Monday, February 26, 2007
  "Al Gore took home an Oscar, but I'll settle for a Gold Mouse," said Leahy. It's all good. 
Sunday, February 25, 2007
  Oscar Winner! Run Al run. 
  Cellphones. A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste. Cell phones cause cancer, or least the research is starting to point in that direction.
Before separating out long-term users or looking at the different risks of developing tumours on the side where users held the phone, the scientists found no link between mobile use and gliomas.

However when they looked only at people who had used a mobile for 10 years or more, they found that they were 39 per cent more likely than average to get a glioma on the side of their head where they held their handset.

Prof Anssi Auvinen, an epidemiologist involved in the study, said: "It seems credible as it was after long-term exposure — which makes sense in terms of the length of time it takes for tumours to develop — and it is localised to the side of the head where the handset is held."
Saturday, February 24, 2007
  How Do You:
restore Habeas Corpus?
stop a war?
put on the brakes? 
  Cheney. One fry short of a happy meal. 
Friday, February 23, 2007
  See Dick And Scooter.
The link in the title might require you to log in. Just hold down the shift key and reload the page.

Dick can run.
And as Cheney traveled to Asia, on a trip aimed at shoring up support among allies considered crucial to U.S. interests around the world, his reception was, well, not all that warm. In the days before his arrival, Japan's defense minister, Fumio Kyuma, branded the Iraq war a “mistake.” Touching down in Tokyo on Tuesday afternoon, Cheney was greeted with the sight of a large truck cruising the blocks surrounding the U.S. Embassy blaring a message through a loudspeaker: “Yankee Go Home!”
Run Dick Run.
Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that China's recent anti-satellite weapons test and a rapid military buildup were "not consistent" with its stated aim of a peaceful rise as a global power.

Speaking in Sydney, Cheney also expressed wariness about North Korea's commitment to a landmark deal announced last week on ending the country's nuclear programs.

As anti-war demonstrators clashed with police outside the hotel where Cheney was speaking, the vice president also expressed gratitude to Australia for sending troops to the Iraq war, which he said must be won or terrorists would be emboldened worldwide.
  Googling Patrick Leahy Again. He is a very busy man. In any event, did you know that evidence obtained by torture is admissible under the Military Commissions Act?
Shayana Kadidal, managing attorney of the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR) Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative, told IPS that the MCA "also allows for evidence obtained through torture -- a violation of the Geneva Conventions -- and greatly widens the scope of who the president can label an 'enemy combatant'."
  600%. Cheney says the Dems are helping Al-Qaeda. Evidence? Inquiring minds want to know why a terror suspect (Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari) helps Republicans.
A resume listed in Alishtaar's name and posted on an MSN group Web site on Jan. 8, 2007, identifies him as being an ”industrialist and philanthropist” and references previous connections to the Republican Party.

The resume says that in 2003 Alishtari was named a National Republican Senatorial Committee ”Inner Circle Member for Life” and was appointed to the NRCC’s ”White House Business Advisory Committee.” The resume also says Alishtari was named the NRCC’s New York state businessman of the year in 2002 and 2003.

