Saturday, August 25, 2007
  Politics Is Boring Me. I'm sure that there is a perfectly good reason why Al Gore tells me just how much he wants to save the environment, while at the same time, he maintains that being the most powerful political leader on the planet just isn't the right place to do it. He must know that I would never use harmful chemicals to erase the stupid sign that's stamped on my forehead.

Hillary Clinton, up until this week, had done an outstanding job in keeping me from thinking about just how unelectable she really is. Did I really think that the prospect of First Man, Bill, in the White House was a non issue? I hadn't really thought about it until Hillary made some galactically stupid statement about the American people, the GOP, and terrorism. She was speaking at a house party in Connecticut, of all places.

And Barack Hussein Obama, after collected more money than any of his opponents, is floundering. What's up with that?

Cheney has a gun and some secret documents. I thought that this was comical. Meanwhile, in Washington, Wonderland, the ACLU appears to be getting more accomplished in the name of justice than Patrick Leahy. As head of the Senate Judiciary Committee and one of the most powerful men in the United States, you'd think that Pat could do more than issue threats and get a role in a Bat Man movie.

Wan J. Kim, head of civil rights in the justice department, just quit. Ho hum. Hell, Karl Rove quit, and it barely made a headline.

On a similar note, the Feds will have to pay Jeff and Nicole Rank $80000. They got arrested for wearing an anti Bush t-shirt. I could write a book - Close Encounters With The Fourth Branch Of The Government, Or How I Learned To Love Fascism. There's a list of close encounters with Cheney here somewhere.

This weekend, I'm busy working on my hurricane preparedness list. I spent the morning looking into back up power for my house. I'm going to buy a 1500 watt power converter. I have an old sears diehard battery which I can use as a trade-in to buy a high grade marine battery. When there's a hurricane warning, I can just charge the battery and hook it up with the converter. My ceramic stovetop got busted, so I'm replacing it with a small natural gas range. In the event of an emergency, I will need to power a small fridge, air conditioner, tv, laptop, and light. I hate generators. It is sooooo quiet when there is no power for miles and miles and that loud hummmmm just gets on my worse nerve. However, when I get enough money, I plan on buying a small propane generator. It's hell going through a major hurricane without adequate back up power. 
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