While my own soldiers informing me of the inevitable extension of tours of duty disappoints and angers me, the fact that an already arduous yearlong tour is being extended absolutely infuriates me. Do leaders have absolutely no respect for soldiers and their families or is the Army this broken? I'm sure reality lies somewhere in between. As for myself, I am tired. I'm tired of this war. I'm tired of seeing my soldiers die. I'm tired of never being home. I'm tired of having no answer when my soldiers ask me if we're really defending our nation. I'm tired of not seeing my newborn son or my wife. I'm tired of not being home for Christmas. Because I am so tired of these things, I will tender my resignation when I return home ... whenever that is. I'm pretty sure I won't be the only oneWhat I have learned from talking to the Iraq War veterans is that they have not received the military training necessary to fight the war. We send these young kids, even the kids who simply enlisted in the National Guard, to war. We give them weapons and don't train them properly to use them. We're cheap with the protective gear. As one of the CNN readers said,
Casualty rates are always lowest when troops are fresh.So exactly who is helping who here, President Bush, when you say that the Democrats are helping the enemy?
If someone wants to hurt us, they will. We should focus our efforts on peacekeeping and preventive missions rather than justifying someone else's mantra of evil.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt