Friday, February 23, 2007
  Brothers And Sisters. If you talk about Republican sheep or some variation of sheep, be careful that you don't show your ignorance. Swiftboating is lying. If you don't see a lie in a hit piece it's part and parcel of the political scene. Deal with it. I'm talking about Hillary. She did vote to grant George W. Bush (of all people) the authority to wage war against Iraq in 2002. If she had wanted to be a leader rather than a follower she could have stood for something when this country needed her to provide some checks and balances in 2003. She tanked and contrary to what she said, she wasn't deceived. Does she actually think her job is to believe what George Bush says? She owes us a real explanation. The UN knew a week or so before Bush declared war that the Niger Paper was a forgery and there was no evidence of WMDs. Even little 'ol me suspected as much and I was reasonably certain that the paper was a fake on March 14, 2003. Certainly there was no reason to rush to war. So why did Hillary say on March 17, 2003:
When the President of the United States addresses the nation about possible military action, it is a solemn occasion for every American. Tonight, the President gave Saddam Hussein one last chance to avoid war, and the world hopes that Saddam Hussein will finally hear this ultimatum, understand the severity of those words, and act accordingly. While we wish there were more international support for the effort to disarm Saddam Hussein, at this critical juncture it is important for all of us to come together in support of our troops and pray that, if war does occur, this mission is accomplished swiftly and decisively with minimum loss of life and civilian casualties. I have had the honor of meeting and speaking with many of our brave men and women in uniform. They are the best trained, equipped, and motivated military in the entire world, we support them fully and we are grateful for their courageous service in these difficult times.
She gave us a half truth then and she's dishing out another half truth now. 
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