The Public Doesn't Trust Hillary.
Much is being said about Zogby's poll. I'm sure there was a problem with the methodology. But still, does anyone really believe that the general public trusts Hillary Clinton?
I happen to appreciate Zogby. He once answered me personally when I asked him what the military vote was in the 2004 elections (my county went for Kerry.) He told me he didn't believe if was possible to get that information. About a year later, he went to Iraq and conducted a survey to the troops that found that only one in five soldiers agreed with Bush's policy to "stay the course."
I can't help but notice the disparity between Clinton's voting record before and after the 2004 election. I just don't buy her "I didn't know" excuse and I don't trust her either. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
And while I'm at it, the press and public probably call her Hillary, not to be sexist or whatever, but because it's a natural way to distinguish between her and her husband.