Spring Cleaning.
I know it's not spring, but the beginning of the dry season feels like spring to me. I'm taking a break from politics. A young male spot breasted oriole is creating all kinds of drama in my back yard. The parrots are going crazy and my poor resident mockingbird can't get into his usual routine of minding everyone else's business. He's hiding in the bushes. Then the oriole nose-dives into the bushes to chase him out, but the mockingbird holds his own. Undaunted, the oriole goes crashing into the mango tree to mess with the parrots. This has been going on all morning long. Even the grackles are acting crazy. The little mourning doves, well actually they are quite fat, are the only ones that seem unchanged. They just hang out on the power lines and coo, hoping I'll throw out some dried bread or left over rice.
In case you haven't seen the strange storm on Saturn, check it out,
here. I told you it was strange. It reminds me of the eye of Horus. Well. Break time is over. It's time to get back to work.