I Thought I Had Killed My Other Hamster.
I gave Ali a bath today. Afterwards, I googled hamster care and found out that you should never, ever bathe a hamster. I've been watching Ali all day like a hawk. She spent the day sleeping as hamsters like to do. I couldn't get her to wake up and play. Well, she just woke me up with her exercise wheel. It sounds like she's playing the maracas in slow motion. Usually when she takes all her food up into the exercise wheel, I take her out of the wheel. Then, I make her go through a maze while I empty out the food. Tonight, the noise she's making is music to my ears. Thank goodness! I can finally turn on the air conditioner.
If you click on the link, you'll find that a rodent for president is not such a bad idea. Hey guys, Ali would make a great secretary of state.