Saturday, March 24, 2007
  Did Gonzalez Target More Than 8? What we know so far. Update. Yes, Alberto Gonzalez was lying. I wonder what he feels today, knowing that he is the sacrificial lamb.

3/18/07.Why is the WH stonewalling in the same manner as a former disgraced president? Is Gonzalez lying when he says he didn't know about the plan to oust US attorneys?

I wrote about the latest piece of the puzzle yesterday. When Warner resigned (suddenly?) on Jan.27, 2005, Sampson had lined up support so he could take over Warner's post. Someone (or more than one person) bypassed the Attorney General to choose another appointee, Brett Tolman. Obviously, someone else was in charge. Who in the Senate and White House knew besides the assistants of two Senators (Hatch and Specter and Specter says that he doesn't know anything about it) and the Attorney General's assistant? Not one rational person could possibly believe that these lackeys did this all on their own. And the result was that Orrin Hatch was able to appoint his guy to replace Warren. Was Hatch unhappy with Warner's performance? Did Hatch deny knowing about either of the plans?

These people do not respect our laws...neither do their families, the rest of the administration and Republican politicians. Where was the media except for a few of the smaller media outlets reporting the Arkansas story? Are the major news outlets reporting anything besides WH news briefs. We already know how much money is being spent on "informing" the public of WH policy. Are reporters living the good life while their publishers attend WH functions? Don't their editors want them to actually report something? Have reporters and editors been told or to lay off certain stories. Were they told to be loyal too? Were they told to publish WH briefs without question? Not to report anything controversial? Or is the press just unconscious? Perhaps, they are just as partisan as Fox is, just more disingenuous.

Those Bushies and Cheneys and the former president Bush are all sworn to uphold the law. It takes a lot of taxpayer to pay their salary and expenses. Aren't they outraged if their aides acted on their own, aides that took tax payer money to amend laws and policy based solely on partisan politics? Then these same people appointed more public officials paid by more taxpayer money. Some officials, such as the US Attorneys were hired because they were "Bushies." US Attorneys were fired because they were not "Bushies."

Someone in one of these families should have quietly stopped this dangerous president. Are we going to get a statement from Laura this time around? Worse than Hillary. Much worse. Makes you wonder about who is in charge. How much did former president Bush know about the current Republican administration, considering his son is in charge? Furthermore, wasn't Libby convicted in both administrations? Shame on them all. It makes you wonder about Patrick Fitzgerald. Even the jurors wondered why Fitzgerald only prosecuted Libby and not the other aides who made the decision to out Plame. It makes you wonder about every Bush appointment.

Replace the disgraced officials, and force them to provide a full disclosure of their actions. They can't use national security this time. As a matter of fact, it is an outrage that they used the excuse of national security to insert the illegal clause into the Senate bill in the first place. It is disgraceful that they fired attorneys for not prosecuting the opposite party. It is even more worrisome that the administration fired their own appointments for investigating and prosecuting members of their own party.

Not policing their own has led to one disaster after another. Congress is no place fit for children. Katrina. Now we know why. "Bushies" were appointed to be aides, directors ... how many "Bushies" are out there?

Bush and his administration have lost the public confidence. Anyone, sworn to uphold the law who is not denouncing these deeds, has a sworn duty to get off the sidelines and step up to the plate. Investigate Bush/Cheney. If they are guilty, impeach them. My third commenter was correct (thanks). Fire Gonzales. 
Let's please get rid of this Gonzales guy.
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