Spokeswoman Dana Perino.
She is not very bright or else her trash talk sucks. Patrick Leahy told Ms. Perino that his teenage daughter could find the emails.
The spokeswoman replied, "I don't know if Senator Leahy is also an IT expert."
I hate to break it to her, but anyone with access to the servers can easily find emails. It's very likely that the RNC's computer system was built by the same hacks that designed the DRE's. It is full of bugs and holes that they probably are not even aware of.
POP clients can be configured to keep copies of email on the server, so if that configuration was used, the emails might still be there. You can also follow an email trail to track another email, the computer that wrote it, and the isp. You just need to find an email that responded to the original message. That person will have a copy of the email. An email that KR sent is all over the place. There's no way that he can find them all.
It appears as if Karl Rove will not be able to claim executive priviledge if any email is recovered. How secure were these servers? We will soon find out.