Tuesday, September 25, 2007
  WTF? The SEIU should be proud that they endorsed Howard Dean. As much as I support Obama, Edwards is their man this time around. I am disappointed that the executive board did not even take a vote, or take a membership vote earlier. If they really do not support Hillary, sitting on the fence only helps her.
Clinton's lack of majority support within the SEIU shows discomfort with the prospect of her nomination among some of the Democratic Party's rank and file. She holds the edge in labor endorsements, but there are some doubts about whether she would get the SEIU's backing, say officials involved in the talks.

Clinton was at a disadvantage in appealing to Change to Win when her plane was grounded in Little Rock, Ark., on Tuesday. She addressed the crowd by phone, but several seats were empty.

Her speech didn't have the same effect as Edwards' and Obama's in-person appeals. She drew applause when she said UAW workers are "holding the line on the American dream."

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