Obama, A Man Of Faith.
It's a powerful statement to go to a white and a black church. First, the separate but equal churches are a symbol of what is wrong in America. Obama, bridging the gap, is an example of what is right. The second point I'd like to make, is that it is refreshing for Democrats have some ownership of our nation's Christian heritage.
I am wary of Evangelicals. However, Obama is a person who has strong core values that just happen to be Christian values. He's like the Seventh Heaven father, except he's a politician. I loved that show.
Here is a man who fights for this woman's rights. He doesn't just say that he believes that I should have control over my own body, he has taken on the fight to protect my reproductive rights. Yet, he can be a "good Christian." I like that. I'm a pagan, and I like that a lot. We need a positive spiritual influence in Washington. Only a man who can differentiate between what he believes is right, and what is in the public interest, has the moral authority to play the faith card.