Saturday, September 29, 2007
  A Look At Last Year In Congress. It's an important issue. The claim that in spite of having a Democratic majority, not much is being accomplished is just plain hogwash. In any event, the legislature that Barack Obama has sponsored and to which Hillary did not attach her name are listed below.

I admire the folks that write diaries for the big blogs. It is time-consuming and tedious. I don't know much anything about this, but I thought it was an interesting look. Hillary put through a lot of children's issues, which are consistent with her latest initiative - five grand/child. She's a very good senator. She does have some explainging to do about her votes on Iraq and Iran.

Hillary sponsored her own bill on Zimbabwe which did not call for condemnation, but rather to support democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe, and for other purposes.
Title: A bill to support democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] (introduced 5/24/2007)
Latest Major Action: 7/24/2007 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.
Calendar No. 284.
Co-sponsors are ... they withdrew too?:
Sen Casey, Robert P., Jr. [PA] - 6/12/2007
Sen Dole, Elizabeth [NC] - 6/18/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 6/13/2007
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 5/24/2007
Sen Hagel, Chuck [NE] - 6/27/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 6/7/2007
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 6/13/2007
Sen Lugar, Richard G. [IN] - 5/24/2007
Sen Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 6/12/2007

Barack's Bills:

1. S.CON.RES.25: A concurrent resolution condemning the recent violent actions of the Government of Zimbabwe against peaceful opposition party activists and members of civil society: They also withdrew? their names:
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] - 3/29/2007
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] - 3/29/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 3/29/2007
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 3/29/2007
Sen Hagel, Chuck [NE] - 5/24/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 3/29/2007
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 4/11/2007
Latest Major Action: 6/26/2007 Held at the desk.

S.115: A bill to suspend royalty relief, to repeal certain provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal certain tax incentives for the oil and gas industry. cosponsors- none

S.433: A bill to state United States policy for Iraq, and for other purposes:
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 2/27/2007
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] - 2/1/2007
Sen Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 2/5/2007

S.1084: A bill to provide housing assistance for very low-income veterans.
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 4/10/2007
Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA] - 4/10/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 9/19/2007
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 4/24/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 4/16/2007
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] - 5/22/2007
Sen McCaskill, Claire [MO] - 4/16/2007
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 4/10/2007
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY] - 4/10/2007

S.737: A bill to amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 in order to measure, compare, and improve the quality of voter access to polls and voter services in the administration of Federal elections in the States.

S.117: A bill to amend titles 10 and 38, United States Code, to improve benefits and services for members of the Armed Forces, veterans of the Global War on Terrorism, and other veterans, to require reports on the effects of the Global War on Terrorism, and for other purposes.

S.767: A bill to increase fuel economy standards for automobiles and for other purposes.
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] - 3/6/2007
Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] - 3/6/2007
Sen Coleman, Norm [MN] - 3/6/2007
Sen Lugar, Richard G. [IN] - 3/6/2007
Sen Smith, Gordon H. [OR] - 3/6/2007
Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] - 3/6/2007

S.768: A bill to increase fuel economy standards for automobiles and for other purposes.
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] - 3/6/2007
Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] - 3/6/2007
Sen Coleman, Norm [MN] - 3/6/2007
Sen Lugar, Richard G. [IN] - 3/6/2007
Sen Smith, Gordon H. [OR] - 3/6/2007
Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] - 3/6/2007

S.795: A bill to assist aliens who have been lawfully admitted in becoming citizens of the United States, and for other purposes.
Co-sponsors withdrawn?
Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] - 3/7/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 4/11/2007
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 4/16/2007
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 3/7/2007
Sen Salazar, Ken [CO] - 3/7/2007

S.674: A bill to require accountability and enhanced congressional oversight for personnel performing private security functions under Federal contracts, and for other purposes.
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 6/7/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 9/19/2007
Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [RI] - 6/4/2007

S.692: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a Hospital Quality Report Card Initiative to report on health care quality in Veterans Affairs hospitals.
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 7/24/2007

S.976: A bill to secure the promise of personalized medicine for all Americans by expanding and accelerating genomics research and initiatives to improve the accuracy of disease diagnosis, increase the safety of drugs, and identify novel treatments.
Sen Burr, Richard [NC] - 3/23/2007

S.1084: A bill to provide housing assistance for very low-income veterans.
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 4/10/2007
Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA] - 4/10/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 9/19/2007
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 4/24/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 4/16/2007
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] - 5/22/2007
Sen McCaskill, Claire [MO] - 4/16/2007
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 4/10/2007
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY] - 4/10/2007

S.1151: A bill to provide incentives to the auto industry to accelerate efforts to develop more energy-efficient vehicles to lessen dependence on oil. cosponsors- none

