Saturday, November 04, 2006
  Direct Access. Evidently Pastor Ted had direct access to GWB as well as to God. Read just how influential Pastor Ted can be arguing against tariffs of all things (as opposed to more spiritual things.) Every Monday at 3:00 p.m. Pastor Ted has a date.
"We have direct access," says Mr. Haggard, senior pastor of the giant New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo. "I can call [Mr. Goeglein], he'll take my concern to the president and get back to me in 24 hours."
Pastor Ted gushes when he talks about the preznit.
Well, on Monday I was in the World Prayer Center ... New Life's high-tech, twenty-four-hour-a-day prayer chapel ... and my cell phone rang. It was a presidential aide; 'the President,' says Pastor Ted, wanted him on hand for the signing of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. Pastor Ted was on a plane the next morning and in the President's office the following afternoon. It was incredible, wrote Pastor Ted.
Pastor Ted discusses global warming with Tony Blair. Pastor Ted wants to talk to Hugo Chavez. His church has 11,000 members. 11,000 members. What kind of church is that? Do they have stadium parking with valet service? Are there long lines to use the facilities? How do they keep the bathrooms clean? What programs do they offer the children and babies, a Christian theme park? They surely can afford it with all those 10% tithes. It boggles the mind. Bush and Blair and Chavez and Pastor Ted. 
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