Sunday, May 06, 2007
  "Does She Like Briefs Or Does She Prefer To Take Dicktation?"

From the Boston Globe:
ABC looked into women on Palfrey's phone list as well, including a legal secretary at the prestigious law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, who has been placed on leave, and a lieutenant commander in the Navy. The network seems to have exercised some compassion, with Ross saying the commander would probably face court-martial if identified.
The confidential secretary's lawyer is Athan Tsimpedes, of Akin Gump: Truly A 'Full-Service' Law Firm. Monica Goodling has also retained the services of Akin Gump. Miss Goodling (such a lovely name) is personally represented by the head of the firm, John Dowd, Esquire.

Miss Palfrey is being represented by Montgomery Blair Sibley. 
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