McNulty, Paul J - - - --- - - - - To: Chlara, Margaret M. (USAMIW) Cc: Elston, Mlchael (ODAG) Subject: RE: WDMI Margaret: I'm glad to hear your reputation in the Western Mlchigan legal community 1s strong. It was never our lntentlon to harm it, and you know well how we have worked with you to help you make as smooth a transltlon as poslble to your next opportunity. , That said our only choice is to continue to be truthful about thls entire matter. The word "performance" obviously has not set well with you and your colleagues. By that word, we only meant to convey that there were Issues about policy, priorities and managementlleadershlp that we felt were imponant to the Depanment's effectiveness
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt
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