Are You A Republican? I plagiarized some of this from a commentary that I read at TPM last year. This blurb bears repeating. It's about the Americans who still approve of the president's performance. Who are these people? Inquiring minds would like to know.
You might be a misguided Republican if you:
defend a war based on incompetence, lies, greed, and corruption
defend torturing enemies and spying on Americans
defend moral values by investigating President Clinton's private sexual life and by protecting this administration's closed door policy
believe that the Republican president has absolute power and can invoke Marshall Law whenever he deems it necessary
believe that the defenders of Habeas Corpus help terrorists
believe that Republican leaders should keep secrets about what they will do and how much it will cost
believe that the Republican administration can borrow money whenever they deem it necessary no matter how large the federal deficit is
believe that Terry Schiavo was murdered, abortion and stem cell research is infanticide, but in vitro fertilization is Christian
approve the appointment of incompetent cronies to important positions because they are loyal Bushies
support constitutional amendments that do not reflect the beliefs of the majority of Americans
support the outsourcing of American jobs
support a Republican platform that reforms public education by cutting funds
see nothing wrong with the rising price of gasoline while gas companies are enjoying record breaking profits
see nothing wrong with the rising cost of medical care and prescription drugs while health care and drug companies are growing in size and profits
call conservationalists tree huggers
hate labor unions for supporting American workers and love Walmart for offering cheap goods made in China
hide sexually deviant behaviors and habits while advocating family values
vote for officials who call dark skinned people macaca and niggers
slander public officials, past and present, if they are not Republicans
ignore warnings about global warming and the need to find alternative sources of energy
politicize science and engineering
advocate Republican reforms and initiatives while diverting the funds to other projects
use religion and patriotism as social and political weapons
use national security as an excuse
don't care if government contracts worth billions of dollars are awarded without a transparent bidding procedure
don't care if fellow Republicans steal campaign funds and "swift boat" their opponents because it's only politics
don't care if the vice president will be cashing in a bonus from a war profiteer in a couple of years
don't care if corporations pocket the pension plans of their employees
don't care if the government outs an undercover CIA agent for political reasons
don't care if minorities can't vote or voting machines don't work
don't care if the administration uses the Department of Justice to target political adversaries
don't care if the administration' handling of terrorist prisoners is arbitrary, capricious, political, savage, and unjust
believe the ends justify the means for this administration even if they have to lie, disregard the Geneva Convention, break the law, suspend Habeas Corpus, destroy the environment, kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, and spit in the face of public and world opinion
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt