Crist Vs Davis, Round 8.
The dueling candidates are in South Florida. Clinton/Davis is attracting crowds of 600-900 people around here. The pair looked fantastic together on the evening news last night. Clinton is the master when he rallies the faithful. I wish I would remember the exact words, but he started his Miami speech tentatively (on purpose.) He said (pause) we all know (pause) that something (pause) isn't (pause) quite right. He praised Davis' work in the House, saying Davis' support helped Clinton's administration pass the legislation that helped so many Americans. Following Clinton on stage is no easy feat. Davis went on the attack over special interest money fueling the Crist campaign. He was on fire.
Crist, on the other hand, is going to local neighborhoods. News reports feature close up shots of Crist outside of
preselected homes. Crist is on the defensive to counter Davis' claim that he represents special interests, not Floridians.
What I want to know is why did Charlie Crist follow Davis' lead to the Versaille restaurant to serve Cuban coffee to the locals? He is doing what has worked in the past, linking Davis to Castro. So why does he need to spend so much time courting his base?