Saturday, September 22, 2007
  Bush's Brain. Bush believes that Hillary will replace him. He just might be on to something.
As Bush was describing his thinking about Iraq and the future, he indicated he wants to use his final 16 months to stabilize Iraq enough and redefine the U.S. mission there so that the next president, even a Democrat, would feel politically able to keep a smaller but long-term presence in the country. The broadcasters were not allowed to directly quote the president, but they were allowed to allude to his thinking and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News later cited the analogy of Dwight D. Eisenhower essentially adopting President Harry S. Truman's foreign policy despite the Republican general's 1952 campaign statements.

"He had kind of a striking analogy," Stephanopoulos said of Bush on air a few hours after the lunch. "He believes that whoever replaces him, like General Eisenhower when he replaced Harry Truman, may criticize the president's policy during the campaign, but will likely continue much of it in office."

It is, in fact, a striking analogy, and of course Bush has been positioning himself as a latter-day Truman for a while, particularly in the sense that Truman was reviled by the public toward the end of his presidency but later earned the respect of history for his leadership at the beginning of the Cold War. Not surprisingly, Bush critics consider that wishful thinking.
The quote: broadcasters were not allowed to directly quote the president, but they were allowed to allude to his thinking.

The whole thing is rather bizarre, and I'm feeling kind of sick. So, I sent Barack Obama $100 and pledged to match another donor. 
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