Thursday, August 30, 2007
  Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmm. Disturbing on many levels.

The FBI can place a wiretap on almost any telecommunication device with the click of a mouse.
But the documents show that an internal 2003 audit uncovered numerous security vulnerabilities in DCSNet -- many of which mirror problems unearthed in the bureau's Carnivore application years earlier.

In particular, the DCS-3000 machines lacked adequate logging, had insufficient password management, were missing antivirus software, allowed unlimited numbers of incorrect passwords without locking the machine, and used shared logins rather than individual accounts.

The system also required that DCS-3000's user accounts have administrative privileges in Windows, which would allow a hacker who got into the machine to gain complete control.

Columbia's Bellovin says the flaws are appalling and show that the FBI fails to appreciate the risk from insiders.
In spite of the security flaws, the government is spending massive sums of money for this network. You can follow the money trail right to ATT and the other telecoms. They make ten times as much money per wiretap

I'm getting pissed. Isn't anyone else? Paul Newman sent me a letter today asking me to send money to elect Democratic senators. I'm going to contribute. But..I'm giving my money to the ACLU and the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) because of their proven track record.

Don't worry, Paul. I'll chip in my fifty bucks. But I think that we all are being duped. Because, this spy network isn't a partisan issue. 
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