Friday, November 23, 2007
  Clinton Defends Electability. I've waited four years to see the electability issue debated without the opposite side being called a fringe element or worse. Hillary explains her position on electability perfectly.
Clinton, who recently fell behind Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in a poll in Iowa -- site of the nation's first nominating contest -- is standing by relatively centrist and right-leaning views, including her recent Senate vote in favor of designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization, despite heavy criticism from Obama and other leading candidates, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Aides said Clinton is reluctant to give up her positions for those popular with left-leaning voters for a number of reasons, including concern that Republicans would pounce on the issues during the general election race and fear of being stuck with insincere campaign promises if she makes it into office.

"If I do what you all want me to do, I'll look great for the next couple months," a Clinton insider quoted the candidate as saying recently when pressured to move to the left on an issue. "But what if I'm the nominee? I'll be ripped apart by the Republicans. And what if I'm the president? My hands will be tied."
Seems to me we've heard this song before. Who remembers the great hope of the democratic party, John Kerry? As an "anyone but Hillary" supporter, I don't think I'm part of a fringe element at all. I think I speak for many Democrats when I say that we are not pinos and Nadarites. We're just stating the obvious, "We won't get fooled again."

Hillary has maxed out her support. Consider this, her support comes from the centrist wing of the Democratic Party. heh. 
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