Sunday, September 23, 2007
  Hillary Clinton And The Vast Right Wing Consipiracy. In light of Hillary's statement on Fox today, I'm bumping this. I wonder who elso was in the audience?
Senator Hillary Clinton, Samuel R. Berger, Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke, and Council President Richard N. Haass.
I was reading this. The pic of Hillary speaking to the Council of Foreign Relations piqued my interest. I'm still a bit dizzy trying to make sense out of the connection between Hillary Clinton, The Blackstone Group, The Council of Foreign Relations, and Kissinger Associates, Inc., besides the fact that Blackstone and Kissinger occupy the same building.

I love a good conspiracy theory. What one can say with a reasonable amount of certainty is that Richard Haass does not want to get out of Iraq quickly. I wonder what Hillary thinks about that.
Leaving Iraq quickly—“precipitate withdrawal” in the jargon of the Iraq Study Group—would create a humanitarian disaster and a terrorist safe haven, and set the stage not just for a more intense civil war but for a regional conflict that could destabilise much of the oil-rich Middle East. It would also raise questions—every where about American reliability and staying power. Rebalancing in this fashion would actually make a bad situation even worse.
If the current situation in Iraq is not a humanitarian crisis, then I don't know what is. Here is a list of current notable members. I starting heaving after I read Dick Cheney's name. Politics sure does make strange bedfellows. 
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