Sunday, November 19, 2006
  Sunday Morning Talk Shows. are boring. I've been thinking about an article I read yesterday by John W. Dean.
Despite the "thumpin'" he acknowledges Republicans took on Election Day 2006, President Bush has resubmitted five of his most controversial lower federal court nominees (and a sixth who is not controversial) to the Senate for confirmation.

The timing was not under Bush's control: Under the Senate Rules, the President had to do this after the extended Congressional break for the 2006 midterm elections, or the nominations would have been considered withdrawn. But the decision itself was, of course, all Bush's -- and it's a grave mistake.
I believe that Bush will use the "nuclear option" that Dean mentions. They will just nominate a different player if all else fails. It certainly appears to be part of a plan, like The Wedge (I'm going to have to learn to link to the bottom of my page, but it's here somewhere in a post about intelligent Design.) ... a plan to take control - the courts, the media, science, elections, you-name-it. It is certainly going to be interesting to see how events in Congress unfold.

Maybe I should have more trust in the judicial system. Let's see what happens in Sarasota. In any event, I don't know about where you live, but it's a perfect 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 here in FL today, so rl beckons. I got the check for my VST work yesterday! 
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