The 2007 resume identifies him as the founder of IDPixie LLC, which is described as an ”ID theft protection agency.”
And by the way, did you know that terrorism has gone up 600% in Iraq since the invasion. Now who's helping who? 
  Brothers And Sisters. If you talk about Republican sheep or some variation of sheep, be careful that you don't show your ignorance. Swiftboating is lying. If you don't see a lie in a hit piece it's part and parcel of the political scene. Deal with it. I'm talking about Hillary. She did vote to grant George W. Bush (of all people) the authority to wage war against Iraq in 2002. If she had wanted to be a leader rather than a follower she could have stood for something when this country needed her to provide some checks and balances in 2003. She tanked and contrary to what she said, she wasn't deceived. Does she actually think her job is to believe what George Bush says? She owes us a real explanation. The UN knew a week or so before Bush declared war that the Niger Paper was a forgery and there was no evidence of WMDs. Even little 'ol me suspected as much and I was reasonably certain that the paper was a fake on March 14, 2003. Certainly there was no reason to rush to war. So why did Hillary say on March 17, 2003:
When the President of the United States addresses the nation about possible military action, it is a solemn occasion for every American. Tonight, the President gave Saddam Hussein one last chance to avoid war, and the world hopes that Saddam Hussein will finally hear this ultimatum, understand the severity of those words, and act accordingly. While we wish there were more international support for the effort to disarm Saddam Hussein, at this critical juncture it is important for all of us to come together in support of our troops and pray that, if war does occur, this mission is accomplished swiftly and decisively with minimum loss of life and civilian casualties. I have had the honor of meeting and speaking with many of our brave men and women in uniform. They are the best trained, equipped, and motivated military in the entire world, we support them fully and we are grateful for their courageous service in these difficult times.
She gave us a half truth then and she's dishing out another half truth now. 
Thursday, February 22, 2007
  If You See A Wonder Of Nature........ Kill it. Sometimes I can't believe how stupid people think they smart because they are human. How civilized is it to kill the largest squid specimen ever encountered? Did they really have to kill it? Excuse me if I am wrong, but I can't imagine why we need to waste an animal in order to learn more about it. Oh, I get it. They want to know how it got so large. Maybe they'll find out it was just a very old squid who finally met his match. I don't think a giant squid carcass does anyone any good except make some publicity (money) for some very teeny weenies. 
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
  Finally Fitzmas?
"There is a cloud over the vice-president," Patrick Fitzgerald, special prosecutor, told the jury on Tuesday. "He sent Libby off to the meeting with Judy [Judith Miller, a New York Times reporter] where Plame was discussed. That cloud is something that we just can't pretend isn't there."
Monday, February 19, 2007
  How Patriotic Is The Patriot Act?
Another article I found when googling Patrick Leahy.
After the increasing revelations, especially in Europe, of CIA flights rendering terrorism suspects to be tortured in foreign prisons, 57 nations, on February 6, signed in Paris a treaty prohibiting governments from holding terrorism suspects or other prisoners in secret detention and also forbidding kidnapping and other ways of making persons disappear. Invited to also sign the treaty, the United States -- despite its being a government of laws, not men -- refused.
It would have been acutely embarrassing for the Bush administration to sign any assurances that we do not kidnap or otherwise "disappear" terrorism suspects. At this very moment, German prosecutors are pursing arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents charged with kidnapping a German citizen, Khaled el-Masri, and sending him to Afghanistan where he was sexually abused and beaten for five months.
And Italian prosecutors have arrest warrants out for 25 CIA operatives charged with snatching Osama Moustafa Nasr off a street in Milan and sending him, shackled, to Egypt where he was subject to electric-shock interrogation and also sexually abused. Already, the chief of Italy's military intelligence service, Nicolo Politari, has considered it necessary to resign for his alleged complicity with the CIA kidnappers.
(1.25.07) Patrick Leahy. The force is strong with this one. Why wouldn't Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez just answer the question, i.e. why did the US government detain Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen, and secretly send him to Syria where he was repeatedly tortured? 
Saturday, February 17, 2007
  Hello Hello Hola. Check it out.

I want an iPhone and I want my iTV. 
  Hillary vs Obama. Not.
Oscar and Nobel Peace prize nominee, Al Gore is organizing Live Earth, a global rock concert with locations spanning the entire earth. The line up so far lists:
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Foo Fighters
Snoop Dogg
Lenny Kravitz
Bon Jovi
Paolo Nutini
Sheryl Crow
Melissa Etheridge
John Mayer
Damien Rice
Corinne Bailey Rae
Duran Duran
Snow Patrol
John Legend
Black Eyed Peas
Enrique Iglesias
Fall Out Boy
Kelly Clarkson
Faith Hill w/ Tim McGraw
Bloc Party

Al Gore, the rock star, announcing his bid for the presidency in front of billions of people with his Oscar and Nobel Prize medal in hand. Hollywood stars, Democrats, and the net roots may be split between Obama and Hillary. Obama and Hillary may have star power, but Al Gore is a star of global proportions. 
The DCI Group. They trollboated Al Gore on uTube back in August. What's up with that? They troll in cyberspace. They troll in rl: Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas. In any event they have enough money to troll wherever they damn well please. 
  Voting Reform Is A Nonpartisan Issue.
The Senate confirmed last night by unanimous consent the nominations of Caroline Hunter and Rosemary Rodriguez to the Election Assistance Commission, approving the nominations without debate and without recorded roll call votes. The nomination of Hunter, a partisan operative with no experience in election administration, had been widely criticized by civil rights and voting rights advocacy groups.
I rest my case
Saturday, February 10, 2007
  Made In China.
Chicken (processed of course). The Chinese are good at the export business, but then again, it's not like they came knocking at our doors. Chicken patties, chicken nuggets, sandwich chicken, canned chicken, chicken soup ... do the packages and cans have to say where the ingredients come from? 
Saturday, February 03, 2007
  The Effects Of Global Warming. Global warming causes cancer (just kidding). The insurance companies are so worried they sponsored their own study over a year ago.

Meanwhile, warmer weather means stronger hurricanes. Remember the big one a couple of years ago? They're suing the government in NO
Friday, February 02, 2007
  Sell, Sell, Sell Everything You Stand For.
How much is that scientist in the window?

Exxon must die. 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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