oath to defend our flag and our freedom, and you kept that oath underseas and under fire."—Addressing war veterans
  The Faith Vote This is a must read article for people who are interested in how sub groups vote in presidential elections. Even the born again (non evangelicals) are supporting Obama. Interesting. Karl Rove seems to think Tim Kaine will be the pick. No wonder.
For the most part, the various faith communities of the U.S. currently support Sen. Obama for the presidency. Among the 19 faith segments that The Barna Group tracks, evangelicals were the only segment to throw its support to Sen. McCain. Among the larger faith niches to support Sen. Obama are non-evangelical born again Christians (43% to 31%); notional Christians (44% to 28%); people aligned with faiths other than Christianity (56% to 24%); atheists and agnostics (55% to 17%); Catholics (39% vs. 29%); and Protestants (43% to 34%). In fact, if the current preferences stand pat, this would mark the first time in more than two decades that the born again vote has swung toward the Democratic candidate.

However, while there has been little movement since the beginning of June among most voting segments (such as ethnic groups, age groups, or geographic slices), there has been substantial churn among religious segments. During the past two months, Sen. Obama’s lead has eroded substantially among non-evangelical born again Christians (a decline of nine points); active Christians (a 20-point drop); Protestants (down 13 points); and Catholics (down 11 points).

While some Christian voters seem to be questioning their early support for Obama, the McCain candidacy does not seem to be gaining momentum among evangelicals. Since June, the current level of support Sen. McCain has among evangelical voters has declined significantly (dropping from 78% to 61%).

  The Women's Vote. Obama is up in the Colorado PPP poll. They didn't include third party candidates. If the polls included third party candidates, there'd be less undecided voters.

This poll surveyed a 53:47 ratio of women to men. That seems a little high to me. However, women do vote in higher numbers than men and that number appears to be rising.
The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), Rutgers University, which reports that:

* Women vote in higher numbers than men, and have done so in every election since 1964. In 2000, 7.8 million more women voted than men. In 2004, 8.8 million more women voted.
* Women outvoted men in every racial and ethnic group. For Asian/Pacific Islanders (but not for other groups), 2004 was the first election where women voted at a higher rate than men.
* More women register to vote than men.
Obama polls well among women. This does not bode well for McCain, especially in those key battleground states like Colorado. 
Sunday, August 10, 2008
  GWB Just Said, "Fired Up!" rotflmao. (He was talking about the US Olympic team on NBC.) 
Friday, August 08, 2008
  It's Crazy 8's Day. God bless Elizabeth Edwards. 
Thursday, August 07, 2008
  Third Party Candidates.
Third party candidates will be on most state ballots. Bob Barr is not a good thing for John McCain. I'm almost feeling sorry for the guy. If you google "bob barr polls" you'll get one side saying third party candidates benefit McCain. The other side says that they benefit Obama. The polls I've studied appear to give the advantage to Obama in some very key states, notably, Georgia.
WASHINGTON — Bob Barr and Ralph Nader, the best-known third-party presidential candidates, are on their way to getting onto most state ballots.

Barr, a former Republican congressman who is the Libertarian Party nominee, is on 34 ballots and hopes to be on 48 by Election Day, party spokesman Andrew Davis said. Nader, the longtime consumer advocate running as an independent, has submitted petitions to be on 23 ballots. He said Wednesday he hopes to be on at least 45 state ballots before Nov. 4.
There haven't been any polls since the middle of July? I definitely have Georgia on my mind. 
  Florida Revisited.
In 2004, Sen. John Kerry lost Florida by 380,000 votes. That was with a 74 percent turnout in Florida. Some pundits say that this year there will be an 80 percent Florida turnout of the expected 10.5 million registered voters. With the minority candidacies of Ralph Nader and Robert Barr, close to four million votes will be required to win Florida. To reach that number, Obama will have to get Kerry's votes plus 700,000 more.

This can be done mostly in three areas:

• Increasing the 2004 South Florida Democratic plurality of 19 percent to 23 percent.

• Getting an additional 300,000 black Floridians to vote.

• Getting a 200,000 plurality Hispanic vote in Florida.
McLoser will have to win more than thirty percent of the Hispanic vote. Can he do it? 
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
  The Latest Florida Polls Are Dismal. Survey USA results are even more disappointing. If Obama is counting on the youth vote here, it ain't happening. They're Republicans. The Republicans have a huge gotv effort. They even sent registration forms to me for months. Obama can't ignore Florida, but not much is here for him if he can't garner more support from Hispanics and the elderly. I noticed that the polls didn't have third party candidate options, but I don't think it would make a difference. 
  He's So McLame.

McCain supporters are throwing their money away on these ads. I can't wait for the debates. 
  Obama Is Up In The Latest Associated Press-Ipsos Poll. This poll included the third party candidates. Only three percent undecided? Interesting. Everyone has an opinion.

47% Obama
41% McCain
2% Barr
0% McKinney
3% Nader
3% Other
3% Undecided 
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
  Keep Your Tires Inflated And Your Tank Filled. You can lose up to ten percent of your fuel efficiency if you drive with under-inflated tires. Fill up your tank in the morning (colder, denser gasoline) and keep it filled (less air to allow for evaporation.) A website calculates your savings for you here. There are some more great tips on saving gas here. And may the wind be always at your back. 
  What About Bob Barr And Ralph Nader? Third party candidates will be a factor in the race. One would think that they would be included in polls from now until the general election. 
Sunday, August 03, 2008
  The Race Is Too Close To Call. Not. The math has discounted the race is a tie. McCain just can't get it up enough times to make a tie statistically possible. I just noticed a glaring omission in the recent tightening races. The survey question doesn't include the third party candidates! Zogby recently gave Bob Barr 8% of the vote in Colorado. Methinks this warrants some state polls with the third party candidates included. I like seeing the blue Colorado on Zogby's map. You can click on a state and get the latest poll in a sidebar, along with some "snappy analysis." 
Friday, August 01, 2008
  McTroll. Why does the media keep feeding the troll? His new ad was on the evening news. 
  Barack Is The One. McStrange is getting weirder and weirder.
  It's August...Time For A Swiftboat. I woke up to the news about Obama playing the race card today. Is this the best that they've got? They're playing to their base with this and the Paris Hilton stuff. Well actually they aren't playing that well to their base when the Hiltons are McCain supporters.

I suspect that it is going to be non stop slime until the convention. I'd better get out my list of things to do to relieve stress. 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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