Monday, November 12, 2007
  What Would Do Jesus Do? Florida can no longer be called Bush country. 68% of Floridians believe that the country is on the wrong track. The study is fascinating. Personally, I like Charlie Crist, so maybe there's a trend of unity taking place here .... well except for church going "blood-curdlers." As a parent and a pagan, I am dumbfounded.
But the poll shows that voters are more evenly divided over the possibility of Bush using military action to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Forty-nine percent said they would oppose such an event; 43 percent said they would support the move. Support was highest among those who said they attend church ''very frequently'' or identified themselves as born-again Christians.

Conway noted that parents were more likely than nonparents to back military action against Iran, and ``as far as religion goes, those who attended church frequently were much more blood-curdlers.
Happy Veteran's Day. Bush isn't attending the traditional Veteran's Day ceremony at Arlington Cemetary. He's sending Cheney instead. The Fox announcer just reported the news. It was surreal. 
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