Sunday, September 23, 2007
  Hillary, How Will You "Rein In" Iran?
Obviously, we have a very difficult problem ahead in dealing with Iran, something that I think the Bush administration put on the back burner for too long, outsourced to the French, the British and the Germans, instead of, you know, going forward and seeing if there were any ways that we could rein in this regime and certainly prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

And that's going to be my focus as a senator and as president.
I will be interested to see how Hillary's plan differs from the plan outline by Bush (9/14). WTF does "not outsourcing the problem" mean? WTF does "rein in" mean? Sounds like more cowboy talk to me.
The sanctions are aimed at getting Iran to suspend its enrichment of uranium. The international efforts to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions have been complicated by America’s conflict with Iran in Iraq, which Russia and some European countries argue should take a back seat to the nuclear issue.
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