Environment Florida Field Director Holly Binns said including nuclear and clean-coal technology in the definition of renewable would enable power companies to focus solely on those sources, and wouldn't really spur the development of wind, solar and biomass energy. She also cautioned that nuclear power isn't truly carbon neutral because the mining of nuclear fuels such as uranium requires the burning of fossil fuels.This is a shameless example of Republican sneaky tricks. Mike Bennett, a state senator from Bradenton, is masking his true intent to promote nuclear power. First, he defined clean-coal technology and nuclear power as renewable energy. Then, he said he'd remove clean coal as the bill moves forward. Voila. Nuclear power stays.
"There are 24 states that have a renewable portfolio standard and not one of them includes those two things in the definition because of the fact that they're not renewable," Binns said.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt