Okkervil River Says It Best.
The President Is Dead. Great song, btw. They say he was the only president who was never elected, but that isn't true. May God bless Gerald Ford and may the gods bless God.
Update: Posthumously (I guess I spelled it right because it doesn't come up on the spellcheck) the late President Ford commented on every recent president except the current one. True that. He isn't legit.
Insider Stuff.
Angel Diaz had convulsions and made grimaces for eleven (11) minutes. The injection missed the vein. He felt burning from the inside out (he had burns everywhere) until they gave him the second injection. Simply put, he was fighting for his life.
I heard from an informed source that Charlie Crist is coming out of the closet. I also heard that teachers voted for him. I wonder if the administrators did, seeing that their schools are graded using an instrument that isn't reliable or valid.
I won't be blogging that much. I have a work related project that will take months. And I'm depressed.
Nature's Two Day Show, The Geminids.
I'm putting off checking out the news about the execution. Read the article about how to view the meteor display in the suburbs.
The Execution of Angel Nieves Diaz
My daughter is the second chair, defending Angel Diaz. Ironically she was born on May 26th., 1979. That was the day the first man, John Spinkalink, was executed in Florida when the country once again allowed executions.
Angel Diaz is
not a nice person and has even committed second degree murder in the past. However, in this case, his conviction is based largely on jail house testimony. Jailhouse testimony is notoriously
unreliable. There's a good chance that the trigger man will be watching the proceedings from his cell. He received a life sentence
The other issue in this case is whether or not lethal injection is
cruel and unusual punishment.
The combination of drugs used by the state to execute inmates amounts to cruel and unusual punishment because there is evidence the drugs crystallize when mixed, effectively neutralizing the pain killer component, said Greg Meyers, an Ohio public defender in his arguments before the court in the case of Cooey v. Taft.
Angel Diaz's appeal goes before the Supreme Court. I haven't found out if they have ruled because my daughter doesn't even have time to answer the phone. If they uphold the findings of the lower courts, he will be executed today at 6 p. m. Mr. Diaz is prepared to die, but says he is scared. If you believe that capital punishment has no place in a civilized society, could you please send an e-mail to jeb.bush@myflorida.com asking him to issue a stay?
I broke my own rule and cross posted this at MyDD....now I have "Lonesome Valley" on repeat. Why do Americans believe in so much violence? Why do they give up their freedom when a president with only a 30% (much or minus) approve of him. Wake up. Bad people who are insoceehtn shouldn't be put to death based on Jail house testimony. The government shouldn't use lethal injection if it's painful and thye condemend can't even cry because they are paralzed. My spelling and grammar are excusable. Many people are hurting today today,
What Will They Think Of Next?
A chewable contraceptive of course.
On a similar note, I wonder why there was virtually no coverage of the HPV virus until a vaccine was invented. I still haven't heard any press about how this little virus can travel through a condom. We'll probably hear about that when a condom that provides protection against the virus is invented. For now, we have a chewable contraceptive and the sprayoncondom I already wrote about.