Send Your Kids To "Jesus Camp."

Today the NYT (free subscription required) wrote an article titled
Evangelicals Fear the Loss of Their Teenagers". I've been a born again Christian. I know firsthand how spirit filled I felt when I was surrounded by my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Yet, when I spent time where there wasn't a strong Christian presence, I had a hard time keeping the faith. My boyfriend was much more interesting. Just like in the article, the church told me that I had to throw away my music, yoga books, and similar sinful items. I couldn't do it. Eventually I came to realize that any religion that threatens you with eternal damnation if you don't believe what they tell you is laughable. But that was a long time ago in a place far away.
Well, if any evangelicals are having problems with
their kids these days, they can send them to
"Jesus Camp". The camp's youth director is Becky Fischer. In an upcoming documentary she explained her program (programming?) to ABC.
I want to see young people who are as committed to the cause of Jesus Christ as the young people are to the cause of Islam, Fischer says early in the film, according to Brokaw. I want to see them radically laying down their lives for the gospel as they are over in Pakistan and Israel and Palestine and all of these different places.
Onward Christian Soldiers.