Tuesday, June 19, 2007
  Emails Kill Filed.
Let’s play a game this Tuesday. See if you can guess who/which organization offered this gem: “The rule of law, the very foundation for a free society, has been under assault, not only by criminals from the ground up, but also from the top down. An administration that lives by evasion, coverup, stonewalling, and duplicity has given us a totally discredited Department of Justice. The credibility of those who now manage the nation’s top law enforcement agency is tragically eroded. We are fortunate to have its dedicated career workforce, especially its criminal prosecutors, who have faced the unprecedented politicization of decisions regarding both personnel and investigations.”

Is the answer: 1) A Democratic loudmouth on the Senate Judiciary Committee? 2) A smarmy Democratic presidential candidate? 3) The relentless folks from 4) That guy on HBO who is less funny than he thinks he is? Nope. The correct answer is, surprise surprise, the 2000 Republican National Platform. That’s right. The platform upon which President George W. Bush first ran for and won the presidency contained precisely the sort of language that his most strident critics might be tempted to use today as the U.S. Attorney scandal swirls downward to a whole new level.
The Brad Blog puts the scandal in perspective.
Over 140,000 emails from and to Karl Rove have been preserved. However, only 130 of these preserved were Rove’s emails from the first Bush term. Not 130,000. Just 130.

No wonder presidential records are an issue here. The years that gave us...

• Chandra Levy,
• Enron,
• September 11, 2001,
• The anthrax mailings,
• The assassination of Assistant US Attorney Thomas C. Wales, in Seattle,
• The attack on pitiful Afghanistan,
• The “hunt” for Osama bin Laden,
• The lead-up to war on Iraq,
• The DC sniper attacks of fall 2002, and
• The “capture” of Saddam Hussein

...are only fragmentarily preserved for Americans, as far as official historical record goes.

Now why would that be?
I want to know when the emails disappeared. At the very least, I want to know exactly when the emails were discovered missing. I really want to know how there can be gaps in the emails that were saved. I want to know exactly when these email accounts were set up for the various staff members of the administration and what duties did these individuals perform for the RNC. Finally, I want to know who was in charge of archiving the documents. Geeze Louise, the public has been waiting patiently for these emails to be turned over for quite some time.

Impeachment? Every scandal points to a systematic attempt to subvert the constitution, but I don't see any reason at all to impeach the President and Vice President. What for? I used to want impeachment to ensure that this administration's record would be preserved in the history books. Impeachment isn't needed for the history books. The magnitude of this administration's failures will be duly recorded.

George Bush and Dick Cheney were both willing to sacrifice people's lives to achieve a dark purpose. They had the gall to cover their dirty deeds with the flag of patriotism. Their grand scheme failed. Bush will go down in infamy, his record written in blood. The worst president and vice president in this nation's history will be remembered. Their crimes will not be forgotten. Instead of impeachment, efforts would be better spent uncovering each attempt to politicize the justice system.

It is relatively easy to track down the emails that were subsequently forwarded to other members of the administration. We all know that when we respond to emails, sometimes we leave the whole memo attached to our responses. Many of these emails will be saved on the White House server. Go after the emails and the Republicans that destroyed the emails. Use the full extent of the law. Put the mf's in jail. 
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