S.1181: A bill to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on executive compensation.
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 4/30/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 4/25/2007
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 4/25/2007
Sen Johnson, Tim [SD] - 6/4/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 4/26/2007
Sen Levin, Carl [MI] - 5/3/2007

S.1222: A bill to stop mortgage transactions which operate to promote fraud, risk, abuse, and under-development, and for other purposes.
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 4/25/2007

S.1271: A bill to provide for a comprehensive national research effort on the physical and mental health and other readjustment needs of the members of the Armed Forces and veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom and their families.
Sen Baucus, Max [MT] - 5/10/2007
Sen Casey, Robert P., Jr. [PA] - 6/12/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 5/10/2007

S.1324: A bill to amend the Clean Air Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuel sold in the United States.
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 5/10/2007
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 5/7/2007

S.1389: A bill to authorize the National Science Foundation to establish a Climate Change Education Program.
Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] - 5/14/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 5/23/2007
Sen Snowe, Olympia J. [ME] - 5/14/2007

S.1430: A bill to authorize State and local governments to direct divestiture from, and prevent investment in, companies with investments of $20,000,000 or more in Iran's energy sector, and for other purposes.
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] - 5/24/2007
Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] - 5/17/2007
Sen Casey, Robert P., Jr. [PA] - 6/26/2007
Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] - 6/26/2007
Sen Collins, Susan M. [ME] - 7/17/2007
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 7/19/2007
Sen Klobuchar, Amy [MN] - 7/19/2007
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] - 6/25/2007
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 5/24/2007
Sen Lott, Trent [MS] - 9/18/2007
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 9/11/2007
Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. [MD] - 5/24/2007
Sen Murray, Patty [WA] - 7/17/2007
Sen Nelson, Bill [FL] - 6/6/2007
Sen Salazar, Ken [CO] - 9/10/2007
Sen Smith, Gordon H. [OR] - 7/19/2007
Sen Vitter, David [LA] - 9/19/2007
Sen Wyden, Ron [OR] - 6/5/2007

S.1513: A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to authorize grant programs to enhance the access of low-income African-American students to higher education.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 5/24/2007). Cosponsors- none

S.1574: A bill to establish Teaching Residency Programs for preparation and induction of teachers: Cosponsors- none

S.1790: A bill to make grants to carry out activities to prevent the incidence of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections among teens in racial or ethnic minority or immigrant communities, and for other purposes.
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] - 7/26/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 7/30/2007

S.1817: A bill to ensure proper administration of the discharge of members of the Armed Forces for personality disorder, and for other purposes.
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] - 7/26/2007
Sen Bond, Christopher S. [MO] - 7/19/2007
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] - 7/19/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 7/19/2007
Sen Johnson, Tim [SD] - 7/19/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 7/31/2007
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 7/19/2007
Sen McCaskill, Claire [MO] - 7/19/2007
Sen Murray, Patty [WA] - 7/19/2007
Sen Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 7/26/2007

S.1818: A bill to amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to phase out the use of mercury in the manufacture of chlorine and caustic soda, and for other purposes.
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 9/19/2007
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 9/11/2007

S.1824: A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to establish a Hospital Quality Report Card Initiative under the Medicare program to assess and report on health care quality in hospitals.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 7/19/2007). Cosponsors- none

S.1873: A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to establish demonstration programs on regionalized systems for emergency care, to support emergency medicine research, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 7/25/2007). Cosponsors- none

S.1885: A bill to provide certain employment protections for family members who are caring for members of the Armed Forces recovering from illnesses and injuries incurred on active duty.
Sen Baucus, Max [MT] - 7/26/2007
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] - 7/26/2007
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 7/31/2007
Sen Conrad, Kent [ND] - 9/17/2007
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 7/26/2007
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 7/26/2007
Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] - 7/26/2007
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 7/26/2007
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] - 7/31/2007
Sen McCaskill, Claire [MO] - 7/26/2007

S.1977: A bill to provide for sustained United States leadership in a cooperative global effort to prevent nuclear terrorism, reduce global nuclear arsenals, stop the spread of nuclear weapons and related material and technology, and support the responsible and peaceful use of nuclear technology.
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 9/11/2007
Sen Hagel, Chuck [NE] - 8/2/2007

46. S.1989 : A bill to provide a mechanism for the determination on the merits of the claims of claimants who met the class criteria in a civil action relating to racial discrimination by the Department of Agriculture but who were denied that determination.Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 8/3/2007). Cosponsors- none

S.2030 : A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require reporting relating to bundled contributions made by persons other than registered lobbyists.
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 1/11/2007

S.2066: A bill to establish nutrition and physical education standards for schools.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 9/18/2007). Cosponsors- none 
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