Thursday, October 19, 2006
  Cheney's Trippn'.
What a good ol vice preznit. Hey, I have nothing against his foul mouth, but he's such a control freak. Why can't he control himself? The all powerful one threw another conniption fit in Denver (NYT, subscription required) the other day. A man was taking his eight year old son to piano lessons, when he encountered the Number Two at a shopping mall. Mr. Howard took the opportunity to express his disapproval of the Iraq War. As he was leaving the mall, the local authorities arrested him on a misdemeanors harassment charge. Mr. Howard spent three hours in jail. I wonder what they did with his little boy. Secret Service man, Eric Zahren, told police that the father
wasn't acting like the other folks in the area, and that he became argumentative and combative when agents tried to question him.
A state judge later dropped the charge.
The original indication was that he had pushed the vice president. Later it looked to be that he had just spoken to him,
according to the county district attorney. The Secret Service declined to comment. Cheney's on crack. Doesn't he know that the majority of Americans disapprove of his administration's Iraq policy. It seems to me that our vice preznit would like to put us all in handcuffs. Too bad a little thing like the law is getting in his way.

Update: Congress passed a law allowing the government to jail an American suspect without the protection of Habeas Corpus. If Cheney keeps up his violent gun-toting arrogance and his paranoid behavior, the Mr. Howards of the USA had better watch out that they aren't labeled enemy combatants. 
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