Thursday, July 31, 2008
  Pew's Chart Rocks. The key indicators are saying the same thing that Gallup's indicators saying. The Catholic and non Catholic movement is startling. 
  California Polling.
Barack is at 50%, in California, although his numbers are down from the last poll by this firm. McCain's numbers dropped too. Arnold's job approval rating dropped nine points. How will this poll get spun as good news for McCain? I can't hardly wait to google the news. 
  New Florida Poll. Obama's up in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. This is good news.

You can check out Gallup poll movement within key indicators here. It's fascinating. There's no movement with respect to church goers. They've made up their minds? Who is that two percent of black voters who switch to McCain? Is the key to winning the election to win over those white folks with a high school education or less? 
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
  Register To Vote Online.  
  A Poll Of Polls. Seriously. Obama passed the fifty yard line. Time to do the wave? 
  Judgement vs Experience. Why doesn't the media just go cover a town hall meeting or something. 
  Edwards Or Kaine. The suspense is killing me. It could be Edwards, no? 
  Barack's The Biggest Celebrity In The World.
The election is all about Obama. Even the Republicans are admitting that Obama is a great person. The question of whether or not he is ready to lead is a valid question. I just don't think that this ad will do to much to promote McCain as the alternative to an Obama presidency. I'm thinking of Camelot after seeing this ad. In any event, does anyone remember Obama's number one campaign promise that he listed on the David Letterman show? Oprah for VP! 
  Federal Court Rules For The Everglades.
The judge, ruling in a lawsuit filed by the Miccosukee Tribe and Friends of the Everglades, blocked the state from issuing water-discharge permits that don't comply with that standard.

The lawsuit arose from a 2003 session of the state Legislature, where sugar company lobbyists urged lawmakers to postpone a 2006 deadline for reducing phosphorus in water discharged into the Everglades to 10 parts per billion, a level that would protect the Everglades from being overrun with cattails.

The lobbyists prevailed, and furious environmentalists sued in state court but lost.
The state is reviewing the judge's ruling. 
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
  Pick-A-Poll. Why would two different polls, conducted by the same polling firm, completed on the same day, give opposite results?
The USA TODAY/Gallup Poll is separate from Gallup's daily "tracking" poll on the presidential race, which this afternoon shows Obama ahead by 8 points among registered voters -- 48%-40%.

Frank says that while the tracking poll indicates Obama may have gotten some gains from his overseas trip last week, any benefits may be short-lived. That tracking poll of 2,674 registered voters was also done Friday-Sunday and the margins of error on the results are +/- 2 percentage points.

As for the difference between the tracking and USA TODAY/Gallup polls, Frank says not to read too much into it. "Statistical noise" may be largely to blame.
Check out the trendline in Arizona. Reality bites, but you won't hear about Arizona on the news. Pollster's charts have Obama beating McCain, with and without third party candidates. McCain is trending down in the yellow states. Statistical noise indeed. More state polls would be nice. 
  FYI: Shark Week On The CBS Morning Show. Everyone loves shark week. Did you know that sharks exhibit uterine cannibalism? 
  Chris Dodd For VP. The fact that he likes to speak Spanish is huge. Dodd can handle himself in a debate. He has a following in the netroots. He enhances Obama's strengths and is a safe choice. The unsafe choice is obvious. With Hillary you get two for one. I'd be happy with either Dodd or Clinton. Truthfully, I hope Obama takes his own advice and chooses someone with whom he is comfortable. Tim Kaine? Barack, Tim and their wives all went to the same law school. Kaine speaks Spanish. My vp prediction is Kaine. 
Sunday, July 27, 2008
  3 Pt. Play. all ... net ... swish. 
  Meta McMucil. Because using nicknames doesn't promote one's cause.

McAin't...yes he can yes, he can, can, no he cain't.
McBomb...McOne, two, three what are we fighting for?
McCan't...McCaint, it's all the McSame.
McCrustypants...that's a popular pun I couldn't leave out.
McDumb....dumb and dumber.
McInsane...who are his supporters?
McNasty...they called him McNasty.
McSame...apply the insanity definition, rinse, repeat. 
Saturday, July 26, 2008
  For Victoria Coast.
  McCain's Age. Ageism. I hate it, and if you don't (hate ageism), wait until you get old. 
  No Bounce For Obama?

Dear Fox News:
If you don't mind, I'm waiting for the next set of polls to come out. Obama had a good week. He put out a huge fire by being a near perfect statesman, albeit that Banking Committee statement was pretty strange. After perusing the polling articles that I have included for your reading enjoyment, this blogger has concluded that Barack is doing just fine. He'll get a mini bounce out of the next set of polls, from the Berlin speech. He'll get a bounce out of the convention and his vp pick.

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
Martin Sieff
Steven Tomma
The Nation 
Thursday, July 24, 2008
  Obama Is More Popular Than Hillary Among Latinos.
"He now appears to be even more popular than Hillary Clinton among Latinos," Lopez said.
However, the talk is about the crowds in Berlin with no bump in the polls. Why do I listen to Fox News? The announcer said that this could be the light at the end of the tunnel for McCain. Fox news has Obama's numbers going down. People see Obama's trip as a publicity stunt rather than a fact finding mission. 
  Obama Live In Berlin. My 'puter doesn't have the ram to live blog. I know. I need to get a life. 
  Michelle Obama In Miami, Getting Personal. The local Fox affiliate has been running an interview with Michelle all morning. She's talking about how her children keep her and Barack grounded. It seems like she has lived a lifestyle very similar to mine and understands the challenges of so many Americans who struggle with daily challenges. Michelle says that it would be extraordinary for a president to have shared experiences with the American people, to "be grounded." I think so too.

It's a great interview. The campaign rakes in a bundle at a fundraiser at the Parrot Jungle. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama is off to Ft. Myers and John McCain looks angry. 
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
  Bush Lost Another Approval Point This Week. Rasmussen reports it here. Maybe he'll lose another point after his "Wall Street got drunk" quote. 
  The Repubublican Youth Vote Dropped In Iowa. Yeppers. Florida was the only state where Obama did not get the largest share of the youth vote
  The Youth Vote.

Answer: 500%
Question: By what percent has the youth vote risen on Florida's Treasure Coast?

The numbers say it all. 6,659 in 2000; 41,479 in 2008. Martin and Indian River counties rock. They voted Republican? I'll have to check that out. 
  More Dueling Polls. Rasmussen has Obama up one point. Numbers are up five compared to Kerry statewide and at the national level. ARG shows Florida trending towards McCain. Fascinating stuff.
32% of likely voters say they would never vote for John McCain in the general election and 39% of likely voters say they would never vote for Barack Obama in the general election.
  I'm back. Thanks to some very expensive therapy and Mother's Day present.

There's been a lot of talk about the recent Ohio presidential polling results. Check out the polling results from Florida at Dueling results, just like in Ohio. War Room Logistics has Obama up. They had McCain up in May. Trend? I don't believe in miracles. However, I don't understand why McCain isn't trouncing Obama here, in Florida. That McCain isn't doing better is the real story.

I love's interactive USA map. Wouldn't it be great to see it turn bluer and bluer? 
Dare to be free.
If a political machine does not allow the people free expression, then freedom-loving people lose their faith in the machinery under which their government functions (re: The Battle of Athens.) ~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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It's my blog and I'll do what I want. July 2008
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